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Max Darkness

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I have never saw the series called, "Lost". is it good?


Also, anyone know any good dance moves, or teachers. I have some moves I want to do, but I still have the fear of tipping over backwards when i try to do a hand stand, it stinks. Any idea's?


@War Torn: You got your card done, yet?

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@Max: Shure Try out my "Burning XIV?" Deck from Stardust Acceleration.



41 Cards


Monsters= 15

Lava Golem x1

Solar Flare x3

UFO Turtle x2

Des Koala x1

Stealth Bird x3

Marshmellon x1

Spirit Reaper x1

D-Hero Defender x1

Raging Flame Sprite x1

Arcana Force 0 - The Fool x1

Dark Room of Nightmare x2


Spells = 16

Gold Sarcophacus x1

Level Limit - Area B x1

Messenger of Peace x3

Meteor of Destruction x1

Monster Reborn x1

Nightmare's Steelcage x1

Swords of revieling Light x1

Tremendous Fire x2

Wave-Motion Cannon x3


Traps = 9

Dark Bribe x1

Dimension Wall x1

Dimensional Prison x1

Gravity Bind x1

Just Desserts x1

Magic Cilinder x1

Secret Barrel x2

Waboku x1




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@War torn: Don't worry about it, its alright.

@Lexadin: You play that game to? Wow, that must be a popular game.

@Max: If you want, I can give you my poorly made insect deck, but I'm sure it won't help much. Or, I know, I could give you my good reptile deck, Evil Dagon Ananta's effect is fun.

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@SD: Yea, Season 0? What do you mean?

@Lexadin: I see. I wish I had that game, but I have the original Ds, when it first come out. $150 dollars. No, its buttons are broke on the top, and the screens need fixing, yet I have no money or time to get it fixed. Besides, I'm sure those games wouldn't be able to play in it, and I hate the Ds lite. You can only play DS games in it, when mine can play GBA and DS games in it. oh well.

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I have never saw the series called' date=' "Lost". is it good?






@Max: Shure Try out my "Burning XIV?" Deck from Stardust Acceleration.



41 Cards


Monsters= 15

Lava Golem x1

Solar Flare x3

UFO Turtle x2

Des Koala x1

Stealth Bird x3

Marshmellon x1

Spirit Reaper x1

D-Hero Defender x1

Raging Flame Sprite x1

Arcana Force 0 - The Fool x1

Dark Room of Nightmare x2


Spells = 16

Gold Sarcophacus x1

Level Limit - Area B x1

Messenger of Peace x3

Meteor of Destruction x1

Monster Reborn x1

Nightmare's Steelcage x1

Swords of revieling Light x1

Tremendous Fire x2

Wave-Motion Cannon x3


Traps = 9

Dark Bribe x1

Dimension Wall x1

Dimensional Prison x1

Gravity Bind x1

Just Desserts x1

Magic Cilinder x1

Secret Barrel x2

Waboku x1





I'll give it a go.




@Max: If you want' date=' I can give you my poorly made insect deck, but I'm sure it won't help much. Or, I know, I could give you my good reptile deck, Evil Dagon Ananta's effect is fun.



Give me the build for your Reptile Deck.



@SD: Season 0?


It's the first season of YuGiOh!, made when Bandai still had the rights. It was based on the very first manga series, in which there are very few card games and the plot is driven much more by character traits and events. It wasn't very good.


And Yami Yugi is a pyromaniac sadist. For obvious reasons, Konami never remade it and for even more obvious reasons, 4Kids never dubbed it.

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@Max: Could you do me a huge favor and give me an effect fix.

Its a long one, sorry.


This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or flipped face-up. Once per turn, return this card to your hand. Reveal this card to your opponent for 2 or more Stanby Phases. If you have this card revealed for 2 turns by this effect, draw 1 card. If you have this card revealed for 4 turns by this effect, destroy 1 card. If this card in your hand by this effect for more than six turns, destroy this card and select 1 card from your Extra Deck. Special Summon the selected card and its effects are negated. While this card is revealed by its effect, it cannot be Summoned or Set



Also, I will, let me go grab it, you can use whatever Synchros for it, though. Its not the best, but it won 2 duels.


@Lexadin: Huh, thats cool. You wanna Swap. jkjk

@SD: Season 0, is that yugioh or another anime? I am just wondering, thats all.

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@SD: Season 0?


It's the first season of YuGiOh!' date=' made when Bandai still had the rights. It was based on the very first manga series, in which there are very few card games and the plot is driven much more by character traits and events. It wasn't very good.


And Yami Yugi is a pyromaniac sadist. For obvious reasons, Konami never remade it and for even more obvious reasons, 4Kids never dubbed it.



It wasn't very good? It's much better then most of the other ones. It's always fun to have a terrorist on a Farris Wheel.

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My reptile deck. I'm kinda like yusei, using weak cards to win.

[spoiler=Reptile Deck]

Monsters: 21

Venom Boa*3

Venom Cobra*3

Vnom Serpent*3

Alien Shocktrooper*2

Interplanetary Invader "A"*2

Razor Lizard*2

Evil Dragon Ananta*3

X-Saber Palomuro*1


Alien Ammonite*1


Spells: 10

Venom Swamp*2

Wicked-Breaking Flamberge -Baou*1

Release Restraint Wave*1

Pot of Greed*1-If forbidden, swap with whatever

Magical Mallet*1

Hammer Shot*1

Synchro Change*1-Stardust to Red Dragon Archfiend

Back to Square One*1

Swing of Memories*1

Traps: 9

Torrential tribute*1


Meteor Flare*2

Deal of Phantom*1

Revival Gift*1

Urgent Tuning*1

Imperial Custom*1

Gravity Bind*1




Its not the best, butit was good for me. Pot of greed, if its banned, I'll have to replace it.


@SD: Sorry, got sidetracked. Also, you know what me and my friend did. We were kicked off of the ferris wheel b/c we were spitting on peoples heads, which was fun, but they got mad. it was fun. Next time, I going to bring pennies with me.

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@SD: Season 0?


It's the first season of YuGiOh!' date=' made when Bandai still had the rights. It was based on the very first manga series, in which there are very few card games and the plot is driven much more by character traits and events. It wasn't very good.


And Yami Yugi is a pyromaniac sadist. For obvious reasons, Konami never remade it and for even more obvious reasons, 4Kids never dubbed it.



It wasn't very good? It's much better then most of the other ones. It's always fun to have a terrorist on a Farris Wheel.


I just found it, overall, less interesting that the later series. The card games were especially bad because they used Bandai's rulings.

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@Max: oops, i forgot. I have no reptile Synchro's, so I use the 1 of each all 5 5d's synchros.


This is a group I use for all my decks, to keep it consistent to whatever deck I use.


Black-Winged Dragon*1

Red Dragon Archfiend*1

Stardust Dragon*2-Don't ask me how I got both

Black Rose Dragon*1

Ancient fairy Dragon*3


Then these are the others*1


Power Tool Dragon

Ally of Justice Light Gazer

X-Saber Urbellum

Colossal Fighter-For different deck

Road warrior-For different deck

Junk Warrior-For different deck

Iron Chain Dragon

Psychic Life Trancer

Flamvell Uruquizas


I hope that helps.


@War Torn: Yea, maybe I can help you out, just a tad bit, give me a sec.

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Max Darkness Digivolved to ... Rant Mode!

Max Darkness Digivolved to ... Rant Mode!



Update on the DIVINE Synchros. They can ALL self-revive! For NO cost! And when they do, they either inflict 800 damage, allow a draw or return all (that's right, you did read 'all') Trap Cards in your Graveyard to your Deck!


And NONE of them have ANY restrictions on their Synchro Material Monsters, just one Tuner and a pair of non-Tuners! So with an empty field, you can Special Summon a "Cyber Dragon", Normal Summon "Junk Synchron", Special Summon a Level 2 and voila, you have a God!


So; they are easy to summon and revive for NO cost and take a shot at your opponent for it...okay...this could be saved by having limited on-field effects...so what are their effects?


"Thor": 'Negates an opponent's monster's effect and uses it as its own.' Would be alright if it couldn't endlessly revive!


"Loki": 'When attacked, blows up all face-up Spells and Traps your opponent controls.' Not when it attacks, when your opponent attacks! So, when your opponent has finally drawn the needed "United We Stand" and is about to crush the god, it goes and blows it up...


"Odin": 'While in Attack Position, negates the effects of Spells and Traps that target Divine-Beast-Type monsters.' ...Right...that makes it even more powerful than the "Wicked Gods" (who in turn where more powerful than the "Egyptian Gods") who were still affected by Spells. Oh, also, the "Wicked Gods" couldn't be Special Summoned...and couldn't self-revive...and couldn't hurt your opponent everytime they did it...



I'm sorry Konami, but just how broken do you want these gods to be? One is immune to Spells and Traps and all can instantly revive themselves if they happen to get "Mirror Force"-ed or "Lightning Vortex"-ed. The only way to kill them is with RFP cards. Now that's fine, apart...from...Odin...


Since it can't be targeted by Spells and Traps, and there are NO non-targeting RFP cards (there's no "D.D. Lightning Vortex") it is, for all intents and purposes, invincible.


Konami has done it. They've actually done what new members on this site do. They've made a card that can't be stopped. They've actually created an invincible card! A card so broken that there is no way to stop it!








Calming down, I realise you could use "D.D. Crow" or "Disappear" to get rid of it, but you'd need the former in your hand as you struck the god down, and nobody actually runs the latter. Other than that, "Necrovalley" would be the only way to stop "Odin", but knowing Konami, they'll make it that DIVINE Synchros are immune to card effects while in the Graveyard.




But I'm not done!


The "Machine Emperor" cards where just released, and many thought they would not be. That raises an incredibly worrying prospect.


They might make these gods...for real...






Konami, GET A GRIP!!![/align]

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Calming down, I realise you could use "D.D. Crow" or "Disappear" to get rid of it, but you'd need the former in your hand as you struck the god down, and nobody actually runs the latter. Other than that, "Necrovalley" would be the only way to stop "Odin", but knowing Konami, they'll make it that DIVINE Synchros are immune to card effects while in the Graveyard.



Gravekeeper's like that they could have a use against that.


Other then that, they are crazy. I expect that a release will be seen, but the cards will be toned down just enough to say they tried. Then it's who cares?! We did what we wanted to do! PARTY!

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