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A Good Deck Then?


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Cyber End Draon is a different strategy. My Machine deck uses it as one of it's many 1 turn kill strategies. One of them is Future Fusion. When Cyber End comes out use De-Fusion, wipe out any surprises like face-down cards, then Power Bond and for good measure use Limiter Removal. 16000 ATK. I beat a Fairy deck with this strategy.

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Cyber End Dragon is a good card, but it only works really in 1 type of deck. Chimeratech is pretty much the same deal although small minor differences in strategies work with Chimeratech. Cyber Twin Dragon is probably the most diversely used Cyber Dragon Fusion because it can go in almost any deck easily. My friends E-Hero deck uses it as a powerful 1st turn monster. If he goes second, he Special Summons Cyber Dragon and summons The Light - Hex Sealed Fusion and fuses them together with Light Hex's ability and because its not a Fusion Summon and Cyber Twins summoning condition states that a Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the proper Fusion Material Monsters. It even doesnt have the drawback of only being able to be Special Summoned by Fusion Summon. The Light Hex can substitute for the other Cyber Dragon in this case only. The only price to pay for this effect is that Cyber Twin cannot be revived from the Graveyard because it wasnt Fusion Summoned. The Light Hex also helps him summon Shining Flare Wingman by substituting for the Flame Wingman by using Miracle Fusion. My E-Hero deck doesnt stand a chance against his as powerful as mine may be.

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