Jesus Posted August 17, 2009 Report Share Posted August 17, 2009 Hi, YCM. Today, I shall be going through with you, teaching you how the Blackest Garden works. From each card the deck runs, to basic playing styles, strategies, and ideas. First, let's start off by posting the March 1st, 2009 Blackest Garden list. [spoiler=March 1st, 2009 Blackest Garden]3 Lonefire Blossom3 Cyber Valley3 Botanical Lion2 Tyannial, Princess of Camellias2 Lord Poison1 Dandylion1 Card Trooper1 Nettles1 Sangan1 Debris Dragon 3 Black Garden3 Mark of the Rose2 Miracle Fertilizer1 Monster Reborn1 Heavy Storm1 Lightning Vortex1 SorL 3 Solemn3 PWWB3 Polinosis1 Torential Tribute1 Mirror Force ..And that totals up to 41 Now that you know what build we're working with, I'll go into detail of what each card does, basic strategy, ect ect. [spoiler=Monsters] Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 face-up Plant-Type monster to Special Summon 1 Plant-Type monster from your Deck.RULINGS: • Tributing him is a cost• You can Special Summon any plant of any level, attack, ect.• Lonefire Blossom can tribute itself to activate it's effect.PURPOSE: Self-explanitory. It's your basic searcher, it's an amazing Plant-type based card, you run as many as you can. You might want to Lonefire into another Lonefire, sometimes even getting them all out of the deck, because it thinks your deck, and throws more plants in the grave for cards like Mark of the Rose, and Black Rose Dragon. You can use 1 of the following 3 effects:● When this card is selected as an attack target by an opponent's monster you can remove this card from play to draw 1 card and end the Battle Phase. ● You can remove from play this card and 1 face-up monster you control and draw 2 cards. ● You can remove from play this card and 1 card from your hand, and place 1 card from your Graveyard on top of your DeckRULINGS:• "Cyber Valley's" first effect is a Trigger Effect. Its second and third effects are Ignition.• "Cyber Valley's" second effect targets "Cyber Valley" and 1 face-up monster you control. They are removed from play when the effect resolves.• "Cyber Valley's" third effect targets 1 card in your Graveyard. "Cyber Valley" and 1 card from your hand are removed from play when the effect is resolved.PURPOSE: Draw Engine. Seeing as how you can remove from play the Tokens with Black Garden, it's an easy draw. You run 3. This card gains 300 ATK for each Plant-Type monster you control. Control of this face-up card cannot switch.RULINGS: (None at this current moment)PURPOSE: Beatstick. He gains 300 ATK for each plant on the field, that's great, plus he cannot be taken over by cards like Mind Control or Brain Control, ect. Run 3. BUT, sometimes, he can be a dead draw, so if you're going to side, side him out first.,_Princess_of_CamelliasEFFECT: You can Tribute 1 face-up Plant-Type monster you control to negate the activation of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect that targets a card(s) on the field and destroy it.RULINGS: • Tributing 1 face-up Plant-Type monster you control is a cost to activate "Tytannial, Princess of Camellias'" Quick Effect. This effect can be activated in the Damage Step.• Tytannial, Princess of Camellias" can be Tributed to activate its own effect.• "Tytannial, Princess of Camellias's" effect can be chained when the effect of a Continuous Spell or Trap Card is activated.PURPOSE: Self-explanitory. She's a big beatstick, has a great effect, and she's searchable by lonefire. HOWEVER, if she gets into your hand, she's quite diffucult to get rid of. You run 1, or 2, depending on how you want to run her. NEVER EVER RUN 3 TYTANNIAL. She'll cluster in your hand so much it's not even funny.. 2 is the max I'd recomend running her at. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard, except "Lord Poison".RULINGS: • No card called "Lord Poison" can be Special Summoned by "Lord Poison"'s effect; either the one that was destroyed and sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, or another copy of "Lord Poison" that was already in the Graveyard.PURPOSE: Generic Revival.. It's great. Run 2, at the most. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 2 "Fluff Tokens" (Plant-Type/WIND/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position. These Tokens cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon during the turn they are Special Summoned.RULINGS: • If you do not have two empty Monster Card Zones when this card is sent to the Graveyard, then the effect which Special Summons the "Fluff Tokens" does not activate.PURPOSE: Excellent Plant Based card, sets up for a good defense, plus if you can protect the tokens it's a good way to get Dandylion out of your hand it's alredy been one turn. Run 1. Once per turn, you can send up to 3 cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard. This card gains 500 ATK for each card sent to the Graveyard this way, until the end of this turn. When this card on your side of the field is destroyed and sent to your Graveyard, draw 1 card.RULINGS:• You must choose to send 1, 2, or 3 cards to the Graveyard when you activate this effectPURPOSE: Beatstick, extra draw. Most of the time you can normal summon it WHILE Black Garden is in play, to beat over the token for some damage. this face-up card would be destroyed, you can destroy 1 face-up Plant-Type monster you control instead.RULINGS: • "Nettles'" effect does not target.PURPOSE: Not once in my entire life of playing Blackest Garden have I activated this card's effect. It's in this deck for a searchable tuner. I'm not gonna even bother posting it, because if you don't know what Sangan does, you don't belong here.RULINGS: Not gonna post the rulings either.PURPOSE: Self-explanitory. Searches Lonefire, Debris Dragon, ect. When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 monster with 500 or less ATK from your Graveyard in Attack Position. That monster's effect(s) is negated. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type Synchro Monster. The other Synchro Material Monster(s) cannot be Level 4.RULINGS: • All restrictions on “Debris Dragon” and Synchro Summons are conditions, not effects, so will not be negated by “Skill Drain”.• The effect of “Debris Dragon” is a Trigger Effect that activates when it is Summoned and targets 1 monster in the Graveyard. “Debris Dragon” does not continue to target that monster after the other monster is Special Summoned.PURPOSE: Insta-Black Rose.. Either nuke or go removing stuff from play..'ki_Meiru_GraviroseEFFECT: During each of your End Phases, destroy this card unless you send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" from your hand to the Graveyard or reveal 1 Plant-Type monster in your hand. During each of your Standby Phases, you can send 1 Level 3 or lower monster from your Deck to your Graveyard.RULINGS: • The first sentence of this card is a maintenance cost, not an effect. Therfore, it does not start a Chain.PURPOSE: It's a great card in plant decks. Lonefire and Dandy are level three, so it fits in well. Run 1 or 2, I havn't really tested this card out, so I don't know what 3 would be like. The Standby effect killed it, if it were Once Per Turn or When this card is normal summoned or something like that, it would be AMAZING in plants. [spoiler=Spells] When a monster is Normal or Special Summoned, except by the effect of "Black Garden", halve its ATK and Special Summon 1 "Rose Token" (Plant-Type/DARK/Level 2/ATK 800/DEF 800) to its controller's opponent's side of the field, in Attack Position. You can destroy this card and all face-up Plant-Type monsters on the field and Special Summon 1 monster with ATK equal to the total ATK of those monsters from your Graveyard.RULINGS: There's too many. lol.PURPOSE: To annoy your opponent. Key card of the deck, you have to option of getting something big out like Tytannial, then playing this, and your opponent will have to waste resources killing off your big cards, while you're sitting there with cards in your hand to get the things he killed off back. Run 3. No exceptions. Remove from play 1 Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard and equip this card to a monster your opponent controls. Gain control of the equipped monster. During your End Phase, give control of the equipped monster to your opponent. During your Standby Phase, gain control of the equipped monster.RULINGS:• Removing 1 Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard from play is a cost.• The effects of "Mark of the Rose" that activate during your Standby Phase and End Phase start a Chain.[PURPOSE: To annoy your opponent even more! It's a freaking Brain Control/Snatch Steal for plants! And you can run it at 3! You have so many options with it, it's not even bloody funny. You run 3! No exceptions. Once per turn, you can select 1 Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it. You cannot Normal Summon or Set the turn you Special Summon a monster with this effect. If a monster Special Summoned by this effect is removed from the field, destroy this card. RULINGS: • Miracle Fertilizer" targets the monster(s) Special Summoned by its effect, both when it is selected in the Graveyard and while it is on the field. If "Miracle Fertilizer" is returned to its owner's hand, any monster(s) that was Special Summoned by its effect is no longer targeted, even if "Miracle Fertilizer" is activated again later.• If you Special Summon a monster with "Miracle Fertilizer", and later in the same turn "Miracle Fertilizer" is removed from the field, you still cannot Normal Summon or Set a monster that turn.• If you Special Summon 2 or more monsters with "Miracle Fertilizer", when any of the Special Summoned monsters is removed from the field, "Miracle Fertilizer" is destroyed.PURPOSE: Generic Revival, gets back ANY plant, it's an amazing card. But, seeing as how you're tight for space, you only run 2 because you've got other generic revival like Monster Reborn (soon to be Call of the Haunted), Lord Posion, ect. STAPLES/SPLASHABLES: Heavy Storm, Lightning Vortex, Reborn, SorL, ect. All self explanitory. [spoiler=Traps] Pay half your Life Points. Negate the activation of a Spell Card / Trap Card / Normal Summon / Flip Summon / Special Summon and destroy the Spell Card, Trap Card, or Summoned monster.RULINGS: • You cannot negate the Special Summon of a monster after it is Special Summoned with a Spell or Trap Card, but you can use "Solemn Judgment" to negate the activation of the Spell or Trap Card.PURPOSE: To get into control, and remain there. It's your safegaurd. You would normally run three, but it might be limited as of September, so Dark Bribe might be an option you might want to consider. Discard 1 card. Return 1 card your opponent controls to the top of its owner's Deck.RULINGS: • You cannot target a face-up non-Continuous, non-Equip Spell or Trap Card. This is because they are already "considered to be destroyed" once they are activated (even though they are not sent to the Graveyard until the chain resolves). If you target a face-down Spell or Trap Card, the opponent can activate it as a chain. If it is not Continuous, it will not be returned to the top of the Deck. It will be placed in the Graveyard after the chain resolves, as normal.PURPOSE: To control your opponent even more, along with throwing Tytannial, if it's in your hand, to the Graveyard. Tribute 1 Plant-Type monster. Negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card, or the Normal or Special Summon of a monster, and destroy that card. RULINGS: • Tributing 1 Plant-Type monster is a cost to activate this card. • You can Tribute a face-down Plant-Type monster to activate this card. PURPOSE: Again, to control and negate your opponent. And it's good because you can tribute the plant tokens you get with Black Garden. STAPLES: Torential Tribute, Mirror Force. [spoiler=Extra Deck Cards that wouldn't be so generic] 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Plant-Type monstersEach player must pay 1000 Life Points to Normal or Special Summon a non-Plant-Type monster from their hand.RULINGS: • If you Tribute a face-up “Queen of Thorns” to Tribute Summon a monster, you must pay 1000 Life PointsPURPOSE: It's a plant Synchro, plus it's got an OK effect. It's meh. ..And there you have. Blackest Garden in a nutshell. If there is anything I forgot to add, please, feel free to drop me a PM. (Don't spam up this thread with the 'u forgotz to putz this inz', please, drop me a PM). Ciao. P.S, Whenever I get the chance, I'll update it with other support cards that you might want to consider running, ect. I don't have the time at this moment because my fingers hurt.. D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyosuke Kiryu Posted August 17, 2009 Report Share Posted August 17, 2009 Now this is a guide. Niceee. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jesus Posted August 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 17, 2009 Now this is a guide. Niceee. Thanks. (: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BehindTheMask Posted August 17, 2009 Report Share Posted August 17, 2009 You can't use "Lonefire Blossom's" effect if it get revives by "Debris Dragon". This is because "Debris Dragon" places a condition on the card, no matter where it goes. So, even if you tribute "Lonefire Blossom" it's effect will be negated because of the condition of "Debris Dragon." The reason "Dandylion" is able to resolve is due to removal of "Debris Dragon's" condition(this is assuming you Synchro Summon w/ Debris Dragon). Since "Debris Dragon" is in the graveyard, its condition is removed from the "Dandylion." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jesus Posted August 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 17, 2009 You can't use "Lonefire Blossom's" effect if it get revives by "Debris Dragon". This is because "Debris Dragon" places a condition on the card' date=' no matter where it goes. So, even if you tribute "Lonefire Blossom" it's effect will be negated because of the condition of "Debris Dragon." The reason "Dandylion" is able to resolve is due to removal of "Debris Dragon's" condition(this is assuming you Synchro Summon w/ Debris Dragon). Since "Debris Dragon" is in the graveyard, its condition is removed from the "Dandylion."[/quote'] Sorry to say but I'm pretty sure that's incorrect.. Because Debris Dragon's effect just says 'Negated' and doesn't specify in the Graveyard or where at all, it just says Negated, so I'm assuming it works like Skill Drain.. And since Lonefire's effect resolves in the grave it gets past both Skill Drain and Debris Dragon.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BehindTheMask Posted August 17, 2009 Report Share Posted August 17, 2009 "When a monster like "Exiled Force" is Special Summoned by "Debris Dragon"/"Black Salvo"/etc, if you activate the effect of "Exiled Force", then the effect will still be negated since it activated on the field, even though "Exiled Force" is no longer on the field.[4]" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:pyramid:. Posted August 17, 2009 Report Share Posted August 17, 2009 You can't use "Lonefire Blossom's" effect if it get revives by "Debris Dragon". This is because "Debris Dragon" places a condition on the card' date=' no matter where it goes. So, even if you tribute "Lonefire Blossom" it's effect will be negated because of the condition of "Debris Dragon." The reason "Dandylion" is able to resolve is due to removal of "Debris Dragon's" condition(this is assuming you Synchro Summon w/ Debris Dragon). Since "Debris Dragon" is in the graveyard, its condition is removed from the "Dandylion."[/quote'] Sorry to say but I'm pretty sure that's incorrect.. Because Debris Dragon's effect just says 'Negated' and doesn't specify in the Graveyard or where at all, it just says Negated, so I'm assuming it works like Skill Drain.. And since Lonefire's effect resolves in the grave it gets past both Skill Drain and Debris Dragon....debris only cares where it activates not where it resolves and it negates the activateion and thats why lonefire wont work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jesus Posted August 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 17, 2009 "When a monster like "Exiled Force" is Special Summoned by "Debris Dragon"/"Black Salvo"/etc' date=' if you activate the effect of "Exiled Force", then the effect will still be negated since it activated on the field, even though "Exiled Force" is no longer on the field.[4']" That's so strange.. Why would that even work like that? It's worded just like it.. Eh.. oh well. Sorry about that.. I'll have to go and change that now. Thanks for clearing that up. I'm terribly sorry.. My mistake.. I thought it was just like skill drain.. D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jesus Posted August 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 18, 2009 Bump. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jesus Posted August 19, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2009 *Sigh*Bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Frostpaw Posted August 19, 2009 Report Share Posted August 19, 2009 You can't use "Lonefire Blossom's" effect if it get revives by "Debris Dragon". This is because "Debris Dragon" places a condition on the card' date=' no matter where it goes. So, even if you tribute "Lonefire Blossom" it's effect will be negated because of the condition of "Debris Dragon." The reason "Dandylion" is able to resolve is due to removal of "Debris Dragon's" condition(this is assuming you Synchro Summon w/ Debris Dragon). Since "Debris Dragon" is in the graveyard, its condition is removed from the "Dandylion."[/quote'] Sorry to say but I'm pretty sure that's incorrect.. Because Debris Dragon's effect just says 'Negated' and doesn't specify in the Graveyard or where at all, it just says Negated, so I'm assuming it works like Skill Drain.. And since Lonefire's effect resolves in the grave it gets past both Skill Drain and Debris Dragon....debris only cares where it activates not where it resolves and it negates the activateion and thats why lonefire wont work Now tell me, where does it say that? It's from the official yugioh site, so yes, it must be the correct rulings list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jesus Posted August 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2009 You can't use "Lonefire Blossom's" effect if it get revives by "Debris Dragon". This is because "Debris Dragon" places a condition on the card' date=' no matter where it goes. So, even if you tribute "Lonefire Blossom" it's effect will be negated because of the condition of "Debris Dragon." The reason "Dandylion" is able to resolve is due to removal of "Debris Dragon's" condition(this is assuming you Synchro Summon w/ Debris Dragon). Since "Debris Dragon" is in the graveyard, its condition is removed from the "Dandylion."[/quote'] Sorry to say but I'm pretty sure that's incorrect.. Because Debris Dragon's effect just says 'Negated' and doesn't specify in the Graveyard or where at all, it just says Negated, so I'm assuming it works like Skill Drain.. And since Lonefire's effect resolves in the grave it gets past both Skill Drain and Debris Dragon....debris only cares where it activates not where it resolves and it negates the activateion and thats why lonefire wont work Now tell me, where does it say that? It's from the official yugioh site, so yes, it must be the correct rulings list. They're still correct, it doesn't work. =/. I'm still waiting for comments on the guide, though. D: UPDATE: Gravirose Added. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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