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Max Darkness

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Srry, I didn't know my first request went through, I even checked if it did. I didn't see it so I redid it and I ended up replacing my Blue Eyes White D. With E-Hero Burstinatrix. Anyway, once again, my apologies.



I just realized who you are talking about... rofl

My Dad wanted to nickname me Pudge when I was little, but apparently my Dad said I fought until it was Cudge instead... He said I was all like, "Cudge, that's what do in the bathroom!" wow I was a smart baby :]

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@Max: Yes, but you said it yourself:

Lex' date=' that's the point. The modern beatsticks are all either Special Summons or Synchro monsters. In so many Archetypes, the trump card is a Special Summon. Decks where it all leads up to a Tribute Summon are few and far between. So I keep my recommendation.



So who will play it, when it blows up your own trumps?



I just browsed Pixiv for a card. And I just have to share some of its epicness with you guys.

[spoiler=WARNING! May contain pure epicness]





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It is good for YGO-related art.








In other news, you know that Accel Synchro Summon mechanic Konami was obsessed with? So much so they introduced it into the actual card game allowing you to Synchro Summon during your opponent's turn?


Well, as it turns out, they've got bored with it, since "Scar-Red Nova Dragon" (the third shiny new form of "Red Dragon Archfiend") is not an Accel Synchro monster like "Shooting Star Dragon" but in fact a regular Synchro monster that simply requires two Tuner monsters.


So yeah...

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Put it this way. Unlike 4Kids who touch something, instantly killing it, before gutting it and crowbarring in pathetic puns and juvinile speech; what the Italians do is keep the original opening (simply coming up with a new theme song for it, and most of them are pretty good) and keep the original dialogue completely the same, just translating it to Italian.


No changes to the script, just a translation. Also, they seem to take voice roles seriously in Italy, since all the English-subbed Italian-dubbed anime episodes have credible voices. No Brocklyn accents for miles. They just do it better.

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Need OCG fix for this card



[spoiler=lore]This card can only be activated when a monster you control is destroyed. Special Summon 1 monster whose's Level is 2 Levels higher or lower than the destroyed monster from your Deck or Graveyard than pay Life Pionts equal to the Summoned monster's Level x300. That monster cannot attack or activate its effect until your next End Phase


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