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Yu-gi-oh card riddles! Reps as prizes!!


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[spoiler=Anonymous' Original Version ([b]CLOSED)[/b]]


[spoiler=Anonymous' Original Version ([b]CLOSED)[/b]]http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-147504.html

This is not my idea this is his ^^^


[spoiler=How to play]I give a description or riddle of a Yu-gi-oh card, and you must figure out which card it is. And please, one win per day. If you won once don't answer again. Obviously I can only give 3 reps a day so...yea.



[spoiler=Top Riddlers]#1. jk233_ultimatemaster / TM Dude / cliff 'em all / Anonymous / The Bobster (2 riddles solved)



Try to solve the oldest ones first.


[spoiler=Riddles 1-20][spoiler=Riddle #1, solved by [b]Blazing_Hiiro[/b]]I take life, but I also give life. If my master is smart he will hide me in the shadows until the time is right. I am useless if my Opponent has a certain card, that destroys cards like me. Whether it is of my own will or the Opponent's will that I come out of the shadows, I am still deadly.

[spoiler=Answer]Cyber Jar




[spoiler=Riddle #2, solved by [b]Yugiohrulez![/b]]I am part of a very popular set of cards. My opponent attempts to defend against me with no avail. My high attack make it hard for me to be destroyed. I am stronger than my master's most used card in his deck.

[spoiler=Answer]Elemental Hero Bladedge




[spoiler=Riddle #3, solved by [b]Anonymous[/b]]I am a demon version of a very popular card. If your on my turf and I kill you, you become my servant. I have many allies, all of them with special abilities. One of the only people who can stop me, is my regular form.

[spoiler=Answer]Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon




[spoiler=Riddle #4, solved by [b]davidroof1[/b]]I am one of the most common cards in the game. My effect is simple, but could change the tide of the battle. There are many other cards that do similar effects, some even better than me. But there will only be one original. Me.

[spoiler=Answer]Pot of Greed




[spoiler=Riddle #5, solved by [b]jk233_ultimatemaster[/b]]I am a part of a semi-new set of cards. I was one of the first, if not the first of this set. I am used for an "older" version of myself, although compared to other types of him he is not very strong. I can be used for other things, not just my "older" self. If you need a quick defense, I am your guy.


HINT #1:"Older" doesn't mean less new, it literally means older.

HINT #2:I am from 5D's.

[spoiler=Answer]Junk Synchron



[spoiler=Riddle #6, solved by [b]Lazaruz[/b]]When 2 letters of the alphabet come together, they form something. Add 1 more, they form a different thing. Add 2 more, and you have me.

[spoiler=Answer]VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Cannon




[spoiler=Riddle #7, solved by [b]Bunny3800[/b]]I look like an everyday device. You probably use me every day. Without me, you could not talk to far off friends. If you don't have me, you have a tough time living.


HINT:This is not talking about duels, it's talking about real life.

[spoiler=Answer]Morphtronic Celphon




[spoiler=Riddle #8, solved by [b]jk233_ultimatemaster[/b]]I destroy everything, and leave behind nothing. I don't charge much for some, but for others it's a willing sacrifice. I am simple, yet extraordinary.


HINT:I am a spell.

[spoiler=Answer]Final Destiny




[spoiler=Riddle #9, solved by [b]TM Dude[/b]]I am a magician. I come with my own Starter Deck. My entire deck is based around Spell Counters. There is a Field Spell named after me.

[spoiler=Answer]Endymion, the Master Magician




[spoiler=Riddle #10, solved by [b]Fighter[/b]]I am one character's strongest card with another character's strongest card.[spoiler=Answer]Rainbow Neos




[spoiler=Riddle #11, solved by [b]cliff 'em all[/b]]I can only be used if my user is about to lose the duel. If my user had a powerful card on his field, he automaticaly wins. If not, he LOSES

[spoiler=Answer]Last Turn




[spoiler=Riddle #12, solved by [b]cliff 'em all[/b]]I cannot be used in your Deck. Nor can I be used in your Extra Deck. Sometimes I am extremely weak. But sometimes I am extremely strong.

[spoiler=Answer]A Token




[spoiler=Riddle #13, solved by [b]TM Dude[/b]]Some call me powerful, some call me just another monster. I have a jet plane, a dueling arena, and a Yugioh character completely based on me.

[spoiler=Answer]Blue Eyes White Dragon



[spoiler=Riddle #14, solved by [b]DesCrow[/b]]I can destroy mausoleums, but also bring machines. It can destroy ghosts, but also draw cards. When your opponent plays something continuous, you probably use me.


[spoiler=Hint #1]I am a spell


[spoiler=Hint #2]"Bring machines" and "destroy ghosts" involve destroying cards on your Opponent's field.



[spoiler=Answer]Mystical Space Typhoon




[spoiler=Riddle #15, solved by [b]The Bobster[/b]]I cannot be killed, even though I'm tasty. I cannot be eaten, even though I'm tasty. And I cannot be burnt, even though I'm tasty.






[spoiler=Riddle #16, solved by [b]The Bobster[/b]]I bring out the most powerful monsters in the game, with a simple cost. Even though I am very effective for you, I can also be used by your Opponent. But in times of need, I leave you standing alone.

[spoiler=The Answer]Mausoleum of the Emporer



[spoiler=Riddle #17, solved by [b]Anonymous[/b]]I am weak, and puny, and almost completely useless. But when the time is right, and your in need, I will come forth, and save you from certain destruction.

[spoiler=Answer]Kuriboh OR Winged Kuriboh




[spoiler=Riddle #18, solved by [b]~Fallen Soul[/b]]I am the leader of a 3-way bond. I may have low attack on your Opponent's turn, but on your turn it bursts sky high. Simple cards, such as Trap Hole, may be used against me. Although, it would be wise to clear your Opponent's Field before you Summon me.

[spoiler=Answer]Armityle the Chaos Phantom




[spoiler=Riddle #19, solved by [b]PikaPerson01[/b]]My name is funny. My picture is funny. My description is funny. You know what? You're the one who's funny.



[spoiler=Answer]Jerry Beans Man



[spoiler=Riddle #20, solved by [b]Fighter[/b]]Eh everyone!

A new riddle is here.

Right, let's take a look.

Tch, doesn't look that hard.

Hey! I think I've figured it out!

Questions and clues are everywhere!

Um...maybe I should answer now?

Ah, I see what your doing!

Kekeke, I've figured you out >=D

Even a squirrel could solve this one.






[align=center][spoiler=Riddle #21, solved by [b]Starcat919[/b]]

If you can judge a wiseman' date=' by the color of his skin. Then mister you're a better man than I.[/quote']

[spoiler=Answer]Neos Wiseman




[spoiler=Riddle #22, solved by [b]Griffin999[/b]]I have low offense, and low defense. I am effected by weak spells, and I am effected by strong spells. I am fooled by traps easily, yet I can destroy the strongest monsters without lifting a finger.

[spoiler=Hint]It takes some time for the "destroy the strongest monsters without lifting a finger" part to take place.


[spoiler=Answer]Zone Eater




[spoiler=Riddle#23, solved by [b]Άř¢ħėłäűŝ[/b]]I am powerful. I am strong. You cannot defeat me. I will summon my Fiend minions to destroy you. Victory is impossible.

[spoiler=Answer]Raviel, Lord of Phantasms





[spoiler=Reps owed]Griffin999 - 1 Rep

Άř¢ħėłäűŝ - 1 Rep


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Cyber Jar!!!


=D Congratulations you solved our first puzzle!



And remember Hiiro:

[spoiler=Anonymous' Original Version]


[spoiler=Anonymous' Original Version]

This is not my idea this is his ^^^


[spoiler=[b]How to play[/b]]I give a description or riddle of a Yu-gi-oh card' date=' and you must figure out which card it is. [b']And please, one win per day. If you won once don't answer again.[/b] Obviously I can only give 3 reps a day so...yea.




vvv The first one should be easy vvv[spoiler=The first riddle]I take life, but I also give life. If my master is smart he will hide me in the shadows until the time is right. I am useless if my Opponent has a certain card, that destroys cards like me. Whether it is of my own will or the Opponent's will that I come out of the shadows, I am still deadly.

[spoiler=Solved by:]Blazing_Hiiro



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