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The Under City started(still accepting)


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"Shut up & eat. Baka." ~Zak talking too 820reborn~

"Your one to talk' date=' monkey boy Sencei." [b']~Boy talking to Zak~[/b]

"You want me tu hurt you?" ~Zak to boy~

"Try it." ~Boy to Zak~




I just realized something....820reborn, who exactly is it that is eating With us?

Your app said that your character is Evil.....did something happen that i dont know about?

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Zak stood up. "Ok, now lets finish the invisability training. This one will probably take you about a month to get it down 100%."

The boy jumped up. "A MONTH!!"

"Give or take. I'm sure if you try hard you can make it in a week."

"I'll make it in 3 days."

Zak smiled at the boy. "Ok, lets make a wager, if you cant finish in 72 hours, you dont eat untill you do complete it."


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OOC: sorry. i was replying to 8260reborn's coment.



Zak looked at the boys only visable limb. "Ok, just focous on your entire body."

The boy continued to focous & his leg completly disapeared.

"well, you can turn invisable. but..." He punched at were the boy was standing. The boy fell to the ground & lost concentration. "Youve still got a ways to go before you can use it battle."

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The boy turned invisable & sak swong his arm, kiting the boy across the face, the invisability wore off. "Dont think of the pain, if you can do that, then it wil be alot easier."

"Yes Sensai." He turned invisable again.

"Ok, now try this on for size." zak lifter his arm in to the air & it changed in to a gorilla arm.

Before zak could even attack, the boys invisbility wore off. He was staring at the arm in fright. "Y-you werent actualy gonna hit me with that... were you?"

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