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Max Darkness

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Lol I know what your talking about. Umm let's see I'm 17, so what do I need....aha! I wish for acceptance into college with financial aid and probably to have a great day. But that's happening regardless.


Edit: Yes I am american and I beileve chaos is as well. Where is everyone else from?

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It's Great Britain here.


And an Archetype built around Sweeny's obsession with the darker side of Victorian England (I had some pictures and some ideas, so I made cards):


[spoiler=Victorian Archetype]




Effect: This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set while you control a face-up "Victorian" monster. This card is treated as a "Victorian" monster. When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the destroyed monster x 200. Once per turn, you can remove 1 monster in your Graveyard from play to select 1 monster in your opponent’s Graveyard and add it to your Deck. You cannot activate this effect again until you draw the selected monster. During the turn you draw the selected monster, this card gains ATK equal to that monster’s Level x 100 and any Battle Damage this card’s controller takes is reduced to 0, until your End Phase. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove 1 monster in your Graveyard from play to add this card to your Deck.


A famous fictional 'demon barber'; created by the Victorian media.





Effect: This card can only be Summoned while you control a face-up DARK monster. This card is treated as a "Victorian" monster. This card gains 100 ATK for each monster in your opponent’s Graveyard. This card inflicts Piercing Damage. While this card remains in Defense Position, this card cannot be targeted by monsters your opponent controls. Once per turn, if your opponent activates a card effect that would remove a monster in their Graveyard, you can discard 2 cards from your hand or the top of your Deck to negate the effect.


An infamous serial killer responsible for at least 5 brutal murders.





Effect: This card is treated as a "Victorian" monster. When this card is Summoned, add 1 "Black Bess" to your hand from your Deck. During each of your End Phases, your opponent loses Life Points equal to the number of monsters your opponent controls x 100. Once per turn, you can skip your Main Phase. If you do, look at your opponent’s hand. Select 1 card from it and add it to your hand. If this card is removed from the field, except by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half this card’s original ATK.


So not strictly a Victorian character, his life was romantisied during the Victorian era.





Effect: This card is also treated as an EARTH “Victorian” monster. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this monster on the field, you can equip it to your "Dick Turpin" as an Equip Spell Card OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this card's effect, each time the equipped monster destroys a monster by battle, your opponent takes damage equal to this card’s Level x 100. (1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster is destroyed as a result of battle, destroy this card instead.)


The horse ridden by Dick Turpin.





Effect: This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set by Tributing 1 DARK monster you control. If this card is Special Summoned, it is destroyed during your opponent’s Standby Phase. This card is treated as a "Victorian" monster. If this card attacks a monster whose ATK or DEF is lower than its original ATK or DEF, destroy the monster with this card’s effect without applying damage calculation. When this card is removed from the field, draw 2 cards.


Another serial killer, this nurse got her victims to write her into their will before killing them.





Effect: You can Special Summon this card from your hand or Deck while you control a face-up "Sweeny Todd". This card is treated as a "Victorian" monster. As long as you control a face-up "Sweeny Todd", this card cannot be destroyed by battle. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) When you receive Battle Damage from battles involving this card, activate 1 of the following effects:

- Destroy 1 monster your opponent controls whose ATK is equal to or less than the damage you took.

- Add 1 DARK monster to your hand from your Deck whose ATK is equal to or less than the damage you took.


Sweeny Todd's partner-in-crime. Like him, completely fictional.





Effect: This card is treated as a "Victorian" monster. You can only control 1 face-up "Whitechapel Fiend". Once per turn, during your opponent’s Main Phase, you can select 1 monster your opponent controls. If you do, the selected monster cannot declare an attack during your opponent’s Battle Phase. When this card is destroyed by battle, destroy the monster that destroyed it.


A ghost said to haunt the area in London where Jack the Ripper and other serial killers carried out their attacks.




[spoiler=Spell Cards]



Effect: Activate only when a "Victorian" monster you control is destroyed. Special Summon 1 monster from your Deck whose Level is equal to or less than the Level of the destroyed monster. The Summoned monster is treated as a Zombie-Type monster and loses 300 ATK and DEF. When the Summoned monster is destroyed by battle, destroy 2 Spell or Trap Cards your opponent controls.


Burke and Hare were known graverobbers.





Effect: Equip only to "Jack the Ripper" or "Sweeny Todd". Each time the equipped monster destroys a monster by battle, your opponent discards cards from their Deck equal to the difference between this card’s Level and the destroyed monster’s Level. During each of your End Phases, if the equipped monster inflicted Battle Damage to your opponent during your Battle Phase, your opponent discards 1 card from their hand. If the equipped monster is destroyed by battle, you can remove this card from play to destroy the attacking monster.





Effect: All "Victorian" monsters gain 400 ATK and DEF. Each time a "Victorian" monster you control is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Villainy Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/ Level ?/ATK: 0/DEF: 1000). This token’s Level is equal to the Level of the destroyed monster and cannot be Tributed, except by this card’s effect. When this token is destroyed, your opponent takes damage equal to the number of "Victorian" monsters in your Graveyard x 200. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 "Villainy Token" you control to Special Summon 1 "Victorian" monster from your Deck whose Level is equal to or lower than the Level of the Tributed token.


The area in London where Jack the Ripper, alongside others, commited their crimes. It was a slum area, where crime was rife.





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oh so barber of the demonic clan?

Happy new years from good old Wisconsin! Be safe and dont drink and drive everyone! *Glares at everyone. Even those not old enough to drink. Glares the most at Chaos.* Yes' date=' that means YOU Chaos!


:lol: FAIL! :lol: i do not drink, or smoke for that matter, so you can "STOW IT!""THAT"S AN ORDER!" :lol: worlds end quote FTW!

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