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Sort cards


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you know how your cards can be sorted into a set right?

well I think that the cards should be able to move into different places on the list.

I Jusst was thinking about it.

So support or hate i dont care really.

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I support this idea.

I hate when I work on a set and I have to stop one day and pick back up another. I often forget which card came last in the set. See, I set my card in order, ie; Set: ABC - 00001, then ABC - 00002, etc...

When I've made a good number of cards and Can't remember the last one I worked on, it's a royal Pain to have to go through them all to find where I left off, and Half the time I mess up somewhere down the line and will either make two cards with the Same Set Number (Two Cards with ABC - 00001) or I'll end up skipping a number (Jumps from ABC - 00001 to ABC - 00003). It gets tiresome to have to painstakingly go through 50+ Cards that may be in the Set to make sure they are ordered correctly.

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