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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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I only ask b/c well we have members like

Striker & Clair & Shadow and I'm applying there. DarkMark is with them too. Plus you do have a Dark side...I can feel it.



EDIT: I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but what do you think of my new AVI?

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It seems to be an RP in which everyone is attacking Club Pikachu due to their lucrative resources.


@ Whamo: What you could do is paint the members of this club who do join as a renegade faction, while I look on, waiting to see if there are opportunities for the club and myself to be had. I don't know.



@ Anyone not completely convinced Konami want us to only think there is only Synchro Summoning:

I have news. The new Accel Synchro Summoning rules have be modified slightly. In the anime, the Accel Synchro Monster lists in its effect that it can be Synchro Summoned during your opponent's turn. What Konami has done for the real-life Accel Synchro-related monsters is given that effect to the Synchro Tuners. Which means that as long as you use a Synchro Tuner, you can Synchro Summon any Synchro monster during your opponent's turn! Isn't that completely balanced?! [/sarcasm]

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I only ask b/c well we have members like

Striker & Clair & Shadow and I'm applying there. DarkMark is with them too. Plus you do have a Dark side...I can feel it.



EDIT: I've been meaning to ask this for a while' date=' but what do you think of my new AVI?



Um, Black made me. Plus I'm bored, nothing better to do.



Hi ppls XD.....wait what's up with club pikachu? An rp where everyone's against Club Pikachu' date=' that doesn't seem fair!!!



It's not everyone against them. We only have on more club on our side then they do.

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hey ppl i come bearing a Chilly Card


OCG fixes, comments, anything useful to the card would be nice to gain


[spoiler=lore]Once per turn, select 1 card on your opponent's side of the field that card cannot activate its effect and if the selected card is a monster that card cannot attack until your opponent's next End Phase. If this card battles FIRE monster this card is destroyed at the end of the Damage Step.





Anyways whats happening

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It seems to be an RP in which everyone is attacking Club Pikachu due to their lucrative resources.


Oh' date=' I've seen that thing. Its pretty aweshum, aweshumer if this Club was included.


[align=center'][spoiler=lolYes my new card.]

cardt.pngThis card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. It can only be Special Summoned with the Effect of "Ultimate Mode Activate". This card is also treated as "Raging Eria". Once per turn, you may remove 1 WATER monster in your Graveyard from play to Special Summon 1 WATER monster from your Deck or Extra Deck and destroy 1 card on the field. When this card is removed from the field, destroy all cards Special Summoned by this card Effect and Special Summon 1 "Raging Eria from your Graveyard.


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So is mine. I didn't give much powerful abilities to mine.


My guy has none. Therefore he is much more awesome. Also, can I get an OCG fix?




When this card is Ritual Summoned you can Special Summon 4 "Mask Tokens" (Fiend-Type, Dark, Level 2, ATK 500, DEF 1000) in face-up Defense postion. As long as you control a "Mask Token", Synchro Monsters cannot be summoned. If a Synchro monster is summoned, you can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy it. If this card would be destroyed by a Spell or Trap card, you can remove the top card of your Graveyard from play to negate the effect and destroy the card.



Anti-Synchro for the win.


Not a bad card Jolta.

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@ DS-D:


Once per turn, select 1 face-up card your opponent controls. It cannot activate its effect during this turn, and if that card is a monster, it cannot attack during your opponent's next Battle Phase. If this card battles with a FIRE monster this card is destroyed at the end of the Damage Step.


Good card. Low stats balance the paralysis effect and a sort-of reverse "Ally of Justice" effect is a nice touch.



@ Jolta:


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned with "Ultimate Mode Activate". This card's name is also treated as "Raging Eria" while face-up on the field. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 WATER monster in your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 WATER monster from your Deck and destroy 1 monster on the field. When this card is removed from the field, destroy all monsters Special Summoned by this effect and if this card was destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Raging Eria" from your Graveyard.


It's an "/Assault Mode" monster. It's identical except for a couple of words. As for Special Summoning from your Extra Deck, the "Elemental Heroes" say hi, but not before "Brionac" and the rest of his broken "Ice Barrier" buddies do. And also, you can destroy a card your opponent controls or something you don't need anymore. So effect changed to simply summoning from the Main Deck.



@ Dark:


When this card is Ritual Summoned you can Special Summon 4 "Mask Tokens" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 1000) in face-up Defense position. While you control a face-up "Mask Token", neither player can Summon Synchro monsters. If this card would be destroyed by a Spell or Trap Card effect, you can destroy 1 "Mask Token" you control or remove from play the top card of your Deck to negate the effect and destroy the card.


Interesting, but I removed the 1000 LP part because having a "Mask Token" on the field completely locks down Synchros anyway. Also, integrated the tokens into the effect as sacrificial protection.



@ Shadow: Finally, someone who agrees with me. This is probably the most neutral club on the site, mostly because of my apathy.



@ Anyone who hasn't voted yet: Mine and Shadow's one-on-one: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-204869.html


If you do vote, give a (good) reason otherwise I will chase you down until you do. Also, if anyone thinks the OCG is off on my card, go to the wikia page on "Tualatin".

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@ Dark:


When this card is Ritual Summoned you can Special Summon 4 "Mask Tokens" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 1000) in face-up Defense position. While you control a face-up "Mask Token"' date=' neither player can Summon Synchro monsters. If this card would be destroyed by a Spell or Trap Card effect, you can destroy 1 "Mask Token" you control or remove from play the top card of your Deck to negate the effect and destroy the card.


[i']Interesting, but I removed the 1000 LP part because having a "Mask Token" on the field completely locks down Synchros anyway. Also, integrated the tokens into the effect as sacrificial protection.[/i]


Thank you Max. Here is the completed card.





Card Lore: (You should know)

This card can only be summoned by the Ritual Spell card "Release of the Evil Spirit from the Mask". You must also tribute monsters from your Field or Hand who's total Level equals 7 or more. When this card is Ritual Summoned you can Special Summon 4 "Mask Tokens" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 1000) in face-up Defense position. While you control a face-up "Mask Token", neither player can Summon Synchro monsters. If this card would be destroyed by a Spell or Trap Card effect, you can destroy 1 "Mask Token" you control or remove from play the top card of your Deck to negate the effect and destroy the card.


I'm really surprised that I found a picture that looked that good.



As for the war matter. I wanted to participate, but I felt as if the N.D.L. didn't need to get involved. That's why I didn't come rushing in here as soon as I heard about the RP. The N.D.L. focuses on peaceful alternatives, while the others much prefer war. I had to join, Black made me.[/align]

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