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Max Darkness

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Oh' date=' ok, now I see why you don't like it, Max. Sorry to hear that you don't like us having Freedom and all...






Oh well' date=' I do wonder one Q? How free is your country? I'm sure it has a lot more rules and regulations than ours. Yea, not trying be rude, just acknowledging the history of the Americans and I'm sure there was more accomplished that day then you are where of, as in you all might of benefited from that day, as the whole world could have.



Britain is less free than America, mainly because our political parties are more left-wing than yours and we have a much smaller country. The two major parties; one is near-socialist, while the other is right-wing, but not as far right as your Democrats. So there is more state intervention than you are used to. For example, Obama's recent plan to introduce that health care bill was attacked because people see it as a socialist policy, while in Britain we've had something similar for almost 60 years.


Also, with a smaller country and a more central governmental source of power (in the US, states are very independent, while in the UK the counties are almost powerless), more rules can be enforced. So yes, Britain is less free than the US, but that is mainly because we have laws that are unable to be carried out in America.


And on the plus side, the loss of America meant we could focus on India, Africa and Europe.

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Oh, ok then, so it was still a good day, other than the lost of america, see, so some has to gain on that day, and some has to lose, but all in all. I am still sorry, I was being rude, and I also went out for a few, but all in all, are you saying that you want to come to America, or do you still like your country, even though it is less free by nature, which I am sorry to say... Also, generally, I'm no diplomat, or a Republican, I guess you could say I'm a constitutionist, yet some of those things those people are supporting are part of the constitution are I don't agree with.


I'm more of what you call, Extremely different and annoying to the world of politics, but thats alright.


So, I was being rude, and was being myself, and sorry for that. I keep forgetting that this site contains people all over the world, and yet it is still pretty free, if you think about it.


So, ignore this quote...

Oh' date=' ok, now I see why you don't like it, Max. Sorry to hear that you don't like us having Freedom and all...[/quote']


When I'm sure you are happy with it, as it seems.


So all-in-all, My idea's of laws and Freedoms are way different, even from my dads view.

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@ Ursus: 46 is the lowest you can get a good RFP Deck to, because otherwise you have to start removing monsters (which are essential) or you remove Spell and Trap support, which is risky in a Deck that relies so heavily on it.


@ XzY: 4th July isn't a holiday for us, so this weekend was the same as any other.

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@Max: Oh, well, that sucks. Oh well, I didn't get anything off but Saturday and only reason I get today off is b/c Johns family re-union and RJ swathing. So, on a ranch, we really don't get the holidays off, either. So you are not alone. The days I do get off, i don't get paid either, like the rest of the federals, that get a paid holiday.


@Anyone: Could you help me, the link is right here.





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@Lexadin: I was just seeing if anything excited happened to people that day, yesterday, but as I forget, other countries have different religions and holidays as Max reminded me, which I am sorry for being rude to, and I learned from my mistake, and I thank him for reminding me. I appreciate it.

@Anyone, I'm starting a new thread, I will provide the link to it when I get up and running. It should be good and new, fresh. I hope you all will enjoy it, it will be in the general section, i'm sure it will be used alot.

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@XzY: I shall check it in a moment.


"Sinterklaas" is a holiday that was found to honours the day that Saint Nicklaus died actually. However it has changed it to his B-Day to make it more apropiate for the children. He is actually the Santa of this area, but instead of Elves he has, umm, former slaves called "Zwarte Pieten" (translated = Black Petes) that bring presents to the good children and punishes the bad.

He comes well before his "B-Day" to the Netherlands on a steamboat and he rides on a white horse called Americo (yes from the discoverer of America). He has a big book where he keeps track of if people are good or not and he is said to come through the chimney of a house while going over the roofs on his horse.


Oh yeah, and he is said to come from Spain.

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@Lexadin:Thanks for trying it, I hope it gets full fast, I believe it should help make others on this site how the real world needs help and that they are not the only ones that are in need of desperate times. And that "Sinterklaas" sounds like our Santa Clause, or to be technical, Saint Nicholas, which is probably related some how.

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@Max: Vanguard s ok' date=' but Futurekind (btw that is almost a Dutch sentice, lol) is OP imo.



You need to exhaust your hand and/or field to give it any real power, and you need "The Sanctuary in the Sky" or "Spirit Barrier" to defend yourself from the damage you'll take to activate this card's effect.


If used in a Fairy Deck, it doesn't fit in well with the general strategy, and if used in an RFP Deck, it can't be used with the Warrior-centric support cards.


Its balance comes from its damaging summoning conditions and that it doesn't truly fit in any Deck.

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@Max: Yesterday, I bought a few cards, and I got an interesting card. It is called Desert Twister, and I was just wondering, WTF theme does it have. Remove from play 1 Earth & 2 Earth monsters to bring it out, and then you can destroy a spell or trap card on the field? Its wind, and I call that a first konami weakest link card, IMO. So, what deck has it deal with, and I thought maybe you knew.

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@Max: Yesterday' date=' I bought a few cards, and I got an interesting card. It is called Desert Twister, and I was just wondering, WTF theme does it have. Remove from play 1 Earth & 2 Wind monsters to bring it out, and then you can destroy a spell or trap card on the field? Its wind, and I call that a first konami weakest link card, IMO. So, what deck has it deal with, and I thought maybe you knew.



It's a counterpart to "Frost and Flame Dragon", whose Summoning Conditions are very similar, and whose effect destroys 1 monster on the field in return for a discard. Overall, they are counterparts to the "Chaos" Archetype, which are Summoned by RFPing LIGHT and DARK monsters.


The pair are both nigh-on useless, since they are tricky to summon ("Frost and Flame Dragon" could possibly work in a generic Dragon Deck, but not a good one; "Desert Twister" is unuseable for all intents and purposes), exhaustive to summon (RFP 3 monsters) and not very strong for their Level (2300 ATK/2000 DEF).


They are gimmick cards; they've only been released in one set and were never used in competitive play nor the anime. Only "Frost and Flame Dragon" got a mention in games, and that was as a supporting card in a "Horus" Deck. Until someone makes a dual-Attribute Archetype covering those Attributes, those cards are as good as pointless.

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hey ppl can i get some feedback on these cards?


all image credit to HP doom's archive



lore:Once per turn, you can change the battle position of 1 monster your opponent controls. That monster cannot be destroyed by battle during that turn and cannot be selected as an attack target except by this card. While this card is in face-up Attack Position, all non-Beast-Type monsters you control cannot attack.[/align]



lore:When this card destroys a Defense Position monster by battle, increase this card's ATK by the half of the destroyed monster's DEF, until your next Standby Phase. This card cannot be targeted by card effects while you control another Beast-Type monster except "Hounaiz, the Strong Horn." If a Beast-Type monster on your side of the field would be destroyed except "Hounaiz, the Strong Horn", you can destroy this card instead.




lore:This card can only be Tribute Summoned by Tributing 2 Beast-Type monsters you control. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Beast-Type monster from your Graveyard instead of conducting your Draw Phase. You cannot Normal Summon or Set during the turn you activate this effect. That monster cannot attack or activate its effect this turn. If this card would be destroyed you can destroy 1 face-up Beast-Type monster instead.[/align]

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@Max: I don't think so. If you remove like 5 cards (from either) You'll get a 5000 ATK beatstick that cannot be destroyed in battle AND an excelent D.D. Milling card. Even though it lacks support cards in most Decks, I would still hate it if it would be used against me. Even more becouse you could OTK with it pretty easy.


@Delano: Warima is somewhat UP imo. I can't see a lot of Potential in it.

Houniaz is ok.

And so is Kakian imo.

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@ XzY: It's not very common if you're interested. It does have some rarity since it was only released in one set.



@Max: I don't think so. If you remove like 5 cards (from either) You'll get a 5000 ATK beatstick that cannot be destroyed in battle AND an excelent D.D. Milling card. Even though it lacks support cards in most Decks' date=' I would still hate it if it would be used against me. Even more becouse you could OTK with it pretty easy.



But you've lost a large number of monsters (if you RFP 5, and even if you only RFP 3, you've either exhausted your hand or field, or dented both) and a "Sakuretsu Armor" will blow it away easily. It's still vulnerable to card effects ("Caius" will RFP it and deal 1000 damage for that), and it needs to attack to activate its effect, meaning that it could run into any number of traps.


Also, if it is returned to the hand or Deck by a card, you've wasted a huge number of monsters. Plus, you really cannot Special Summon it since its ATK and DEF would be 0.


Compare "Tyranno Infinity" and "Evil Hero Dark Gaia". Both monsters' ATK can soar and in a dedicated Deck can both be Summoned quickly and with less cost than "Das Futurekind". In addition, "Dark Gaia" can force your opponent to take Battle Damage.


And all three run the risk of being wiped out by "Mirror Force", "Raigeki Break" or even "Lightning Vortex" on your opponent's turn. Yes, if you draw it in your opening hand and Summon it you can get a quite powerful monster onto the field, but you prevent yourself from doing much else for a couple of turns and your opponent need only to activate a destructive Spell or Trap to waste your efforts.

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Hey guys, can you rate this card please?:



Lore: Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 face-up WATER monster on your side of the field. If you do, increase the ATK and DEF points of this monster by 300 x the Level of the Tributed monster. Once per turn, you may Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower WATER monster from your hand.

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@Max: Yes, but it is still a matter of luck. Dark Gaia is a Fusion that can only be Summoned by a very unsupported Spell Card and hardly no one runs a D.D. Dino Deck (which would actually be quite brilliant). However both are very fulnirable for cards like "Shrink and therfor can easely be destroyed by battle. While this card is indestructible by battle and even though you might reseave some damage, you'll still keep the card making it very OP imo.

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