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Tournoment Report : how i won my locals...again!

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Hey guies

yes indeed i did win my locals again

this time not with glads

with stardust dragoN BUSTER MODE deck

only 5 duels today, as there was no top 8 cut...


the deck i was running was this little beuty


2 stardust assault mode

1 dark armed dragon

2 destiny hero malicious

2 destiny hero diamond dude

2 krebons

1 stratos

2 summoner monk

2 rose warrior of revenge

1 sangan

2 mystic tomato

1 dark grepher

1 plagespreadder zombie

2 assault beast



2 destiny draw

2 allure of darkness

2 assault teleport

1 emergency teleport

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

1 monster reborn

1 mind control

1 scapegoat

1 rota



3 solemn

2 assault mode activate

1 torrential

1 mirror force


anyhow on with the show




round 1 - bad zombies

game 1

as with playing all bad players, i draw a god hand and own him quickly

first turn SDB, i negate everything!, i even negated his pyramid durtle

ect, ect i win


game 2

same as first round ecept i got 2 out



round 2 - volcanic monarch opression


i find out the hardway, what my deck fails to, oppression, not being able to special summon is the bane of my life, not only that i draw a god awful hand, however i alkso reilse instead of trying to think of the most advantageous way of getting out stardust buster, i should be thinking of the fastest, anyhoo h drops vanitys fiend for game ¬_¬


game 2

i though i was able to make a comback, i play scapgoat in his end phase and get 4 tokens, i drop rose warriopr he book of moons it, caiuses me next turn i drop another rose and sync into BRD, and i though i was able to make a comback, sadly no i draw into sheet for the next few turns and just lose to oppression, still not to worry 3 games left




round 3 - volcanic monarchs, no oppression :D

game 1

i do a sneaky first turn stardust, and he goes brain control, then i sigh ;/

but then i reilise its a buster and i negate it :P, i proceed to negate everything he does, he cries:P


game 2

im slightly dying here, he came back strong with a few monarc hhits and hes left with a collosal fighter and a facedown, i am left with stardust buster, d draw and mind control in hand, i make my draw...summoner monk, i think what can i possibly do, after a while i go fo the "i funking hope" apparoach, i summon monk, ditch mind control, get stratos, take mali, d draw mali, draw into DAD!, drop dad for game ;D




round 4 - gladiator beasts


i actually though he might win this one!, untill i rememberd stardust rapes glads! stardust buster does it better ;), so he gets to a point where he book sof booned my SDD then runs over it with laquari then tags out for retiari , im in a bad place right now! i summon grepher and try to go for the synchro but he stops it ;/so i take a hit, i randomly topdeck DAD, then win :P


game 2

this game was easy, he does the whole book of moon shite again, but this time dosnt tag out, i reborn my old SDD sync into another, he evntually uses a torrential to stall for time, it was over...




round 5 - lightsworn

game 1

i sadly dont remember much about this, i know i get out SDB, and negate an honest, he draws crap, we tit for tat a bit but he cant get past SDB, i remember him setting a lot of facedowns, his necro gaurdnas stall him for a little bit, also as im wrighting this i forgot that i could have negated all his ls monsters mill effect with SDB ¬_¬, the point is i won


game 2

this game lasted quite a while , i get out a dark grepher, which stays on the field quite a long time :S, i get to a point where i have assault mode facedown a solemn and mirror force summon, use rephers effect so eventually get into a SDD, goyo, and grepher run over his garoth, and wildley attack, he manages to play out this, waitinf or me to tribute stardust, he honests my goyo, and smacks my grepther, but when SDB comes back, he had too little advantage to d oanything, after stalling some of my attacks, i win by attacking over arkus, when we where both very low lp


well there ya go folks, SDDAM is a funking game winner of a card, there hasnt been a game where ive summoned it and lost put it that way


got 2 prohibition today!

and an ultimate koaki drago


so im happy, compliment my skillz dat killsz ect

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