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[align=center][spoiler=my card is dark synchro]2lk6xcj.jpg

[spoiler=lore]type: [Demon-Fiend / Dark Synchro / Effect]

"Death Reaper" + 1 non tuner monster

When this card is Summoned on the Field, you must remove from play 1 FIRE-type Monster to keep it in play. For every DARK-type Monster destroyed by a different attributed monster or sacrificed, you lose lose 300 Life Points. However, if the destroyed was controlled by your opponent, he/she loses 300 Life Points. This card's ATK and DEF is equal to how many Life points you have subtracted by 550. If the ATK and DEF is less than 1200, you gain 500 Life Points. If its more than 1500, you lose 500 Life Points.



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[spoiler=Lore]1 DARK Tuner Monster + 1 DARK non Tuner monster

In each turn you must send 1 monster on your side of the field (except this card) to the Graveyard to Special Summon a "Demon Creation" Token (DARK /3 Star /Fiend /500 ATK /500 DEF). For each "Demon Creation" on your side of the field, this card gains 200 ATK points.


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here is my card:


"Death Mirage" + 1 or more non-Tuner

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can select 1 card on the field and destroy it. Once per turn, if this card destroys a monster by battle, Special Summon 1 "Knight Token" (Fiend-Type/Dark/Level 4/ATK 1600/DEF 0) in Attack Position. The "Knight Token" cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon.

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