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[align=center]New Riddles Every Day!



Riddle No.1

What is more powerful than god, more evil than the devil and if you eat it, you die?

Answer: Nothing (Bel the Ripper)


Riddle No.2

Alex is always getting himself into trouble. One week his teacher gives him detention every day after school. As a punishment he is asked to carry 100 heavy sandbags across the athletics track to the long jump pit. after struggling with the first ten bags, Alex has an Idea. He realises that if he puts something in each bag, it will be lighter to carry. What is it?

Answer: A hole (Dªrĸ)


Riddle No.3

The mother, father, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, cousin, nephew, and niece of a family are all present at a family gathering. A photo is taken of them all. What is the least number of people in the photo?

Answer: 4 people. (Bel the Ripper)


Riddle No.4

Two sons and two fathers plan to go and see the new blockbuster film at their local conema. They all see the same 8pm showing together and each has a seat in the front row, yet they have only reserved three tickets. Explain.

Answer: There are three people present, A grandfather, A father and a son. (OMGAKITTY, Bel the Ripper)


Riddle No.5

Why do some people dial 911 with their index finger and some with their third finger?



Riddle No. 6

A man wearing a black hat and scarf parked outside an expensive jewellers, held up a dozen people and walked out of the shop a couple of minutes later woth $1000 worth of jewellery. Although one or two people were peering through the windows of the jewellers at the time, none of them batted an eyelid, and a nearby driver merely gave a honk of his horn. Explain.

Answer: The man parked awkwardly, and cars were unable to pass him, which were the people he held up, and the cause for the honked horn. The man bought a ring for his feyoncé, but didnt steal it.




NOTE!: If in the wrong section, please move.


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I have a problem with your riddle:


What is more powerful than god, more evil than the devil and if you eat it, you die.


This riddle is saying that God and the Devil both in fact exist, and is also saying that God has infinite power and the Devil is the most evil thing in the universe. Unless these are all assumptions- if they are, please state so-, there is really no answer.


If these are assumptions, nothing would be the answer.

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I have a problem with your riddle:


What is more powerful than god' date=' more evil than the devil and if you eat it, you die.[/i']


This riddle is saying that God and the Devil both in fact exist, and is also saying that God has infinite power and the Devil is the most evil thing in the universe. Unless these are all assumptions- if they are, please state so-, there is really no answer.


If these are assumptions, nothing would be the answer.



They are assumptions (and of course someone of another religion will despise that riddle).

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This should go in games. Stop trying to boost your post count.


I dont give a sh*t about my post count' date=' but youre right, someone move this to games.


And number 2 is actually Alex realizes he doesn't actually give a s*** about school, and drops out to smoke meth.



XD This is actually a good answer. :p

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Riddle No.5

Why do some people dial 911 with their index finger and some with their third finger?

Answer: It's their RING finger.


Riddle No. 5 (6)

A man wearing a black hat and scarf parked outside an expensive jewellers, held up a dozen people and walked out of the shop a couple of minutes later woth $1000 worth of jewellery. Although one or two people were peering through the windows of the jewellers at the time, none of them batted an eyelid, and a nearby driver merely gave a honk of his horn. Explain.

Answer: They parked in the middle of a 1-lane road and walked into the jewelry store and held up 12 people behind him in their cars. The people behind him honked their horns in frustration.



(shouldnt this be riddle 6?) ^


be sure to pm me if i get it right

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Number 5:


Someone called saying they cut off one of their fingers.


Genious' date=' but wrong.


Number 5: He's a wizard.


If this is for the last one, wrong.


Riddle No.5

Why do some people dial 911 with their index finger and some with their third finger?

Answer: It's their RING finger.


Riddle No. 5 (6)

A man wearing a black hat and scarf parked outside an expensive jewellers' date=' held up a dozen people and walked out of the shop a couple of minutes later woth $1000 worth of jewellery. Although one or two people were peering through the windows of the jewellers at the time, none of them batted an eyelid, and a nearby driver merely gave a honk of his horn. Explain.

Answer: They parked in the middle of a 1-lane road and walked into the jewelry store and held up 12 people behind him in their cars. The people behind him honked their horns in frustration.



(shouldnt this be riddle 6?) ^


be sure to pm me if i get it right



You got it right.


Anyone have an answer for irddle 5?

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