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Max Darkness

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Um, for all you know, you started before me, besides, the gap in between the two posts is only a minute, so it wasn't a huge inconvince. Anyway, here's a new card.





Card Lore:

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Deku Mask".Once per turn, by sending one card in your hand to the Graveyard, you may place 1 Magic Counter on this card. You can remove 2 Magic Counters from this card to place 1 Bubble Counter on a monster your opponent controls. A monster with a Bubble Counter cannot declare an attack. If this card is destroyed, you may Special Summon 1 "Link" from your Graveyard.[/align]


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It hasn't uploaded that well, but you get the idea.


[spoiler=What I've termed 'Paradox' Synchro Summon]





Basically, you Synchro and Dark Synchro Summon the first level of monsters, who then Accel and Dark Accel Synchro Summon into the final pair, in turn, 'Paradox' Synchro Summoning into the finished product; a Level 1 with 5000 ATK and DEF.



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Wow. Max has offically created a new realm of Synchros... Wow, I didn't think Max would do that. Are you going to present your invention to the custom cards section? That's amazing. As much as I hate Synchros, I would love to have a Level 1 monster with 5000 attack. And because it takes so long to get out, and half your deck, it's balanced as well. You're still amazing Max.

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@ Dark: Now I simply have to finish a decent number of the cards involved in the chain. Oh, and see how many references to hell and demons you can find. (There are a lot)


@ Rokandre: You asked that a while back. Simply fill in the app on the first page and we can help you all you want.

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I counted 9, but I porbably miscounted. Can I get a few OCG fixes?




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Deku Mask".Once per turn, by sending one card in your hand to the Graveyard, you may place 1 Magic Counter on this card. You can remove 2 Magic Counters from this card to place 1 Bubble Counter on a monster your opponent controls. A monster with a Bubble Counter cannot declare an attack. If this card is destroyed, you may Special Summon 1 "Link" from your Graveyard.






Card Lore:

When this card is activated, place 3 Time Counters on this card. If a "Link" monster you control is destroyed by Battle, you may remove 1 Time Counter from this card to bring it back to the Field in the same Battle Position. As long as there is a Time Counter on this card it connot be destroyed. If there are no Time Counters on this card, destroy it.[/align]


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I had my Economics Exams today' date=' wich went great (of course). [b']Good[/b]


Np, Ursus. We understand. Thank you


And why a HP party? Mainly because I'm 17, and in HP, you are of age when you become 17. Also for the lols

Rokandre, just ask us about anything.


We are the Newb Defense League after all.


Also, join now, please. ;)

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Deku Mask". Once per turn, by sending 1 card in your hand to the Graveyard, you can place 1 Magic Counter on this card. You can remove 2 Magic Counters from this card to place 1 Bubble Counter on a monster your opponent controls. A monster with a Bubble Counter cannot declare an attack. If this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 "Link" from your Graveyard.



When this card is activated, put 3 Time Counters on it. If a "Link" monster you control would be destroyed by battle, you can remove 1 Time Counter on this card instead. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) While there is a Time Counter on this card it cannot be destroyed. If there are no Time Counters on this card, destroy it.




@ Ursus: What do you think of my overly-complicated Synchro monster?

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Club Username:Rokandre

Why you want to join:I don't have experience with forums and I would like to get some help.

Favorite Card: Blackwing Armor Master

Do you play the game in real life: Not yet

How you were referred to the club:I saw the link in the signature of Max Darkness in other place


@Max Darkness: sorry for posting twice. I'm having some internet problems and I thought the first didn't work.

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