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Max Darkness

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You're kind of being contradictory. They're like that now. Their materials have to be on the field except in certain cases of other tuner monsters.


Their materials have to be on the field' date=' but they are in the Extra Deck, which means they can be instantly called out. Synchros would only be balanced if you had to have them in your hand to Summon them, like Ritual monsters.


And if you create another card for Synchro Summoning, it just becomes a bizarre form of Ritual Summoning from the Extra Deck.



Max, you seriously are a talented fan fic writer.

That story deserves a rep.





Hé Max' date=' on ycm wikia I see that you have a template with all your sets and stuf in it beneat all of your threads, so how do you make 1? If I may ask.



Go to this: http://ycm.wikia.com/wiki/Template:Max_Darkness


Then click 'Edit' and copy the whole thing. Start a new article called 'Template:Lexadin' and paste it into the new article. Modify it with different colours so it's yours (you can find the colour codes by selecting different font colours on YCM) and add or remove lines that you need.



[align=center]I made a quick single.

How do you like it?



When this card is Tribute Summoned' date=' you can remove up to 5 Machine-Type, "Junk" or "Scrap" monsters from either player's Graveyards from play. Increase this card's ATK equal to the number of card's removed by this effect x 100. Once per turn, you can remove 1 Machine-Type, "Junk" or "Scrap" monster on the field or in either players Graveyard from play to gain Life Points equal to the removed monster's Level x 100.[/i']

Pic from Jazin Kay



Awaiting corrections.


I don't like the endless RFP of your opponent's Graveyard, since you could side this and then unleash it against a "Cyber" or "Reactor" Deck. I think you should keep it to your own Graveyard and make it so that you either gain Life Points or attack during the turn.

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I know what you mean, Necro. :/


Speaking of fics, I am working on the next chapter.


You guys will read it, right? Unrealistic as it is.


I remember having to wait 5-10 pages when the tempo here was slow, and then it was not posted on the actual thread. :/


Yours is truly a nice fan-fiction, though, Max.

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@ Ursus: Thanks. And at some point, I will link all the bits and pieces together into one long story.




Effect: Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up card you control. Pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Token monster written in the card text of that card. While a Token monster Special Summoned by this card's effect is face-up on the field, this card's effect cannot be used.


Making a card helps me remember that I know how to word certain effects.

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More screwing with Synchro Summoning:




Effect: 1 Synchro or Dark Synchro Tuner + 1 or more Synchro or Dark Synchro non-Tuner monsters

This card is always also treated as a DARK monster. This card is cannot be destroyed by battle with DARK and LIGHT monsters and is unaffected by the effects of DARK and LIGHT monsters. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) Once per turn, during either player's turn, you can remove from play 1 LIGHT or DARK monster on the field and return 1 DARK or LIGHT monster in your Graveyard to your Deck. The removed monster is returned to the field during the End Phase. You can Tribute this card to remove from play 1 face-up DARK or LIGHT monster your opponent controls. If you do, while this card remains in your Graveyard, that monster cannot be returned to its owner's hand, Deck or Graveyard.




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Hey, Thank you Max for the effect fix. Thank you. Also, Max, you should make a fusion that takes every type of Synchro there is. I;E


1st: Double Synchro + Accel Synchro + Synchro Tuner + Synchro=Mighty fusion or something.

2nd: Double Dark Synchro + Dark Accel Synchro + Dark Synchro Tuner +Synchro Tuner=Whatever fusion.


It's just a thought, that's all.


So, do they actually have a monster out in english that is an Double Synchro monster?

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