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Max Darkness

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It may be a little odd, but I need to give Max some reps and I keep forgeting, or however you spell it. Anyhow, I was on to make a new card, and I wanted to see what some people were up to, well, anyhow, now I know. Also, I still find it creepy that you play games, Max Darknes. I'm sorry, just never expected you to be that type. Oh well, I need to give Max some Reps I owe, but anyway, was just checking in and DarkMArk, if you are still on, say hi to Max and Mr.Wham for me, I have to get off at 9:00pm, which is in an half hour. Well, ttyal.

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o ya forgot to mention today when i was using my alien deck on YGN


i started


draws no monsters -.- and S/T that need monsters

opponent sets Facedown card

Draws still nothing -.- sets mysterious triangle so i don't have to discard anything

opponent summons the calculator (does not atk)

draws starlight road sets it

opponent plays heavy storm

activates starlight

opponent calls me "a pussy" <.< because i used it and summoned stardust because

A)need monster

B)wanted to save my facedown

than he starts sayin i'm worse than BWs and all this other craps -.- seriously its just a game.

than he rage quits -.-


seriously what a jerk. Seriously is there something wrong with protecting your cards and getting a monster when you need a monster

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ORO?? Really? why might I ask?


I just feel I spend too much time on this site.






@ Delano: The ability to continually return your opponent's Continuous Spells and Traps to their hand' date=' which then allows you to put A-Counters on the field,

[b'] if your opponent is an idiot yes, but i'm normally returning mine :P[/b]

followed by removing them to blow up something your opponent controls is broken enough;

mysterious triangle can do the same thing by only requires 1 A counter

however, having a Level 5 with 2600 ATK just makes it laughable (It has the highest ATK of all Level 5s).

like goyo guardian has the highest ATK of all lv 6 monsters... An catastor's cheapa** effect can still kill him if you cant get the A counters on the field



Plus, its Tuner monster can Special Summon one of the other Synchro materials off the bat. I want to meet the man at Konami who okayed that card so I can slice off numerous parts of his body.

alot of tuners can do this


And "Aliens" do not need beatsticks. Their entire strategy was (originally) the use of the A-Counters to weaken your opponent's monsters before using various Spells and Traps to either control them or destroy them.

still do gol'gar just speeds up the process and brings alittle extra kick




- RFP Decks need "Macro Cosmos"/"Dimensional Fissure"; "Earthbound Immortals" need a Field Spell; Fairies need "Magical Citadel"/"Sanctuary in the Sky"; "The Six Samurai" need their support cards; "Boss Rush" and "Skill Drain" Decks need those cards; lockdown Decks need the "Imperial" and "Royal" cards; Anti-Synchro Decks need "Dischord"; Burn Decks need "Backfire", "Graverobber's Retribution", "Level Limit Area A/B" or "Gravity Bind", and Stall Decks are the same; finally, "Monarch" and "Wicked God" Decks need "Ultimate Offering" and/or "Mausoleum of the Emperor".


Every single Deck that cannot rely on monster effects require their Continuous or Field support cards, and above is only a small selection of Decks that fall under that category.



- "Mysterious Triangle" doesn't fuel its own effect does it?



- Synchros have the highest ATK of a lot of Levels, which seems odd considering how easy they are to summon. Indeed, for Level 8s, it's the Effect and Ritual monsters that command the highest ATK, but generally have very poor effects.


I use the "Monarchs" as the line for the single-Tribute monsters, and a Level 5 with as much ATK as the highest-ATK single Tribute monster "Frostosaurus" (a Normal monster) is broken. "Goyo Guardian" was a mistake from the word go in my opinion. If anyone from Konami can justify its strength, then I will be amazed.


Also, "Catastor" is rarely used in competitive play since it doesn't cause any damage. Sure it will clear through your opponent's monsters, except face-down monsters and the DARK Staples, but it won't be hitting your opponent's Life Points, which is what counts.



- Tuners make Synchros even more broken. "Junk Synchron" and "Dark Resonator" are just a pair of over-powered support monsters. An instant Synchro Summon and a Tuner that can weather an attack make the Synchros just too easy to Summon. If someone made a Contact Fusion Material Monster that instantly summoned the other material, people would say it was broken. But for some reason, no-one says that when Synchros are involved...




Some of us are still firmly rooted in the olden days of Yugimanz' date=' I see.



Mainly because I played it back then; back when a Fusion Summon was useless and high-ATK Tributers where the only beatsticks. Not now, when Konami decided to introduce a game mechanic that evidently not many of them thought through...


"I know! Let's make a type of monster that's like a Ritual, but doesn't require a Ritual Spell and is stored in the Fusion Deck!"

"So, it's like a Contact Fusion?"

"Yes, but it doesn't need to return to the Fusion Deck at the end of the turn, and you can send the materials to the Graveyard instead!"

"So not Tributing them, just sending?"

"Exactly, so 'Mind Control' will work perfectly!"


...Good grief. Whoever thought up Synchro monsters needs to have their children taken from them, since they clearly aren't capable of logical thought.




@Max: I wasnt expecting them on ending 5D's any time soon. So' date=' looks like no original storyline for you.



We might be getting to the part when the main character turns evil for a couple of duels after this arc. (The "Orichalcos" and "Supreme King" arcs were around episode 200) Konami are so predictable...




Also' date=' I still find it creepy that you play games, Max Darkness. I'm sorry, just never expected you to be that type.



Wha? Do you have an image of me standing on a rooftop, looking down on kids, laughing madly while shouting "Look at those fools with their games!!"


I just play games that keep going. I like a game to, in essence, never run out of things or at least out-last me. Many new games, I think, have a strong story, but then peater out towards the end.




seriously what a jerk. Seriously is there something wrong with protecting your cards and getting a monster when you need a monster


Yes! When you both protect your cards and get a Level 8 Dragon out of it. Compared to "Dark Bribe"' date=' "Destruction Jammer" and "Dark Illusion", who lose hand advantage or simply protect your cards.




I got into my first choice of schools!




Incredibly happy be I now. :D


Excellent news!

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it was either get out a Lv8 dragon or get my Lifepionts hit until when the hell ever i got a monster -.-. and i don't have any backrow effect negation cards in my deck except starlight road and stardust due to lack of room because i need other cards in there


and WHY would i be using dark illusion when i have like 1 Dark monster in my alien deck?

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lolz well That is funny but i take it your talking of the infamous Starlight road...lolz


And you can kill something for that b/c Starlight road canget you screwed over...Sorun a Dark

Bribe Delano


Also Omega will be up as soon as I can find my first post...

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lolz well That is funny but i take it your talking of the infamous Starlight road...lolz


And you can kill something for that b/c Starlight road canget you screwed over...Sorun a Dark

Bribe Delano


Also Omega will be up as soon as I can find my first post...

Don't have room for Bribe i have other stuff i need in the deck i'm trying to keep it as close to 40 cards as possible and its sitting at 43 right now and i dont want to up the number

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@ Necro:



110 - 112: Jack gets shiny new dragon

113 - 140: Team 5D's complete the World Riding GP.

141 - 145: Yusei and co. duel with the Emperors of Yliaster.

146 - 150: Yusei vs. Placido. "Wisel Infinity" is stronger than ever and defeats "Shooting Star Dragon". Yusei wins with a deux ex machina.

151 - 170: Filler.

171 - 190: Set-up for Yusei's transformation to evil. Introduces new villain.

191 - 205: Yusei is evil/possessed, defeating Jack, Crow and Aki brutaly, probably with a Dark Counterpart Deck.

206 - 210: Yusei vs. Kiryu. Duel is interlaced with Kiryu describing how Yusei is now similar to a Dark Signer, blah blah...evil...flashbacks (and lots of them)...redemption...etc. Long duel short, Kiryu defeats Yusei and Yusei beats the villain.

210 - 240?: Arc exploring the origin of Duel Monsters and the Incan side of the story, most likely ending with Yusei dueling the avatar of the Crimson Dragon, winning and gaining a card form of the dragon (that last part is less possible).



Easy really.

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