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Max Darkness

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Because I'm interested in the maritime innovations that occured; such as the development of the second type of ironclad (USS Monitor and CSS Virginia) compared to HMS Warrior.


But what is annoying is that the writer is imagining a battle between USS Monitor and HMS Warrior. The set-up is that the British Empire has joined the side of the Confederacy to secure its cotton exports (which is what Lincoln's Anaconda Plan was designed to stop) and has set its two flagships HMS Warrior and HMS Black Prince to assist.


Somewhere near Richmond (capitol of Virginia), the Monitor has intercepted the Warrior and starts fighting. Now, in the book, the battle is an even clash before the Monitor gains an upper hand by firing at point blanc range a few times, almost crippling Warrior. That's what's annoying me.


In reality, the British would never have got involved in the Civil War, since there was no gain for us. Then, even if the two had met, the Warrior would have crushed the Monitor, possibly literally. It had a larger number of, and more powerful guns; better armour; was faster and could turn more rapidly; and if all that failed, it could just run the Monitor over, considering it was almost 80 times heavier than the American ship.

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Wow, within one day, 4 pages has came about. Oh well.


@Necro: Yea, but I won't be on as often, b/c I am not at school, but thats alright.


@Max: Well, thats cool, and I think I made an Double Accel Sycnhro, finally. The problem is whether or not I'm done with it, which I'm sure I am not done with it.


@anyone: I'm off to finish that one card. and etc.

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@ Striker: In the American Civil War, neither side used all their resources. There were large tracts of the the mid-west and western areas of the US that saw no combat whatsoever. In fact, almost all the fighting was concentrated around Richmond in Virginia. Also, the Union did not destroy all the Confederacy had (large areas of Texas and Alabama were untouched) and they did not use all their resources to do it (some western states didn't even mobilise).


The third definition of 'Total War' is a war in which anyone is a target. In World War I that was fulfilled. Civilian casulities were the highest of any war that had proceeded. And both sides exhausted all their industry and money to defeat the other. The American Civil War was the first modern war (use of Ironclads, balloons and heavy armament), but not the first total war.



@ Whamo: This book is real. The story is based on possible events. The British never got involved. We were too busy with our empire.

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Hello everyone, I'm sorry that I wasnt on yesterday, but I feel I should explain why.


So, someone my mom works with, a friend of ours, commited suicide yesterday by shooting himself in the head. Other staff members found him in the woods that day and my mom, who was at home, got the call.

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During the American Civil War' date=' U.S. Army General Phillip Sheridan's stripping of the Shenandoah Valley, beginning on September 21, 1864 and continuing for two weeks, was considered "total war". Its purpose was to eliminate foodstuffs and supplies vital to the South's military operations, as well as to strike a blow at Southern civilian morale. Sheridan took the opportunity when he realized opposing forces had become too weak to resist his army.


Union Army General William Tecumseh Sherman's 'March to the Sea' in November/December 1864 destroyed the resources required for the South to make war. Sherman is considered one of the first military commanders to deliberately and consciously use total war as a military strategy. General Ulysses S. Grant and President Abraham Lincoln initially opposed the plan until Sherman convinced them of its necessity.[/quote']


Enjoy reading this Max. A counter argument.

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