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Bleach:the lost squads(accepting not started)

vengeful lemonS

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in the beginning of the soul soviety there wre a total of 20 court guard squads.the lqast 7 that none of the younger captyins have heard of were destroyed for somestrange reason by the 13 court gaurd squad.now those squads have come back as the dark society taking revenge for all that was done to them





Race:(no espadas plz)

Zanpaktou Name:

Zanpaktou Shikai:

Zanpaktou Bankai:

Zanpato eine Bankai:(darksociety only)

Side(Soul Society/Neutral,/Dark Society):




[spoiler=my app]

Name:Raiden Sushimaru



Zanpaktou Name:torn to pieces,yaburimasu(ripper)

Zanpaktou Shikai:his shikai looks like a saw blade but both sides have edges

Zanpaktou Bankai:soodai yaburimasu(grand ripper) both arms are coved by guanlets that have saw blades attached to them in this form Radien is able to withstand any attack known to man

Zanpato Eine Bankai: eine soodai yaburimasu(eternal grand ripper)in this form Raiden turns into a dragon that is made out of blades he can reflect any bast and swords cannot harm him

Side(Soul Society/Neutral,/Minoki Instrumata):Darksociety

Appearance(Written, not pictured.):he wears his old captin's uniform.he looks like a young 32 yr old.

Bio:when the soul society first began there were 20 court guard squadsRaiden was the captin of the 14th squad specializing in inerrorgation tequchies.one day during ain terrorgation he used his bankai wich was strictly forbbien the head captin and the rest of the central 46 passed a movment that he would be exiled and his squad terminated.Outraged with this disescion he planned to get revenge on the soul society for what they did.


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Zanpaktou Name-No mercy,Ira

Zanpaktou Shikai-His shikai looks similar to Soi-Fon's except it is bigger and longer,turning in speed for power.

Bankai-Distincia Ira.He gains armor on his left arm,he gains an energy draining sword in the other.

Zanpato Eine Bankai-Negro Ira.He gets spikes on his neck and down,they can shoot out at the speed of A bala.His sword gets bigger,and his armor is heavier.


Appearance-He wears the usual shinigami robe,he wears 2 earrings.

Bio-He was on good terms with Soi-Fon,until he studied forbbiden things in Soul Society so he could be A help to Soi-Fon.He was caught by Soi-Fon and was exiled.He then started watching Soi-Fon secretely.

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Like I said in the club I decided to join and I'll add more details here.

Name: Daichi Ichirou

Gender: Male

Race:(no espadas plz) Shinigami

Zanpaktou Name: Raikou Seijin (Thunder Sage)

Zanpaktou Shikai: Metal gauntlet with magic symbols on it with shawls connected at the wrist and running up shoulder. When using kidou the gauntlet and the symbols glow yellow.

Release command (I posted in the club): "This hand of mine glows with and awesome power! Its burning grip tells me to defeat you! HERE I GO!! RAIKOU SEIJIN!!"

Zanpaktou Bankai: Dai Tori Raikou Seijin (Great Bird Thunder Sage) Giant bird made of lightning. It has no mind so it attacks how he wants it to. At any time Daichi can draw blades of lightning from the bird to attack with. Kidou uses during his bankai is at least twice as strong as when he uses it in his shikai.

Zanpato eine Bankai:(darksociety only): N/A

Side(Soul Society/Neutral,/Dark Society): Soul Society

Appearance: Shinigami and captain robe. He is tall standing at 6 foot 2. His sword is on his left side. He has blonde hair that comes to the bottom of his neck. His eyes are blue. (sorry about appearance I can't describe too well)

Bio:[spoiler=Daichi's bio] Daichi is the son of a Soul Society Noble. His father always expected him to take over the estate when he became older and never tolerated any other aspirations. For the first 6 years of his life Daichi was okay with this. One night while he was coming home from a friend's house with his mother a hollow had somehow gotten into soul society and was rampaging in the area. The hollow was about to attack him and his mother when suddenly a shinigami in a white coat with long white hair came and destroyed the hollow. Daichi never learned his name but from then on his dream was to become a Shinigami captain. When he was 17 he learned that the shinigami were looking for new recruits due to a recebt loss of men. He wanted to join but his father wouldn't allow it. So on the last day the shinigami were to be there he went without permission. He was accepted and went home to confront his family. His father was outraged but could do nothing. The day he left to begin training his father told him to never return. As his training progressed he found that kidou came to him quite easily. When he learned his shikai and was accepted he joined the 5th squad. There he came to respect captain Aizen and Vice-captain Hinamori for their talent in kidou and leadership. As his skills surpassed those around him he became slightly arrogant. When Aizen betrayed Soul Society he swore to become a captain and kill Aizen himself. By the time he learned his Bankai the fight with Aizen had already been done for over 10 years. Due to his talent he was eventually selected to become the new captain of the 5th squad. Now he is quite confident in his power, he generally underestimates strong opponents, and his squad notes that almost everything he does denotes his arrogance. He is rough with new recruits that don't exhibit talent right away but he does put up with people. Few things annoy him except for giving up and too much silliness. He doesn't laugh much but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a sense of humor. As for his skills he isn't the greatest swordsman as he focused on kidou. He can use most Hadou without incantations at full power though the ability to use the strongest hadou, the Black coffin, still eludes him. He can use many bakudou without incantations as well. He makes good use of flashsteps but is by no means the fastest shinigami. He doesn't take hits well since he generally stays at distance in fights. He wants to make the 5th squad one of the greatest and bring it out of the shadow of suspicion and treason brought about by Aizen's betrayal. He cares for his men but he hardly ever grieves the loss of men. He is not attached to many of the other shinigami but he would defend the few, namely his vice-captain, the 3rd seat of his squad, and few others, to the death.


Hope you don't mind but I took the 5th squad captain position. Sorry for the impossibly long bio. Also if I get accepted this will be my first RP.

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Gender: Male

Race:(no espadas plz):Shinigami

Zanpaktou Name: Hirabashi..

Zanpaktou Shikai: a short, chipped knive with a slight curve on the end.

Zanpaktou Bankai:Flicker and Burn, Hirabashi... a short, hollow sword, with no guard, and he can fire cero's through the hollow sword. He gains speed and strength.

Zanpato eine Bankai:(darksociety only)..?

Side(Soul Society/Neutral,/Dark Society): neutral

Appearance: loose pants, almost always wearing a sweater with a hood. His zanpaktou is kept in a holster on his side.

Bio: Kenningwood was taught by his father, a high ranking shinigami, who later died fighting. He then left the soul society to develop his power even further.

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name:haru shibuki



zanpaktou name:matami-no-shiba

zanpaktou shikai:a very long katana with a small knive at the end

zanpaktou bankai:freez and melt,a very big steel blade with multible small knives and the end,it has the same powers as hitsugaya and it can shoot fire balls.

side:soul socity

appearence:dark brown hair with light brown eyes,regular shinigami kamono.

bio:He is very determined to stop the new evil,althou he is wondering if what the soul socity did to the dark socity is right

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News of the recent disappearance of his 4th seat and the recent warning of a so-called "Dark Society" had left Daichi in a particularly foul mood. The captain commander had called for an emergency captain meeting to discuss how to counter the upcoming threat. As Dacihi headed for the captain-commander's room with his calm but swift pace his head was already full of ideas on how to make the aggressors pay.

"If this Dark Society wants to mess with my squad they had better be ready to die.", he said quietly to himself.

As he continued he saw the other captains approaching.

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OoC: I'll assume that was aimed at me.

IC: "Yes," said Daichi, "It definitely doesn't belong to anyone I know."

Daichi noticed the other captains seemed to detect the strange spiritual pressure as well.

"Haru, as far as I can tell there's only one person. You don't think one person, even captain level in power, would try to attack all 13 of us at once?", said Daichi.

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