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The ultimate Dragon Contest!

Spell Master

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This is the first contest that I'm making so bare with me people. I want the contestants to make a Lv 7 or higher Synchro or Fusion Dragon Type monster including the cards that make it. I will be looking if the name best fits the picture, the effect is balanced enough, and if the ocg is right.


The first prize winner gets 20 points and 2 rep, second gets 10 points and 1 rep and third gets only 5 points.


Entry Fee: 5 points











only I will judge the cards and the deadline ends the 23rd of August. Have fun!

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i'm in



1 Dragon Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card's Attribute is also treated as LIGHT. When this card is Summoned, flip all face-down monsters you control face-up. Flip Effects cannot be negated during this turn. You can have this card lose 400 ATK to flip all face-up Defense Position monsters on the field face-down. When this card's ATK is lower than this card's DEF, shift this monster to Defense Position.

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i'm in


here is the card




[spoiler=Lore]1 Tuner + 2 non-Tuner monster

This card is also considered a Machine-type. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned sending 1 Machine and Dragon-type monster from your hand to the Graveyard. While in Attack Position, increases the ATK of All Machine and Dragon-type monsters by 600 points.


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1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card must be Summoned in Attack Position if there is a face-up WIND or EARTH monster on the field. If there are no face-up WIND or EARTH monsters on the field, this card must be Summoned in Defense Position. Place 1 Gust Counter on this card during each of your Standby Phases. Once per turn, during your Battle Phase, you can remove 1 Gust Counter from this card to select 1 monster your opponent controls and halve it's ATK and DEF. If this card destroys the selected monster by battle, the Battle Damage inflicted to your opponent is halved.

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I will join too!^.^


[spoiler=lore]1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card is also treated as Beast-Type monster on the field and Graveyard. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand to destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, you can pay 500 Life Point to change all Defense Position (Flip effect are not activated this time) monsters your opponent controls to Attack Position.


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AbbatonStrikes is in!! here is my card!!





1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

You can Tribute this face-up card to destroy every monster on your opponent's side of the field, inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for each card destoryed by this effect. Discard 2 FIRE monster from your hand to destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field. When this card is Special Summoned from your Graveyard you take 500 points of damage.

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