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Max Darkness

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Pure negation effects are very rare in YGO for some reason, yet they could be very abuseable. Think about it; your opponent activates something like "Gravity Bind", and you simply negate the effect. They then have an unuseable Spell and Trap Card Zone. It also means that destruction-negating effects like "Stardust Dragon" cannot chain.

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@ Striker: They don't have to be complicated. This would most likely be Semi-Limited or even Limited due to the large amounts of trouble it can cause your opponent.




Effect: Activate only when your opponent activates a Spell or Trap Card effect. Negate the effect of that card while it remains face-up on the field.

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Which means that if your opponent activates a Continuous Spell or Trap Card, they lose a Card Zone, and the card isn't easily returned to their hand or Deck. It's brilliant, and Konami have never seemed to make a card like it.


However, I think it might be unbalanced at the moment. All the Counter Negate and Destroy Traps have a cost...so this one needs one too.

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Also Pop culture card for digimon not meant to be serious or balanced


http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/471/341559x.jpg' alt='341559x.jpg'>

lore:This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summon by Tributing 3 Aqua-Type monsters on your side of the field. Once per turn, you can select one of the following effects and have it gain that effect until your Next Standby Phase:

*Blue Popsicle: This card cannot be targeted by Spell or Trap cards. During the End Phase discard 1 card or destroy this card.

*Red Popsicle: Half this card's ATK. This card can attack your opponent directly.

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Hiya all, here is a challenge for you all, if you are up to it. First to get a decent one gets 6 Reps. Reason is that I thought of a way to use a card and Synchro's as an way of hurting your opponent. Memory Crush King makes it so that if you directly attack with him, you remove all Synchro monsters from your opponents graveyard and inflict 1000 damage to your opponent for Each Synchro removed. So, my challenge is listed in the challenge spoiler, below.



Make a OTK deck with using Memory Crush King card and others.

Use real Life cards, not ones made online.


Find cards that remove cards from your Opponents Extra Deck to the graveyard.

Find cards that wipe the field for the main card to attack directly without a chance of being stopped.




I think this might work, if it has not already been done.


Also, here is the card I made yesterday, any Ideas?


[spoiler= Psychedelic Neos Dragon]




4 Tuners + 1 or more non-tuner monsters.

When this card is successfully Synchro Summoned, your opponent cannot activate any Spells, Traps, or Effect Monster’s effects. Also, card effects that return Monster Cards to the Extra Deck are negated while this card remains face-up on the Field.




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@ Delano: Yes, but Burn and Beatdown RFP Decks need large numbers of cards to be Removed from Play to deal serious damage with "D.D. Dynamite" and "Golden Homunculus". Also, "D.D. Scout Plane" is usually a liability compared to a strength, since it keeps re-Summoning itself to give your opponent a easy shot at your Life Points.


Also, Daipenmon will only ever appear if they use the "Frontier" story again. And the new series looks like it is introducing yet a new way of evolving.



@ XzY: I'll get back to you on the Deck, but why is your Dragon EARTH Attribute and also a Tuner?

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as in when i try to go to YN it sents me to bing searching for YN <.< than i click on YN in the bing.com than it just sends me right back to were i just was


and the cards is...interesting


I just thought of something for Memory crush king


MCK + Oppression = Profit?


@max: that does not stop it from having a shot at getting into the new digimon game being released in Japan in 11 days. Its already be confirmed but ppl that AlforceVeedramon, AncientGreymon, and some other digimon will be in it. So Daipenmon does have shot but i would rather see Dracomon's Line instead

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@Delano-I have been looking and discoverd a way for him to attack directly, Shooting Star bow-Ceal. It's only 1000, but if your opponent has 6 Synchro's in their gravyeard, that is 7000 Damage right there. But I look up opression.


@Max: It is Earth b/c It is an dragon and I like the Earth Attribute. Also, tuner to make an Accel Synchro with the form of a Double Synchro, except it uses 4 tuners, but I thought that it would just make it harder to get out. I still think that ist ATK/DEF are a bit high, but I hope that explains what I was thinking of doing. Make an Double Accel Synchro, required to have 4 tuners as their effect.

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@ XzY:


- Monsters:


"Dragunity Pilum" x 3

"Dragunity Militum" x 3

"Memory Crush King"

WIND "Crystal Beasts"

"Dragunity" Staples

Warrior Staple(s)

Other Staples


- Spells:


"Lightning Vortex"

"Cost Down"

"Mountain" x 2

"Heavy Storm"



"The Shallow Grave"


- Traps:



"Emergency Tuning"

"Synchro Shift" etc.


- Extra:


"Dragunity Knight - Trident" x 3

"Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste"

"Goyo Guardian"

"Stardust Dragon" etc.



Synchro Summon at least 2 "Dragunity Knight - Tridents" and over a few turns, send at least 6 Synchro monsters to your opponent's Graveyard. Use "Lightning Vortex" and "Heavy Storm" to clear your opponent's field, before Tributing 1 of the "Dragunity Knight - Tridents" to Summon "Memory Crush King". Attack directly. If needed, attack with the remaining "Trident".


Or, if you control a large number of monsters and cards, Synchro Summon "Dragunity Knight - Trident", activate its effect; Fusion Summon "Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste". Remove "Trident" from play to repeat the effect. Tribute "Draco-Equiste" to Summon "Memory Crush King". As above.


When you have a number of "Tridents" in your Graveyard, Fusion Summon "Draco-Equiste" and RFP the "Tridents" in turn to activate their effects. And then as above.

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@Max: Wow, that was quick, I will have to find some of those cards, but is this trident card a Synchro? and I forgot to put one more ruling, all cards must be in yugioh english, b/c I can not buy Japanese cards. Sorry bout that. Also, Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste that is probably a fusion or something that I do not have or something and is it in english? If it is, thank you and I will pay your respect tomorrow, b/c my dad wants me off now!!! So, thank you and ttyl.

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@ XzY: "Trident" is a Level 7, WIND, Dragon-Type, 2400 ATK, 1700 DEF Synchro that sends from your opponent's Extra Deck to the Graveyard by sending cards you control to the Graveyard. It will be released in the TCG towards the end of this year. "Draco-Esque" is a Synchro Fusion that can copy the effect of a Dragon-Type Synchro in the Grave by removing it that will be released quite soon.



[spoiler=The Different Dimension Counterparts]


b] This card is always also treated as a DARK monster. You can Special Summon this card from your hand by returning 2 of your removed from play "D.D." or "Delphic" monsters to your Graveyard. While this card remains face-up on the field, "Macro Cosmos" cannot be removed from the field and each time a Spell or Trap Card is removed from play, except by this card



b] This card is treated as a "D.D." monster If your opponent






p><p>[center][img]<a href=http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/3167/delphicshockwave.jpg' alt='delphicshockwave.jpg'>[/center]


Effect: Activate only in response to the activation of a Trap Card by returning 1 of your Removed from Play cards to your Graveyard. Inflict 200 damage to your opponent for each Removed from Play Card.



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@ XzY Continued: Dragons are more likely to be DARK, LIGHT and FIRE than EARTH and your dragon is clearly LIGHT or WIND Attribute. But since it is Level 10, the only non-Tuners that could be used are Level 1s, and the only Synchros that could be used are my "Inversion" Synchros and Dark Synchros.


And who has five monsters on the field who are all very low Level (Level 3 or lower), and four of them are Tuners? If during the next Battle Phase, it's blown to pieces, you've wasted five monsters.


And I think you're a little confused. An Accel Synchro requires purely Synchro monsters as Synchro Materials, while what you've made is a Quadruple Tuned Synchro monster.


An example of a Double Accel Synchro monster is:





Effect: 2 Synchro Tuner monsters + 1 Synchro non-Tuner monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Accel Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned, destroy all other monsters on the field. Card effects cannot be activated in response to this card's activation. If your opponent Summons a monster with 2000 or less ATK, you can remove it from play. If you do, take damage equal to half the removed monster's ATK. When this card is removed from the field by battle or by your opponent's card effect, remove from play this card and all cards on the field and Special Summon 1 "Kagaseo Token" (Machine-Type/DARK/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0). This token cannot attack and while this token remains face-up on the field, neither player can Summon or Set monsters.

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