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pokemon splices


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Well I have to say I am not happy about this. If you were seeking respect or admiration antonyreimer, you did the absolutely wrong thing. No one likes a thief, no one will trust a thief, and no one respects thief. It would also look like you stole more than just that from me. You have sand slash splice on there somewhere. I can see that it uses parts similar to my Togekiss+Sandlash splice. I also see some remnants of my Torterra+Marowhak splice too. In the top right there is another thing stolen from the Trogdor splice. Yanmega+Aerodactyle, Cloyster+Cacturn, Rayquaza+Mewtwo, Uxie+Bellossom, and possible more I can also partially recognise of being my work. So you stole more than just one piece, but multiple things. I would see you banned if I had any power on this site, but I do not so I will let the admins decide what to do.

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