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Max Darkness

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Thanks Max, that makes it alot easier to make, so i don't have to keep manipulating it, I just was thinking, thats all. I'll just close it and remake, rework it and the other card I had. I have three so far, but they are not as powerful, they are weaker, and the original effect made this card so waek, it isn't funny. But then I thought, if it was weak, it would work. But lets just see in the new thread, but thanks.

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id like to join

Club Username: Smesh

Why you want to join: Noobs could become good card makers

Favorite Card: Wicked Dreadroot

Do you play the game in real life: if im asked

How you were referred to the club: found it


There is a difference between 'Noobs' and 'Newbs'. Which one do you mean?



Club Username: LarvaeMothKaiba

Why you want to join: Curious to what this club is about

Favorite Card: Larvae Moth

Do you play the game in real life: Yes

How you were referred to the club: Found it



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He guys I'm back' date=' did you fina;;y worked things out with your fan fic Max?



Well, that's one and a half arcs worked out, but now I have to complete the Decks and other stories.


I know the main trio of characters use, respectively a Counter Fairy/"Vairon" Deck, a "Turbo Warrior" Deck, and an "Ally of Justice" Deck.


I have the basics of the story worked out, with some holes here and there, but I need to iron out "Five Dragons" before I can completely finish preperations for "Emissaries".

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How would you complete this Deck? (Keeping to anime rules)


Monsters (18):


Voltanis the Adjudicator

Emperor Sem x 3

Shining Angel

Herald of Orange Light x 2

Herald of Perfection

Harvest Angel of Wisdom

Bountiful Artemis x 2

D.D. Warrior Lady

Meltiel, Sage of the Sky

Soul of Purity and Light

Majestic Mech - Ohka x 2

Majestic Mech - Goryu

Zeradias, Herald of Heaven



Spells (12):


Lightning Vortex

Double Summon x 2

Dark Core

Sanctuary in the Sky

Inferno Reckless Summon

Dawn of the Herald

United We Stand x 2


Brain Control

Pot of Avarice



Traps (14):


Mirror Force

Dark Bribe x 2

Bottomless Trap Hole

Dimensional Prison

Defense Radar x 2

Solemn Judgement

Divine Wrath x 2

Destruction Jammer

Synthetic Seraphim

Magic Jammer

Negate Attack



Extra Deck (5):


Gabriel, the Integra Angel

Avenging Knight Parshath

Radiant Wings

Knight of Heaven Michael

Seraphel, King of Angels

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