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Max Darkness

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Air Dragon: Defence is high for LV.4 Make it 2000


Dragon Charmer- Tuners are generally Level 2-3 the max. is usually 4. OCG: When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 2 monster from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard.


Earth Dragon: I guess it's fine as is.


Fire Dragon: Lower DEF


Light Dragon: Lower Attack and Defence OCG: While you control a LIGHT monster, you can Special Summon this card to your side of the Field. When this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 "Water Dragon","Air Dragon", "Earth Dragon", or "Fire Dragon" to your side of the Field in Defence Position.


Master of Omnus: Just avoid Divine-Beasts, they are generally massivly Overpowered.


Omnus, Dragon of the Elements: Can't rate due to lack of Lore


The Dragon from the Darkness: Lower ATK and DEF. Can't help with effect because it doesnt make sense, but the first part is as follows- "Dragon Charmer" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters


Water Dragon- Lower ATK and DEF

spoiler code is [/spoiler= enter title here] your stuff here

Get rid of the / in the first one. Should turn out liek this

[spoiler=title here] Your stuff here


Enjoy :)

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Here are the changes.









Lore: Light, Wind, Earth, Water, and Fire dragons

This card takes the following effect(s) for each attribute on the field.

Light- Draw one card every standby phase.

Earth- Once per turn, you can pay 1000 Lifepoints to select up to three spell/trap cards on your opponent's field and destroy them.

Water- Gains 500 ATK for each water attribute monster on the field.

Fire- Once per turn, remove from play 1 non-fire attribute monster on your opponent's field with the highest ATK. This card is special summoned to the field in 5 of your opponent's standby phases. You can pay 1500 Lifepoints to remove from play all monsters with the same name from their hand, deck, or graveyard.

Wind- This card can attack directly only once while its on the field.



If you think that the lore for Elemental Field should change just give me an idea.

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[spoiler=Dragon from the Darkness]



Effect: 1 non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner monster

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.





What you could do is change the names of all the dragons to "The Dragon from the..."; therefore "Element Field"'s effect becomes:


'All "The Dragon from the" monsters you control gain 1000 ATK and lose 500 DEF.' You'll have to add an effect to balance the ATK boost.


And for the Fusion, it should read:


'The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are any 5 different "The Dragon from the" monsters.'


As for spoilers:







[spoiler=@ Sweet Lightning]

I still think Bronzong knowing Toxic is a good idea. As for Flareon, I'm just playing around with breeding and raising; and realised how awful it is. I'll stick to using Ninetales. I've never liked Focus Punch since it is too risky. That's why I prefer Sky Uppercut and Rock Slide (for killing Flying-Types). Palkia's moveset is just so large, it can know any number of good moves.



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Club Username: DarkMark

Why you want to join: I'm new to these forums. I would like to get

advice on my cards before I post them in the Realistic Card section, plus I want to meet some nice people.

Favorite Card: Relequished

Do you play the game in real life: Every now and again.

How you were referred to the club: By Axess Zero.

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Thank you, Lord Ursus. I have a few cards I'd like to get some input on, if that is acceptable.


Note: The two monsters I'm going to show are for a set I might make later on. These would be the mascots, hence the power. The first card would be on the left of the booster pack, while the second would be on the right.


First off.


Name: Kindling of Hate

Level: 9

Attribute: Divine

Type: Demon/Effect

Card Lore: This card's Attribute is also treated as Fire. This card can only be summoned by Tributing 3 monsters on your field. This card cannot be destroyed in Battle. When this card is destroyed, summon 3 Kindling Tokens (Fire/Pyro-Type/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 500).


Now for the second.


Name: Angel of Purity

Level: 9

Attribute: Divine

Type: Angel/Effect

Card Lore: This card's Attribute is also treated as Water. If this card battles a Fiend-Type monster destroy the other monster at the end of the Damage Step.


Please give me some advice on these cards. Yes, I have other cards, but no, they don't have the same amount of power as these cards. Also, the images I used came from Google.

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[spoiler=@ Striker9211]






[spoiler=@ DarkMark]

Please don't make DIVINE monsters; they're not realistic and nobody takes them seriously. Also, don't use fake types, since no-one takes them seriously either. The first card should be a DARK Fiend-Type; and the second a LIGHT Fairy-Type monster.


OCG Fixes:


i) This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set by Tributing 3 monsters you control. This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) When this card is destroyed by a card effect, Special Summon 3 "Kindling Token" (Pyro-Type/FIRE/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 500) cards in face-up Defense Position.


ii) This card is also treated as a WATER monster. If this card battles a Fiend-Type monster, destroy the monster at the end of the Damage Step.


This one seems rather underpowered and bland.





[spoiler=@ Anyone]

I'm a bit bored. What are your favorite Pokemon (Max. 2)? I'm thinking of passing the time by raising them.



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I have 12 cards in my ELEMENT set!

Here they are! And yes some of these I've shown already with some new changes. Oh Max thanks for helping me make Elemental Field make sense.





Lore: The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are any 5 different "The Dragon from the" monsters.

This card takes the following effect(s) for each attribute on the field.

Light- Draw one card every standby phase.

Earth- Once per turn, you can pay 1000 Lifepoints to select up to three spell/trap cards on your opponent's field and destroy them.

Water- Gains 500 ATK for each water attribute monster on the field.

Fire- Once per turn, remove from play 1 non-fire attribute monster on your opponent's field with the highest ATK. This card is special summoned to the field in 5 of your opponent's standby phases. You can pay 1500 Lifepoints to remove from play all monsters with the same name from their hand, deck, or graveyard.

Wind- This card can attack directly only once while its on the field.








The card below is the one I want to be a Dark Synchro


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