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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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just everyone make sure that your posts are at least four lines long and isn't modded to any great degree.

striker, did you replace the slightly messed up card with the not messed up card in the first post? the only thing that i changed with it is that it now says Beast-Warrior as opposed to Warrior-Beast.

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I take it you guys are excited, well no I didn't convince Rinne to unlock it, but I had an idea. So I'm not too worried about it, but once ypou guys read what he quoted from Chaos you might've been able to guess my opinion on him and the matter. I wish to be a really really good judge of these cards so we will so who is bettr.

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sorry, but i just don't see that happening. true, your monster has a third more attack power then mine, which is my fault for not making it as op'd as possible, (due to my trying to not be to op'd, which was stupid) but have you seen my cards effects? anyway, i had wanted to at least raise the ATK and DEF of my monster, but i also didn't want to be a cheat, so i didn't ask even though i wanted to.

i also hadn't given your card a proper look over before editing my already existing card, also because i had no desire to be a cheat.

if you allow that though, then i will do it and have it posted up there before the voting starts, okay?

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[spoiler=@ Mr.WHAM]

Also' date=' @ Max Darkness and any1 else, my personal friend Deept97, is making a Phoenix set, which by the way has absoulutley breathaking images, and I was wondering if you could help him out.



If you could send me a link, I'll check it out.





[spoiler=@ Sweet Lightning]

Could someone rate/comment on this card? I'm thinking of entering it in a contest. :) (Image Credit: HP Doom)


[spoiler=Necro Android]280608c.jpg


Effect: 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned' date=' destroy all LIGHT monsters on the field. This card gains 100 ATK for every LIGHT monster destroyed by this card's effect. Inflict damage to you and your opponent equal to the number of LIGHT monsters destroyed by this card's effect x400. While you control this card, no LIGHT monsters can be Special Summoned. Once per turn, if this card would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) This card gains 2000 ATK during your Battle Phase only. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can Special Summon the monsters that were used for the Synchro Summon of this monster in face-up Attack Position. The monsters Summoned by this card's effect gain 500 ATK.




As it stands, the pic does not fit. I and others have used it to represent an oceanic or electrical being, not a Demon.


Does it have to be a Rock-Type? Because if not, I suggest changing it to a Fiend and having this picture:








As for the OCG:


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type (Well now I'm just confused) monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, destroy all LIGHT monsters on the field. This card gains 100 ATK for every LIGHT monster destroyed by this card's effect. Inflict damage to both players equal to the number of LIGHT monsters destroyed by this card's effect x 400.

While you control this face-up card, neither player can Special Summon LIGHT monsters. Once per turn, if this card would be destroyed by battle, it is not. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) This card gains 1000 ATK (You've already gained at most 500 ATK, going up to 3500 in the Battle Phase is overpowered for a Level 7.)[/i], during your Battle Phase only. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can Special Summon the monsters that were used for the Synchro Summon of this monster in face-up Attack Position. The monsters Summoned by this card's effect gain 500 ATK (Incredibly overpowered. Think about it. Your monster could be destroyed during your own Battle Phase due to an opponent's monster powering up. You enter your Main Phase 2 and re-summon it. Change so only one of the materials is summoned, and scrap the ATK gain.)





[spoiler=@ Prometheus]

So it has been a very long time since I last made a card' date=' so I need some outside criticism on it.



When this card Summoned, even by Card Effect, you must tribute 1 or more "Gyo'rallian" monsters other than "Gyo'rallian Symbiote". The Attribute of this card becomes the Attributes of the Tributed Monsters and activate the appropriate effects based on the Attribute(s) of this card.

-- FIRE: During each of your End Phases, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the ATK of this card.

-- WATER: Once per turn, you can decrease the ATK of this card by any amount to increase your life points by that amount.

-- WIND: During your turn, increase this card's ATK by 1500.

-- EARTH: While this card is in Defense Position, you cannot take Effect Damage.

-- LIGHT: Flip all face-down monsters face-up. Flip Effects are not activated at the time except for the monster with the lowest ATK.

-- DARK: Once per turn, you can remove 1 card from play. This card cannot attack the same turn you activate this effect.




Each time this card is Summoned, Tribute 1 or more "Gyo'rallian" monsters, except "Gyo'rallian Symbiote". This card's Attribute is treated as the Attribute(s) of the monsters Tributed by this card's effect and gains the appropriate effects:

- DARK: Once per turn, you can remove 1 card from play. This card cannot attack during the same turn you activate this effect.

- EARTH: While this card remains in Defense Position, reduce all Effect Damage this card's controller takes to 0.

- FIRE: During each of your End Phases, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the ATK of this card. (I feel this part is overpowered.)

- LIGHT: Flip all face-down monsters face-up. Flip Effects are not activated at the time except for the monster with the lowest ATK.

- WATER: Once per turn, you can decrease this card's ATK by any amount to gain an equal amount of Life Points.

- WIND: This card gains 1500 ATK, until your End Phase. (Again, this could be overpowered if combined with the FIRE ability)



Overall, an interesting idea. Good picture and generally solid OCG.







[spoiler=@ Striker]

There are many reasons for becoming an advanced member. If I have noticed complete kindness towards new members' date=' [b']but not much club activity has been shown[/b], then this is your place. If you are a new member that has proved to be very skilled, or improving greatly in certain categories then you will be moved here. If you have been with the club a while, and post occasionally, you will also be here. This is sort of the middle-man position.


I read this many times Max and I really don't get the bolded part. I have been kind to the new members and I also have been very active in the club. Does the bolded part mean something other than posting in the club???


Being honest, the job descriptions are a hangover from the original thread and the creator that I have yet to update or change. And I don't think many people in this club paid much attention to them back then either.





[spoiler=@ Ursus]

4 pages since my last comment? o.O


Why do you guys write so much? I can't keep up. XD


Anyways' date=' I love the archetype Max.



It's mostly Striker and Chaos arguing.


Glad you like it.





[spoiler=@ Everyone]

Pokemaster Calvin has come up with an idea for giving certain members additional titles, such as 'OCG Master' and 'Graphics Sensei' among others to show their strengths. Anyone interested?



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