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Max Darkness

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WHY ARE MY POSTS N OTHER PPLS POST JUST DISAPPEARING UGH!!! -goes in to rage mode- >.< cant even read anything past Darkmark's post on page 553


anyways here is the Queen of the Reapers :P




[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle(damage calculation still applied). When this card destroys a monster as result of battle remove that card from play. If this card is destroyed by a card effect you can remove from play 1 Zombie-Type monster on your field or in your Graveyard (except this card) to Special Summon 1 "Death Seeker - Reaper of Souls" from your Deck or Hand. The monster cannot attack the turn it is Summoned or activate its effect until your End Phase.


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well his 1 of the Reaper minions XD


they will all have the destroy monster by battle remove n can't be destroyed by battle effects come on there reapers XD



[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle(damage calculation still applied). During your End Phase during the turn this card destroys a monster as result of battle you can remove this card from play to Special Summon 1 "Death Seeker - Queen Reaper" from your hand or Deck.


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k i put my Reaper cards in the Realistic CArd forum and here is the Boss Monster of the Set



[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by Removing from play 3 monsters that include "Reaper" in their name (except Reaper of the Cards or Spirit Reaper). This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle(damage calculation still applied). When this card destroys a monster as result of battle remove that card from play. Once per turn, you can Remove from play 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field than Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type monster in your Deck or Graveyard whose level is lower than the monster removed by this effect. During the turn you activate this effect you cannot conduct your Battle Phase and you cannot activate this effect until your next End Phase.


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Hi guys. Just me showing the difference between Type-1 and Type-2 Paradox Synchro Summons.


Type-1: Syncho Tuner + Dark Synchro non-Tuner

The weakest of the trio, these are the easiest to summon, requiring a Synchro Tuner and a non-Tuner Dark Synchro (or vice versa). Their strength is roughly equal to Level 8 Effect monsters.



p><p>This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can select 1 Level 7 or lower Monster Card in your opponent



p><p>This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can remove from play 1 card in your opponent



p><p>This card is also treated as a DARK Pyro-Type monster and is unaffected by DARK and LIGHT Monster Card effects. When this card is Summoned, you can remove 1 of the Synchro Material Monsters from play to remove 1 Monster in your opponent




Type-2: Accel Synchro Tuner + Accel Dark Synchro non-Tuner

More powerful than Type-1s due to the difficulty of accessing the Accel Dark Synchro monster. These generally have power more in line with Level 10s, meaning that sometimes their Synchro Material monsters are stronger than them, in contrast to the two other 'levels' of Paradox Synchros.


p><p>This card is also treated as a LIGHT monster. If this card is Special Summoned from your Extra Deck, except by Synchro Summon, it is returned during the End Phase. When this card is Summoned, select 1 face-up monster on the field and select 1 player. That player loses Life Points equal to the selected monster



p><p>This card is also treated as a LIGHT monster. If this card is Special Summoned from your Extra Deck, except by Accel Synchro Summon, it is returned during the End Phase. When this card is Accel Synchro Summoned, you can Tribute this card to destroy all monsters on the field and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the total Levels of monsters destroyed by this card


p><p>[center][img]<a href=http://i45.tinypic.com/2s9qag2.jpg' alt='2s9qag2.jpg'>[/center]

p><p>This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Paradox Synchro Summon. This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. This card cannot be destroyed by battle while in Defense Position and any Piercing Damage this card




Type-3: Accel Synchro Tuner + Dark Accel Synchro non-Tuner

In many ways, the most powerful of all monsters. Requiring huge amounts of resources and time to summon, these monsters will always have an ability to utterly obliterate your opponent, regardless of the defenses they've set up.



Effect: 1 Accel Synchro Tuner monster + 1 Dark Accel Synchro non-Tuner monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Accel Synchro Summon. Your opponent cannot chain cards to this card's effects. This card's Summon cannot be negated and card's cannot be activated in response to this card's Summon. When this card is Summoned, destroy all monsters on the field, except this card and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monsters' total ATK or DEF, whichever is higher. This card cannot be destroyed by battle and any Battle Daamge this card's controller receives is reduced to 0. You can negate the activation of card effects that affect this card and destroy them. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap Cards until your End Phase.




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Here goes my first set. Tell me what you think plz.


[spoiler=Sandstorm Dragon]534291.jpg



[spoiler=Desert Dwarf]534291.jpg



[spoiler=Desert God]534291.jpg



[spoiler=Desert Griffon]534291.jpg



[spoiler=Desert Ninja]534291s.jpg



[spoiler=Desert Predator]534291n.jpg



[spoiler=Desert Sand Dragon][spoiler=Desert Sand Dragon]534291.jpg

[spoiler=Lore]1 Tuner + 1 or more non Tuner monsters

This card is unaffected by the effect of Trap Cards. When this card is Synchro Summoned you can remove from play a Continuous Trap Card from your graveyard to destroy a face up monster on your opponent’s side of field.




[spoiler=Desert Wildman]534291x.jpg



[spoiler=Desert Solar Sword]534291r.jpg



[spoiler=Sand Wall]534291j.jpg






[spoiler=Desert Vortices]534291.jpg


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i has 4 new cards for my Reaper Set :P


and for more cards click here





[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle(damage calculation still applied). When this card destroys a monster as result of battle remove that card from play. Once per turn, you can remove from play up to 3 Zombie-Type monsters in your Graveyard to destroy monsters on your opponent's side of the field equal to the number of cards removed. This card cannot attack during the turn you activate this effect.




[spoiler=lore]This card can only be activated when a monster with "Reaper" in its name (except "Reaper of the Cards" or "Spirit Reaper") is destroyed. Pay 1000 Life Pionts and removed the destroyed monster from play to Special Summon 1 monster with "Reaper" in its name (except "Reaper of the Cards" or "Spirit Reaper") whoses level is equal to or less than the destroyed monster. That card returns to the owner's hand at the End Phase.





[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle(damage calculation still applied). When this card destroys a monster as result of battle remove that card from play. Once per turn, you can equip 1 monster with "Reaper" in its name (except "Reaper of the Cards" or "Spirit Reaper") on your side of the field to this card. Increase this cards ATK by 200 for each card equipped to this card. If this card would be destroyed you can destory 1 card equipped to this card instead.




[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle(damage calculation still applied). When this card destroys a monster as result of battle remove that card from play. This card can attack your opponent's Life Pionts directly. Each this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent increase this card's ATK by 300.




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I've updated my YGO Randomness sig. Nothing funny this time round, but just an awesome image I found. (Your Traps will be nommed)


@ Rokandre:


Desert Wildman:

You've ripped off "Elemental Hero Wildman". Change the effect.


Desert Solar Sword:

It's "Skill Drain" but with no cost whatsoever. Why?



Where is "Sandstorm Dragon"?


Desert Vortices:


Either change to a Trap or make it return to the top of the Deck. "Mask of Darkness" requires Setting to activate.

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WOOHOO!!!! hello i'm back! =D anyway, i would like to know if anyone live or used to live in Biloxi Mississippi? and sorry for the sudden pup-up heheehe Is that i'm moving there from Puerto Rico and at least wanna know a personal opinion. ????... =c


Also can I post some of my cards here so you could rate them?...

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