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Max Darkness

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@ Sweet Lightning: By the end of it, 'Legendary' was starting to lose its sheen. I had encountered almost a dozen Raikou/Entei/Suicune's; at least 6 Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres's; several Regis and a second Cresselia (which was destroyed by a critical hit Dark Pulse). It was rather ridiculous.


And it'll happen again in HG and SS, with their own Battle Frontier. So, you'll probably be encountering the Emotion Trio among others, and the Lateos.


And Lance still has an illegal Dragonite...I swear he must have PokeSav, or at least Action Replay...

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Now for the secret, guys:


I have watched some episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh in the early period, and I find it quite childish, as there is a minimum of violence and not very exciting episodes. 5d's is of course a huge improvement.


But to the point, I am going to be starting with my fan-fiction, were I will make Yu-Gi-Oh, well, quite scary. At least it will be a little more exciting, as Jupiter Apson, the main protagonist is a detective that uses duelling ang psychology to catch the bad guys.


I reckon I will have the first chapter ready by New Year, and I hope for your support when it gets going.

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I'm sorry Ursus, but I don't agree. It's not the violence that makes a show good. As Striker9211 said, it was the dueling that made the show good. I think that near the GX series was when the show started to go down hill. I didn't watch the show to see violence, I watched because I wanted to see Kaiba duel Pegasis, to see Dartz insane plan, and watch Noah attack Kaiba. Of course, this is all my opinion. Your free to believe whatever you want.

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Duelist Kingdom was awful, due to their make-up rules: Summoning Level 7s or 8s without Tributes; only one monster attack per turn, no direct attacks and Traps could be activated without setting. And the infamous...


"I use my Catapult Turtle to launch my Dragon Champion at your Castle of Dark Illusions, shattering it's floatation ring, causing it to crash down onto your monsters!"




It improved with Battle City rules, but over time, the original series stagnated, especially with the filler seasons, since all the duels were the same characters using the same Decks.


GX was terrible since none of the characters were any good. It was at this point that it really did start to mirror Pokemon a lot.


Yet in 5D's we've got improvement. Persecution, discrimination, an 18-year old protagonist (who looks his age), a witch, and villians who are truly malevolent. Yes, the Turbo Duels lag, but overall, it's relatively good.

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I need at least 3 people to judge the Newb Alliance Card Contest.

Max can you make a new thread for it, it seems that I cannot host the contest due to having less than 150 posts in the bank.

[spoiler=What I want you to post]If you are a member of Newb Alliance the cost is 3 points! If you are not the cost is 5 points! All proceeds go to the Newb Alliance donation pot!


[spoiler=What I want you to post for prizes]1st Prize: 3 Reps

2nd Prize: 2 Reps

3rd Prize: 1 Rep


[spoiler=What I want you to post for how cards are judged]Originality /10

Apperance /10

Effect /10

Total /30


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Striker, how many members does the N.A. have that aren't also members of the N.D.L.?


Because I looked at the thread and there aren't that many. Perhaps you should wait until your club is a little older (considering it is only 2 days old). After all, the first contest this club hosted wasn't started until 2 months after it's inception.

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