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Aaaaaaah!! [DISC]

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  • Good card only in burn' date=' better against swarm. That's pretty much it.
Um...how is this good against swarm?
This card is ok, not that great, but ok.
  • Could have something to do with more damage.

Just sayin' a little LP loss wouldn't stop a swarm strike. Unless it's really end game, where a swarm wouldn't usually happen anyway.

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Even in burn their are better cards to use.




Secret Barrel is very good in burn.


I'd assume Magic Cylinder, Just Desserts, Hate Buster (if it can be used), Chaos Burst, Meteor of Destruction, Poison of the Old Man, Tremendous Fire, Wave-Motion Cannon.


TBQH though, I know do know very little about burn, so I could be wrong. I just don't think that this will be worth it because at the start of the duel this does 1200, with the max I can see it doing being 1800, maybe 2000. However I really don't see that happening most of the time. I think that it will most often do about 800 making it just as good as the above cards. Sure the fact that that it can do a good amount more is nice, I just don't think it will outclass the others enough times to make it that great.


Still, I did over estimate the burn line up and I will say this is better then I first though, and I know it easily could be better then I'm giving it credit for now since, as I said, my knowledge on burn decks is minimal.

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