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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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hey wat can i do to get promoted?


Help newbs' date=' bring newbs into the club.


If you do post particually helpful and detailed comments on a newb's thread, post the link here. It allows us all to help.


That sort of thing.





Effect: 12 : Not especially interesting, and heavily dependant on other monsters.

OCG: 10 : Again, multiple errors.

Balance: 8 : Incredibly overpowered for a Level 6; and then even more so for a Level 2. And you don't say whether the effect re-sets itself or not when a new D.T. is Summoned.

Picture, Name etc.: 12 : Overused and blurry.


Total: 42





Effect: 10 : Bland' date=' dull and frankly overpowered.

[i']OCG:[/i] 4 : Missing a section of D.S. rules, and numerous other errors.

Balance: 6 : Really, really underpowered for a D.S.

Picture, Name etc.: 8 : What is it? Doesn't have a background, doesn't fit typing.


Total: 28




- And for the 1 on 1's why not just turn it into a Round Robin?


PokeMaster Calvin = 1

Striker9211 = 2

Sweet Lightning = 3

Chaos Zero = 4




1 vs. 2 ; 1 vs. 3 ; 1 vs. 4 ; 2 vs. 3 ; 2 vs. 4; 3 vs. 4


First to 3/5 votes wins. After each match, each player recieves an amount of points equal to the number of votes they got. At the end of the six matches, whoever has the most points wins.



- And finally, new cards from yours truly.


[spoiler=Chess Chancellor" and "Chess Champion]

And to re-iterate, they are legal pieces, not ones I made up.




Effect: "Chess - Knight" + "Chess - Rook"

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. Twice per turn, you can move this card to an unoccupied Monster Card Zone on your side of the field. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 "Pawn Token" you control to destroy all cards your opponent controls in this card’s column. If you do, discard cards from your hand equal to the number of cards destroyed this way. If this card attacks a Level 4 or lower monster, this card inflicts Piercing Damage. When this card is Tributed, you can pay 1000 Life Points for this card to be treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a "Chess" monster.




Effect: "Chess - Knight" + "Chess - Pawn"

If this card is Summoned other than by Fusion Summon, it is destroyed during your opponent’s End Phase. When this card is Summoned, you can discard 1 card from the top of your Deck to Special Summon 1 "Pawn Token" (Machine-Type, LIGHT, Level 2, ATK 0, DEF 500). Once per turn, you can reduce this card’s ATK by 800, until your End Phase. If you do, once per turn, you can negate the effects of Spell and Trap Cards that designate this card and this card inflicts Piercing Damage.



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Club Username:Pokefan5678

Why you want to join:This club is crazy epic!

Favorite Card:Freed the General

Do you play the game in real life:Yes

How you were referred to the club:So many people had the advertisments at there sigs,so i thought "humm... ill go check it out".

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