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Max Darkness

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This card can only be activated when a monster you control is destroyed by battle. Special Summon 1 monster whose Level is 2 higher or lower than the destroyed monster from your Deck or Graveyard then pay Life Points equal to the Summoned monster's Level x300. That monster cannot attack or activate its effect until your next End Phase.


I don't get the logic of having it as a Quick Spell. It would do better as a Normal Trap. Some errors in basic grammar and some errors on OCG. The italic is confusing. I have no OCG fixes for it, but I don't think its correct.

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  • Replies 13.2k
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@ Striker: I've never used Zombies (I'm an "Earthbound" RFPer), so I'm not qualified to judge a good Zombie Deck. On the other hand, both Dark and Whamo have large amounts of experience on using Zombies, so unless you post your Deck in the forum, their opinions are probably the only ones you'll get.



@ Delano: "Breaker" is killed, and in return I get a "Monarch"/"Jinzo", while paying 1800 LP. Could be abused, IMO with cards that offset payment. But overall balanced since you have to lose a good monster to Special Summon anything of any worth. Any payments will be rather crushing.


Activate only when a monster you control is destroyed. Special Summon, from your Deck or Graveyard, 1 monster whose Level is 2 higher or lower than the destroyed monster's. Pay Life Points equal to the Summoned monster's Level x 300. The Summoned monster cannot attack or activate its effect until after your next End Phase.

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I think it takes 6 posts to make the new page. BTW, I actually need to know how to word the last part of this card's effect:




Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned except by sending any number of monsters from your hand or field to the Graveyard while "Dimensional Fissure" or "Macro Cosmos" is face-up on the field. (You cannot Set this card.) When this card is Normal Summoned, it gains 1000 ATK for each monster sent to Summon it. This card is also treated as a DARK Fairy-Type monster while face-up on the field and while removed from play. This Attack Position monster cannot be destroyed by battle. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) When this card battles, you can reduce this card's ATK in multiples of 1000 before damage calculation, until the End Phase. If you do, at the end of the Damage Step, remove cards from the top of your opponent's Deck from play equal to the multiples of 1000 ATK reduced by this card's effect.



The underlined part I think could be removed since now that I look at it, it could make it underpowered, and the bold part is the bit which I can't find any references for. Thoughts/suggestions?

Make that at least seven posts... *sigh*

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and to war torn the logic behind it being a quick play is that you draw you summon BTH hits your monster activate this can get a monster to guard your LP until your next turn

k and thanks for the OCG fix


and here http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-206924-post-4221362.html#pid4221362


as for your card not sure on the last part either 1st time i've seen it

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can i get an OCG fix and opinions on this card

This is the boss card to my Light machine cards


[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can onlu be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 LIGHT monsters on your side of the field. When this card is Summoned Special Summon 3 Level 3 or lower LIGHT monsters from your Deck to the field. The monster's Summoned by this effect cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon, Synchro material for a Synchro Summon, or Fusion material for a Fusion Summon. If your opponent activates a card effect that would destroy this card you can send 1 LIGHT monster on your side of the field to the Graveyard to negate that effect. When this card destroys a monster a result of battle Special Summon 1 "Light's Shield Ship token"(Machine-Type/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 1800) to your side of the field in Defense Position. The tokens cannot be used as Tribute for a Tribute Summon, Synchro material for a Synchro Summon, or Fusion material for a Fusion Summon.


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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 LIGHT monsters you control. When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summon up to 3 Level 3 or lower LIGHT monsters from your Deck. The Summoned monster(s) cannot be Tributed or sent to the Graveyard for a Fusion or Synchro Summon. If your opponent activates a card effect that would destroy this card you can send 1 LIGHT Token monster you control to the Graveyard to negate the effect and destroy that card. When this card destroys a monster by battle, Special Summon 1 "Light's Shield Ship Token" (Machine-Type/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 1800) in Defense Position. This token cannot be Tributed or sent to the Graveyard for a Fusion or Synchro Summon.


Effect changed to stop it becoming a self-shielding behemoth.

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Good. I just finished my duels with Max. Here is the log.


[spoiler=There are two duels.]

this is log window

DarkMark|>joined the duel.

DarkMark|>loaded their deck That Deck.

DarkMark|>ready to duel.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>joined the duel.

Max Darkness|>loaded their deck Dimensional Analysis.

Max Darkness|>ready to duel.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>rolled 4.

Max Darkness|>Hi.

Max Darkness|>rolled 5.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>Hello Max. This deck is still in beta stages, but I needed to test.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Well, I havent duelled in ages, so well see what I can do...

Max Darkness|>(And I rolled a 5)

Max Darkness|>So Ill go first.

DarkMark|>I still suck, so it wont be much of a challange. Okay.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>come to Main Phase 1.

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>turn a card into defend position.

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>come to Stanby Phase.

DarkMark|>come to Main Phase 1.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>turn a card into attack position.

DarkMark|>Wrong button.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Your Attack Position Trap!

DarkMark|>move Burden of the Mighty from hand to field

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Okay.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Soul Absorption from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>Great. RFP deck still.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Its all Ive got left on this site...!

Max Darkness|>Theyve deleted all my others.

DarkMark|>I just built this deck today so I am not completely sure how to use it to its full potential.

Max Darkness|>Well, given you called it That Deck, you didnt give me much idea whats in it.


DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>(I prefer it when my opponents tell me exactly what theyre using...)

DarkMark|>I do that a lot.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>flip Gravekeeper's Priestess faceup.

DarkMark|>turn Gravekeeper's Priestess into attack position.

DarkMark|>There you go.


Max Darkness|>Oh god...

Max Darkness|>Not Gravekeepers.

Max Darkness|>And yes.


Max Darkness|>flip Horn of Heaven faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Horn of Heaven.

Max Darkness|>move D.D. Assailant from field to graveyard


DarkMark|>Can I activate Quick Play Spell cards in response to that? I havent played with them in quite a while...

Max Darkness|>No, since Horn of Heaven is a Counter Trap.

Max Darkness|>(Q-Ps are SS 2, Counters SS 3)


DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Priestess from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Horn of Heaven from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Necrovalley from hand to field

DarkMark|>flip Rite of Spirit faceup.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Rite of Spirit.

Max Darkness|>Dang.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Priestess from graveyard to field

DarkMark|>Its not staying long.

DarkMark|>move Rite of Spirit from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>flip Magical Dimension faceup.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Magical Dimension.


Max Darkness|>Damn.

Max Darkness|>No.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Priestess from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move D.D. Assailant from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Chief from hand to field

DarkMark|>Extra 500 atk thanks to Necrovalley.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>I take it you Tributed your other monster for that.

DarkMark|>move Magical Dimension from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>I trubited my Priestess.

Max Darkness|>Ah.

Max Darkness|>Carry on.

DarkMark|>Im worried about that face-down...

Max Darkness|>Dont be.

DarkMark|>I havent Normal Summoned this turn though...

Max Darkness|>Im waiting to be on 5600 LP.

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Chief attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>This Deck is still as slow as ever...

Max Darkness|>flip Dimension Wall faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dimension Wall.

DarkMark|>These Gravekeepers arent half bad..

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7000.

Max Darkness|>They are good.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 7000 to 6000.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 6000 to 5900.

Max Darkness|>I just hate them.

Max Darkness|>move Dimension Wall from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>Oh well. I expected that.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>5600.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 5900 to 5400.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 5400 to 5600.

DarkMark|>Sorry, I am a little tired as of now...

Max Darkness|>As am I.

Max Darkness|>So were even(!)

DarkMark|>Its 7:36, and Im still tired...

Max Darkness|>Its half midnight here.


DarkMark|>Its your turn by the way.

Max Darkness|>Okay.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Grr.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 8000 to 3600.

Max Darkness|>Are you done?

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>I was thinking. Sorry.

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Never mind.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Im not getting good draws...

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

Max Darkness|>flip D.D. Assailant faceup.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 3600 to 3200.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of D.D. Assailant.

Max Darkness|>So both are RFPed.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>move D.D. Assailant from field to RFP

DarkMark|>Thats annoying...

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 3200 to 4200.

Max Darkness|>I know(!)

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Chief attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 4200 to 1800.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Chief attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

Max Darkness|>flip D.D. Crow faceup.

DarkMark|>Its destroyed isnt it?

Max Darkness|>Yes, the system must be lagging.

Max Darkness|>Its in the Grave.


DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>It all kind of comes down to what I draw...

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Dark Core from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dark Core.

Max Darkness|>move White-Horned Dragon from hand to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Chief from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>Bye bye Chief!

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 1800 to 2300.


Max Darkness|>move Dark Core from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>I might survive!

Max Darkness|>...And thats all I can do...

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>Well, this is not good..

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>Annoying...

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Descendant from hand to field

DarkMark|>turn a card into attack position.

DarkMark|>flip Sangan faceup.

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Sangan attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 2300 to 0.

Max Darkness|>Damn.

Max Darkness|>Go again quickly?

DarkMark|>Well, why not?

Max Darkness|>has performed a soft reset.

DarkMark|>has performed a soft reset.

DarkMark|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Max Darkness|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>I lost, so I go first?


Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move Gravekeeper's Servant from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move Allure of Darkness from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Allure of Darkness.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move Mystic Tomato from hand to RFP

DarkMark|>move Allure of Darkness from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Curse from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Curse.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7500.

DarkMark|>move Magical Dimension from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Magical Dimension.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Curse from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Annoying monk.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Commandant from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move D.D. Assailant from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to Main Phase 2.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>Interesting.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move Magical Dimension from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>move Magical Dimension from RFP to graveyard

DarkMark|>Wrong place.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Nobleman of Crossout from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Nobleman of Crossout.

Max Darkness|>Your face-down.

DarkMark|>move Mystic Tomato from field to RFP


Max Darkness|>A lot of tomatos in the DD today...

Max Darkness|>move Nobleman of Crossout from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>I like Mystic Tomato. Works well in this deck.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>turn a card into attack position.

DarkMark|>Again. Wrong button.

Max Darkness|>My Defense Position Trap!

DarkMark|>How do you know its a Trap?

Max Darkness|>Will protect my Life Points!

Max Darkness|>I dont.

Max Darkness|>I guessed.

Max Darkness|>Since it probably will be one 3 times out of 4.

Max Darkness|>Do you end?

DarkMark|>Im thinking about being a little annoying right now.

Max Darkness|>If you must.

DarkMark|>flip Rite of Spirit faceup.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Rite of Spirit.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Curse from graveyard to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Curse.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 7500 to 7000.

DarkMark|>move Rite of Spirit from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>Im slowly getting there.

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move Lightning Vortex from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Lightning Vortex.

Max Darkness|>move Mask of Darkness from hand to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Commandant from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Curse from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>Thats okay.

Max Darkness|>move Lightning Vortex from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Stele from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Stele.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Commandant from graveyard to hand

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Curse from graveyard to hand

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Stele from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Commandant.

Max Darkness|>They must be tired of being endlessly resurrected...

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Commandant from hand to graveyard

DarkMark|>looking into their deck.

DarkMark|>move Necrovalley from deck to hand

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>They cant be. That is how I play them.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>move Necrovalley from hand to field

DarkMark|>Yay. I bet you like this place.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Curse from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Curse.

Max Darkness|>Its a bit sunny for my liking.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 7000 to 6500.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

Max Darkness|>(That thing will be RFPed soon enough...)

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>No. He likes to play.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Descendant from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Descendant.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Curse from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Which one?

DarkMark|>Gravekeepers Sevent.

Max Darkness|>move Gravekeeper's Servant from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>But hes a Gravekeeper like them...

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Descendant attacks their Face-down monster at #2.

DarkMark|>flip Magician's Circle faceup.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Magician's Circle.

Max Darkness|>flip Old Vindictive Magician faceup.


Max Darkness|>looking into their deck.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Descendant from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>looking into their deck.

Max Darkness|>move The Tricky from deck to field

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Chief from deck to field

DarkMark|>move Magician's Circle from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>move Old Vindictive Magician from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>He wants to play.

DarkMark|>Now he can attack, correct?

Max Darkness|>Dont ask me.

Max Darkness|>Probably.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Chief attacks their The Tricky at #3.

Max Darkness|>move The Tricky from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 6500 to 6100.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Gold Sarcophagus from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Gold Sarcophagus.

Max Darkness|>looking into their deck.

Max Darkness|>move Macro Cosmos from deck to RFP


Max Darkness|>move Gold Sarcophagus from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>No no no no no.

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>2 turns left...

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>flip Burden of the Mighty faceup.

DarkMark|>Might as well.

Max Darkness|>Okay.

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Chief attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

Max Darkness|>flip D.D. Warrior Lady faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of D.D. Warrior Lady.

Max Darkness|>Bye bye.


DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Chief from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>

Max Darkness|>move D.D. Warrior Lady from field to RFP

DarkMark|>Just great.

DarkMark|>come to Main Phase 2.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>come to Stanby Phase.

Max Darkness|>1 left.

Max Darkness|>come to Main Phase 1.

DarkMark|>Oh man... Not good.

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>flip Rite of Spirit faceup.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Rite of Spirit.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Descendant from graveyard to field

DarkMark|>move Rite of Spirit from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>I have lost this time. I can tell.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>Really?

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>come to Stanby Phase.

Max Darkness|>move Macro Cosmos from RFP to hand

DarkMark|>I get a bad feeling when Im about to lose.

Max Darkness|>come to Main Phase 1.

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>Happens when I duel my friends every now and again.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Interesting.

DarkMark|>It doesnt happen a lot with them though.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>flip Macro Cosmos faceup.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>Sorry. Wrong order.

DarkMark|>flip Gravekeeper's Guard faceup.

DarkMark|>turn Gravekeeper's Guard into attack position.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Guard.

Max Darkness|>It really doesnt matter!

DarkMark|>I know.

Max Darkness|>move a card from field to hand

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Guard attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>flip Grand Convergence faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Grand Convergence.

DarkMark|>I helped you. Of course.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier from field to RFP

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Guard from field to RFP

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Descendant from field to RFP

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>Ive never duelled with both Necrovalley and Macro Cosmos on the field.

Max Darkness|>Its weird.

Max Darkness|>move Grand Convergence from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Damn!

DarkMark|>Ive never dueled with Necrovalley in the first place...

Max Darkness|>move Soul Absorption from hand to field

DarkMark|>Would have been more helpful last turn.

Max Darkness|>I couldve got 1500 LP...

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Oh well...

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>move Grand Convergence from graveyard to RFP

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Remember that now everything is RFPed.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>turn a card into defend position.

Max Darkness|>(I always forgot for some reason)

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>Panik from Duelist Kingdom.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>Well, this is not good at all.

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>flip Gravekeeper's Guard faceup.

Max Darkness|>turn Gravekeeper's Guard into attack position.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Guard.

DarkMark|>How dare you!

DarkMark|>move a card from field to hand

Max Darkness|>><;

Max Darkness|>flip D.D. Assailant faceup.

Max Darkness|>turn D.D. Assailant into attack position.

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>I feel insulted.

Max Darkness|>Gravekeeper's Guard attacks their Opponent LP.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7000.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 7000 to 6500.

Max Darkness|>Different clan maybe?

Max Darkness|>D.D. Assailant attacks their Opponent LP.

DarkMark|>I assume another attack is coming?

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 6500 to 5500.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 5500 to 5000.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 5000 to 4800.


Max Darkness|>Damn ninjas!

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>We forgot something...

DarkMark|>Burden of the Mighty. Missed my freaking chance.

Max Darkness|>Are you there?

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>You regain 800 LP...

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 4800 to 5300.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 5300 to 5500.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 5500 to 5600.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>turn Gravekeeper's Guard into defend position.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>flip Needle Worm faceup.

Max Darkness|>turn Needle Worm into attack position.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Needle Worm.


DarkMark|>mill Magical Dimension from top of their deck.

Max Darkness|>*Evil Laughing*

DarkMark|>mill Gravekeeper's Guard from top of their deck.

DarkMark|>move Magical Dimension from graveyard to RFP

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Guard from graveyard to RFP

DarkMark|>mill Gravekeeper's Spy from top of their deck.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Spy from graveyard to RFP

DarkMark|>mill Gravekeeper's Visionary from top of their deck.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Visionary from graveyard to RFP

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Soul Absorption.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 6100 to 8600.

Max Darkness|>move Breaker the Magical Warrior from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Breaker the Magical Warrior.


DarkMark|>flip Bottomless Trap Hole faceup.

Max Darkness|>Im blowing Necrovalley away.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Bottomless Trap Hole.

Max Darkness|>flip Destruction Jammer faceup.

Max Darkness|>move D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation from hand to RFP


Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 8600 to 9100.

DarkMark|>Still going.

DarkMark|>You are bringing him back?

Max Darkness|>Sorry?

Max Darkness|>I chained Destruction jammer.

DarkMark|>flip Judgment of Anubis faceup.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Judgment of Anubis.

Max Darkness|>Are you chaining a card to that?

DarkMark|>I am all over the place. Stupiod me.

DarkMark|>move Judgment of Anubis from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Bottomless Trap Hole from field to graveyard

Max Darkness|>Damn.

Max Darkness|>move Destruction Jammer from field to RFP

DarkMark|>move Judgment of Anubis from graveyard to RFP

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 9100 to 10600.

DarkMark|>move Bottomless Trap Hole from graveyard to RFP

Max Darkness|>Which monster did you want to blow up?

Max Darkness|>move Breaker the Magical Warrior from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 10600 to 11100.


Max Darkness|>You have a choose of 3.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 11100 to 9800.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 9800 to 10300.

Max Darkness|>move D.D. Assailant from field to RFP

DarkMark|>move Charm of Shabti from hand to RFP

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Epic chaining.

DarkMark|>I was lucky I drew that before you milled.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Priestess from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Indeed.

DarkMark|>1700 atk.

Max Darkness|>Okay.

DarkMark|>flip Rite of Spirit faceup.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Rite of Spirit.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Commandant from graveyard to field

DarkMark|>move Rite of Spirit from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Rite of Spirit from graveyard to RFP

DarkMark|>2300 atk...

Max Darkness|>My Gravekeeper has 2600 DEF right?

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 10300 to 10800.


Max Darkness|>Good(!)

DarkMark|>But Needle Worm.

DarkMark|>Only has 550 attack.

Max Darkness|>Is on 550.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Commandant attacks their Needle Worm at #3.

Max Darkness|>Yeah.

Max Darkness|>flip Dimensional Prison faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Dimensional Prison.

DarkMark|>Oh well.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Commandant from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>And another one...

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Priestess attacks their Needle Worm at #3.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 10800 to 11300.

Max Darkness|>move Needle Worm from field to RFP

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 11300 to 11800.

Max Darkness|>Was is 1700 ATK?

DarkMark|>I have lost, but I can still put up a fight. Yes, she has 1700 attack.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 11800 to 10100.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Dimensional Prison from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 10100 to 10600.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>Your Field Spell is stopping me from ending this!

DarkMark|>Tribute Summoning.

DarkMark|>move Sangan from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Chief from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Sangan.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 10600 to 11100.

DarkMark|>move Sangan from graveyard to RFP

DarkMark|>Nevermind. Sangan doesnt activate.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Chief.

DarkMark|>But he does.

Max Darkness|>It does.

DarkMark|>It still activates?\\

Max Darkness|>He was sent to the Graveyard.

DarkMark|>looking into their deck.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Assailant from deck to hand

Max Darkness|>...Then RFPed.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Chief.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Curse from graveyard to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Curse.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 11100 to 10600.

Max Darkness|>Oh hes annoying.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>Next turn. Your defense is gone.

Max Darkness|>I know...

Max Darkness|>move Allure of Darkness from hand to field

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>I will either pull this off and win, or I wont, and I will lose.

Max Darkness|>Crud.

Max Darkness|>move Soul Release from hand to RFP


Max Darkness|>move Transmigration Break from hand to RFP

Max Darkness|>move D.D. Warrior Lady from hand to RFP

Max Darkness|>move Cyber Valley from hand to RFP

Max Darkness|>move Allure of Darkness from field to RFP

DarkMark|>What? I... have a chance?

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 10600 to 13100.

Max Darkness|>turn Gravekeeper's Guard into attack position.

Max Darkness|>come to Battle Phase.

Max Darkness|>come to Main Phase 2.

Max Darkness|>Miscalculated...

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>You could have destroyed Curse...

Max Darkness|>Thats annoying!

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Assailant from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Burden?

DarkMark|>Oh, right.

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Curse attacks their Gravekeeper's Guard at #2.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 13100 to 12900.

Max Darkness|>move Gravekeeper's Guard from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 12900 to 13400.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Chief attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 13400 to 6900.

DarkMark|>You went ahead and did all my monsters damage?

Max Darkness|>Yes.


DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Reinforcement of the Army from hand to field

Max Darkness|>activated effect of Reinforcement of the Army.


Max Darkness|>looking into their deck.

Max Darkness|>move D.D. Assailant from deck to hand

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move Reinforcement of the Army from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 6900 to 7400.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

Max Darkness|>flip D.D. Assailant faceup.

Max Darkness|>activated effect of D.D. Assailant.

DarkMark|>2200 attack.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 7400 to 6900.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier from field to RFP

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 6900 to 7900.

Max Darkness|>move D.D. Assailant from field to RFP

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Assailant attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 5700 to 5920.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 5920 to 5700.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 5700 to 7900.

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 7900 to 1400.

DarkMark|>Okay... Lets see what happens.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Max Darkness|>come to Draw Phase.

Max Darkness|>drawn a card

Max Darkness|>move a card from hand to field

Max Darkness|>Ive lost.

Max Darkness|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>This is close...

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Servant from hand to field

DarkMark|>Why not?

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Chief attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>flip Gravity Bind faceup.

DarkMark|>Oh you..

Max Darkness|>Ah hem.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Priestess attacks their Opponent LP.

Max Darkness|>flip D.D. Dynamite faceup.

Max Darkness|>2 more cards and I would have won...

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 5600 to 500.

DarkMark|>So close...

Max Darkness|>changed their LP from 1400 to 0.

DarkMark|>Good game Max.

Max Darkness|>Yeah.

DarkMark|>Thank you for helping me test.

Max Darkness|>I want to see if I can make this Deck better.

Max Darkness|>Of course.

Max Darkness|>It needs to be quicker.

Max Darkness|>So maybe Hand Destruction or Dark World Dealings

DarkMark|>Know I now what to change around. My Keepers are moving pretty fast. But they need more removal.

DarkMark|>I forgot Heavy Storm...

Max Darkness|>Okay. I need to sleep now.

DarkMark|>Bye Max.



It was a close two for sure.

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Hey max is this balanced enough w/o the negative sides out side of the cant be used for Synchro or Fusion summon

2 Tribute monster with below average atk for 8 stars n meh Def


[spoiler=lore]This card is also treated as Fairy-Type monster. Once per turn, you Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower LIGHT monster in your hand to the field. That monster cannot be sent to the Graveyard for a Synchro or Fusion Summon. When this card destroys a monster as result of battle draw 1 card.


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I love my deck. I have more victories with it then I have my Zombies on there.


[spoiler=Me VS. Delano]

this is log window

DarkMark|>joined the duel.

DarkMark|>loaded their deck That Deck.

DarkMark|>ready to duel.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

Shunkai|>joined the duel.

Shunkai|>loaded their deck PERIF.

Shunkai|>ready to duel.

Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>This is weird.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.

Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.

Shunkai|>sry was into anime xD

Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.

Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.

Shunkai|>rolled 5.


DarkMark|>Its fine. The site played some weird music. Didnt know why.

DarkMark|>rolled 5.


Shunkai|>rolled 3.


DarkMark|>Im on YCM as well. It may take me little while to respond.

DarkMark|>rolled 5.

Shunkai|>we both had 5 XD

DarkMark|>I got 5 again.

DarkMark|>I will go!

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>k u pick who starts

Shunkai|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>drawn a card


DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Commandant.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Commandant from hand to graveyard

DarkMark|>looking into their deck.


DarkMark|>move Necrovalley from deck to hand

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>move Necrovalley from hand to field


Shunkai|>to bad i dont need the Grave

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>I like Gravekeepers. I beat Max with them.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>move Burden of the Mighty from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Burden of the Mighty.

Shunkai|>lets see if they help with this deck those its not prefect


DarkMark|>I have yet to work out the kinks with them.

Shunkai|>Heavy storm would be nice XD

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.

Shunkai|>move a card from hand to field

Shunkai|>bye bye necrovalley

Shunkai|>move Gravekeeper's Servant from hand to field

Shunkai|>move Future Visions from hand to field

DarkMark|>move Necrovalley from field to graveyard

Shunkai|>move a card from hand to field

Shunkai|>move a card from hand to field

Shunkai|>end their turn.

Shunkai|>no this is not Fortune Ladies

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>flip Gravekeeper's Spy faceup.

DarkMark|>turn Gravekeeper's Spy into attack position.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Spy.

DarkMark|>looking into their deck.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Descendant from deck to field

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Descendant.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Spy from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>Bye bye Future Visions.


DarkMark|>Future Visions.


Shunkai|>move Future Visions from field to graveyard


DarkMark|>Tribute Summon.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Descendant from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Chief from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Chief.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Descendant from graveyard to field

DarkMark|>Its like I never tributed.

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Chief attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

Shunkai|>flip D.D. Warrior Lady faceup.

DarkMark|>Chain to my attack.

DarkMark|>flip Magician's Circle faceup.

Shunkai|>activated effect of D.D. Warrior Lady.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Magician's Circle.

Shunkai|>flip Royal Decree faceup.

Shunkai|>activated effect of Royal Decree.

Shunkai|>chain to your trap


DarkMark|>move Magician's Circle from field to graveyard

Shunkai|>activated effect of D.D. Warrior Lady.

Shunkai|>move D.D. Warrior Lady from field to RFP

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Chief from field to RFP

Shunkai|>remove chief

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Descendant attacks their Opponent LP.

Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6200.

Shunkai|>changed their LP from 6200 to 6500.

DarkMark|>Just a moment.\\


DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.

Shunkai|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>u forgot to mill top 2 cards

Shunkai|>GKs Servant

DarkMark|>Why didnt you remind me?

DarkMark|>mill Rite of Spirit from top of their deck.

Shunkai|>you atked with descend and chief

DarkMark|>mill Gravekeeper's Priestess from top of their deck.

Shunkai|>i forgot XD at least it was before you drew

Shunkai|>move a card from hand to field

Shunkai|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Descendant attacks their Face-down monster at #1.

DarkMark|>mill Gravekeeper's Commandant from top of their deck.

Shunkai|>move D.D. Survivor from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.

Shunkai|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>These guys work well.

Shunkai|>move a card from hand to field

Shunkai|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>i also cant get the cards i need XD

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.

Shunkai|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>move D.D. Scout Plane from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>I dont want to attack.

Shunkai|>move Caius the Shadow Monarch from hand to field

Shunkai|>activated effect of Caius the Shadow Monarch.

Shunkai|>remove descendent

Shunkai|>than take 1000 because its a DARK monster

DarkMark|>No. I chain a Quick Play spell.

Shunkai|>dont see it

DarkMark|>flip Magical Dimension faceup.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Magical Dimension.

Shunkai|>move Caius the Shadow Monarch from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>I cant summon a new monster, but yours is gone.,

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Descendant from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Magical Dimension from field to graveyard

Shunkai|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>Sorry, debating with Ice.

Shunkai|>on what

DarkMark|>Why I cant debate Phoenix Wright-esque

DarkMark|>And why Pachrisu is bad.

Shunkai|>ok are you done

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.

Shunkai|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>move a card from hand to field

Shunkai|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>Ha ahhhaha

DarkMark|>move Necrovalley from hand to field


DarkMark|>flip Gravekeeper's Spy faceup.

DarkMark|>turn Gravekeeper's Spy into attack position.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Gravekeeper's Spy.

Shunkai|>so i cant summon from Grave anyways

DarkMark|>looking into their deck.

DarkMark|>move Gravekeeper's Assailant from deck to field

DarkMark|>It still gives me nice boost.

Shunkai|>i know

DarkMark|>500 points to all Gravekeepers.

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Assailant attacks their Opponent LP.

Shunkai|>just need 1 card :/

DarkMark|>mill Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier from top of their deck.

Shunkai|>changed their LP from 6500 to 4500.

Shunkai|>changed their LP from 4500 to 2500.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Spy attacks their Opponent LP.

Shunkai|>changed their LP from 2500 to 800.

DarkMark|>mill Charm of Shabti from top of their deck.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Shunkai|>i dont see spear

DarkMark|>So close...


Shunkai|>o wait i took out spears atk XD

Shunkai|>out of my LP

Shunkai|>changed their LP from 800 to 2800.

Shunkai|>i was not paying attention

DarkMark|>Spear was milled. It was Spy that attacked.

Shunkai|>i noticed that after i scrolled back up XD

Shunkai|>so you done

DarkMark|>1700 damage.

Shunkai|>i did

Shunkai|>6500 - 3700 = 2800


DarkMark|>I lost track.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.

Shunkai|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>Round 2?


Shunkai|>i got a dead draw XD

Shunkai|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

Shunkai|>Round 2

DarkMark|>move Sangan from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Gravekeeper's Assailant attacks their Opponent LP.

DarkMark|>mill Gravekeeper's Guard from top of their deck.

Shunkai|>changed their LP from 2800 to 800.

DarkMark|>Sangan attacks their Opponent LP.

Shunkai|>changed their LP from 800 to 0.

Shunkai|>wanna play Round 2

DarkMark|>No. Not right now. I have a few kinks to work out.


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