Nathanael D. Striker Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Hey, Ice and I are cool now. We are keeping our cool in Stardust Force. (We have no choice or Zeonark will lay the smackdown on both of us). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 It's still not just Ice you know. DarkLink is indifferent, but you still have a few upset. They've told me, I know their side as well. Give us the Leather Pants... Get out of my head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 How so. I don't keep track of small squabbles. I keep track of arguements. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Striker, know this. I don't tell you for one reason. You are proud. I have seen this. Remember that thread about "People you hate" that eventually became "Striker Flaming"? Well, that left everyone there involved bitter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Yea, I'm suprised how every reacted differently to the aftermath of that. Ice is now nice to me (even though he doesn't want to be), Darklink and myself are fine, but most of Organization XIII and RP 820 still don't like me. I've learned that you can't please everyone and that there are some people who will never like you no matter what you do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 I can understand not dueling Synchros' date=' but not dueling "Infernity" monsters? A "Dark Bribe" or two completely screws them up. And Delano, there are a couple of links to one-on-ones I'm in, in a couple of the above posts. It seems my opponents want them to end so could you please vote?[/quote']i was using synch infernities i can synch like many times i can get 4 syncs out in 1 turn which are normally Stardust, Magical Andriod, Infernity DOOM Dragon, and a lv 6 synchro normally broniac or goyo are the last lv 6s left after i'm done with combo (i use iron chain drain and urquizes with my beetles for lv 8 synchros(note i cannot use broniac's effect due to the fact my hand is EMPTY n i normally dont use goyos effect becuz i have Doom dragon blow a monster up)I blow the guy up 1st round. Lost 2nd round due to poor draws. Pulled a Reversal win on the last round heres a duel i won with my infernity deck[spoiler=duel]this is log windowShunkai|>joined the duel.Shunkai|>loaded their deck random2.Shunkai|>ready to duel.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>joined the duel.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>ready to duel.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>loaded their deck s.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>rolled 2.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>rolled 5.Shunkai|>u chooseShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>ill go firstEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardShunkai|>k u using x-sabers ?Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Boggart Knight from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of XX-Saber Boggart Knight.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move X-Saber Airbellum from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Lightning Vortex from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Lightning Vortex.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from hand to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Boggart Knight from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move X-Saber Airbellum from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Lightning Vortex from field to graveyardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>you use infernityShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>yesShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Necromancer.Shunkai|>turn Infernity Necromancer into defend position.Shunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Necromancer.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>chain?Shunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>noShunkai|>looking into their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>chainEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>flip Bottomless Trap Hole faceup.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of Bottomless Trap Hole.Shunkai|>i believe i stil get his effect thoughShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to RFPEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>yeaShunkai|>since it does not negate his summoningEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Bottomless Trap Hole from field to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>flip Reinforcement of the Army faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Reinforcement of the Army.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Dark Grepher from deck to handShunkai|>move Reinforcement of the Army from field to graveyardShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>flip Allure of Darkness faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Allure of Darkness.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Dark Grepher from hand to RFPShunkai|>move Foolish Burial from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Allure of Darkness from field to graveyardShunkai|>activated effect of Foolish Burial.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from deck to graveyardShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Foolish Burial from field to graveyardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Fulhelmknight from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>chainEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>flip Saber Hole faceup.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of Saber Hole.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Saber Hole from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>kkShunkai|>no waitShunkai|> i chain that XDShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>flip Infernity Barrier faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Barrier.Shunkai|>almost forgotShunkai|>move Infernity Barrier from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>okShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Magical Android from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>come to End Phase.Shunkai|>activated effect of Magical Android.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>chainShunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 8600.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>flip Saber Hole faceup.Shunkai|>move Magical Android from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of Saber Hole.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8600 to 8000.Shunkai|>end their turn.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Saber Hole from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Darksoul from hand to fieldShunkai|>flip Torrential Tribute faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Torrential Tribute.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>?Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>chainEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>flip Trap Stun faceup.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of Trap Stun.Shunkai|>move Torrential Tribute from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Trap Stun from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>synchroEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Fulhelmknight from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Darksoul from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Goyo Guardian from extra deck to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>come to Battle Phase.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>Goyo Guardian attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 5200.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>come to End Phase.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of XX-Saber Darksoul.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>looking into their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Boggart Knight from deck to handShunkai|>i just drew what i needed Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>i hate itShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>it so badShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>this is comboShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Necromancer.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>i knowShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Doom Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Iron Chain Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Necromancer.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Barrier from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>why wasnt Infernity Launcher limited Shunkai|>dont know Shunkai|>but its archfiend that makes it brokenShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Goyo Guardian from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Doom Dragon.Shunkai|>destroy you goyoShunkai|>and you take 1400Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Goyo Guardian from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6600.Shunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Iron Chain Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>i lost -_-Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>r2?Shunkai|>okEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>has performed a soft reset.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.Shunkai|>normally i get to synchro more than that with this comboShunkai|>has performed a soft reset.Shunkai|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>i have an infernity deckEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>butShunkai|>u get to choose who startsEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>without extra deckEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>okShunkai|>the extra deck helpsEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>or with the combo that isEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardShunkai|>and i love infernity DOOM dragonEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>i need to buildEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Reinforcement of the Army from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of Reinforcement of the Army.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>looking into their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move X-Saber Airbellum from deck to handEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>isnt airbellum a beastEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>uochEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>noEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>its a beastEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move X-Saber Airbellum from hand to top of deckEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>looking into their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Fulhelmknight from deck to handEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>thats what i just said i said isnt he a beast -.-Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Reinforcement of the Army from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Boggart Knight from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Fulhelmknight from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>end their turn.Shunkai|>i need to replace the gottoms in my deck with mist wurmShunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Allure of Darkness from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Allure of Darkness.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Dark Grepher from hand to RFPShunkai|>move Allure of Darkness from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Dark Grepher from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Dark Grepher.Shunkai|>chain?Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>chainEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>flip Bottomless Trap Hole faceup.Shunkai|>move Dark Grepher from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of Bottomless Trap Hole.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Bottomless Trap Hole from field to graveyardShunkai|>still get effect Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from hand to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>RFPShunkai|>move Infernity Avenger from deck to graveyardShunkai|>move Dark Grepher from graveyard to RFPShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>come to Battle Phase.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>XX-Saber Boggart Knight attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6100.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 6100 to 4800.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>XX-Saber Fulhelmknight attacks their Opponent LP.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>come to Main Phase 2.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from hand to fieldShunkai|>chain?Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>noShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Infernity Archfiend attacks their XX-Saber Fulhelmknight at #2.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of XX-Saber Fulhelmknight.Shunkai|>flip Infernity Barrier faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Barrier.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Fulhelmknight from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Barrier from field to graveyardShunkai|>end their turn.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardShunkai|>wait i cant use that ugh forgotShunkai|>move Infernity Barrier from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>turn Infernity Barrier into defend position.Shunkai|>flip Infernity Barrier facedown.Shunkai|>i have cards in my hand so i cant use itEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>whyShunkai|>turn a card into attack position.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>yeaEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Fulhelmknight from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Shunkai|>need into the void right about now or launcherShunkai|>ur turnEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Darksoul from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>synchroShunkai|>kkEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Fulhelmknight from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Darksoul from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Hyunlay from extra deck to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of XX-Saber Hyunlay.Shunkai|>move Infernity Barrier from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>2 ur trapShunkai|>move Dimensional Prison from field to graveyardShunkai|>need launcher XDEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>come to Battle Phase.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>XX-Saber Hyunlay attacks their Infernity Archfiend at #1.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 4800 to 4300.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>changed their LP from 4300 to 2400.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>XX-Saber Boggart Knight attacks their Opponent LP.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>it seems key card in infernity deckEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>end their turn.Shunkai|>that and mirageShunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>lol XDShunkai|>showed their hand: Infernity Necromancer, Infernity Necromancer, Infernity Necromancer.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>yraShunkai|>its necromancer dayEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>dead drawShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardShunkai|>i think i lost this roundEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move X-Saber Airbellum from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>R3?Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>XX-Saber Hyunlay attacks their Face-down monster at #1.Shunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>yeaShunkai|>drawn Dark GrepherEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>has performed a soft reset.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.Shunkai|>has performed a soft reset.Shunkai|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>ill start this time aroundShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>okShunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Shunkai|>hmmm... in need of one cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Reinforcement of the Army from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of Reinforcement of the Army.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>ok?Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>looking into their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Boggart Knight from deck to handShunkai|>hm.. bets one of facedowns are BTHEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>shuffled their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Reinforcement of the Army from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>noEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>but same effEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Boggart Knight from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>chai?Shunkai|>saber holeShunkai|>noEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of XX-Saber Boggart Knight.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move X-Saber Pashuul from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>synchroShunkai|>hmm.. lv 6 X-saberEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Boggart Knight from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move X-Saber Pashuul from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Hyunlay from extra deck to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of XX-Saber Hyunlay.Shunkai|>flip Torrential Tribute faceup.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>always itShunkai|>now i chainEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Hyunlay from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Mirror Force from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Torrential Tribute from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Heavy Storm from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Heavy Storm.Shunkai|>BOOOMEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Gottom's Emergency Call from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Mirror Force from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move Saber Hole from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Heavy Storm from field to graveyardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>end their turn.Shunkai|>lol we both lost our mirror forcesShunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come on archfiend i need your help here XDEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>end?Shunkai|>i hit endShunkai|>end their turn.Shunkai|>end their turn.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move X-Saber Airbellum from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>chain?Shunkai|>noEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>flip XX-Saber Darksoul faceup.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>turn XX-Saber Darksoul into attack position.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>synchroShunkai|>synch Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Darksoul from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move X-Saber Airbellum from field to graveyardShunkai|>goyo guardian i betEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Hyunlay from extra deck to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>i want thisEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>activated effect of XX-Saber Hyunlay.Shunkai|>move Infernity Barrier from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>ur s/tEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>i knowEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>XX-Saber Hyunlay attacks their Face-down monster at #1.Shunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>end their turn.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>drawn a cardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move a card from hand to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>show me handlesscomboEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>come to Battle Phase.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>XX-Saber Hyunlay attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 5700.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>this works toShunkai|>move One for One from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of One for One.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from hand to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>oh noShunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from deck to fieldShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move One for One from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>okShunkai|>chain? BTH is useless thoughEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>noShunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Mirage.Shunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Necromancer.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>2 laucherShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Beetle.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>synchEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>doom dragonShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Stardust Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>no starEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>wazShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Necromancer.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>i though i will win -_-Shunkai|>move Infernity Doom Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Stardust Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Doom Dragon.Shunkai|>you monster dies now Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>flip My Body As A Shield faceup.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>move My Body As A Shield from field to graveyardShunkai|>activated effect of Stardust Dragon.Shunkai|>move Stardust Dragon from field to graveyardEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6500.Shunkai|>monster still diesEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>move XX-Saber Hyunlay from field to graveyardShunkai|>than you get the 1150 burnEm_La_Duelist_Nho|>changed their LP from 6500 to 5350.Shunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>changed their LP from 5350 to 5050.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>changed their LP from 5050 to 5350.Em_La_Duelist_Nho|>changed their LP from 5350 to 2350.He give up at this piont i also love how ppl use My body as a sheild when i have stardust on the field when i use Doom dragon's effectand ok max Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Exactly. Oh no, two memes have decided to mix and try and drive me insane. So the logical thing to do is to listen to it over and over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Nice duel. If I can dig through Stardust Force I can recover a duel I did a few days ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 thanks the only duels i lost were the 1st two the 1st one becuz i was getting use to the deck. the 2nd duel because i did notice i could get a good synchro with i believe was necromancer and 2 beetles( necromancer + beetle = 5 synchro + 2nd beetle = BRD) but now i know how to use the deck n is having fun using it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 [spoiler=The Greatest Win of my Life Ruined by Forfiet]this is log windowstriker8008|>joined the duel.striker8008|>loaded their deck Strong and Dangerous.striker8008|>ready to duel.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.Lelouchvi|>joined the duel.Lelouchvi|>loaded their deck {BS} [Garden of Death].Lelouchvi|>ready to duel.Lelouchvi|>shuffled their deck.Lelouchvi|>shuffled their deck.Lelouchvi|>shuffled their deck.Lelouchvi|>shuffled their deck.Lelouchvi|>shuffled their deck.Lelouchvi|>shuffled their deck.[spoiler=Funny Stuff]Lelouchvi|>Do you like waffles?Lelouchvi|>yeah we like waffles!Lelouchvi|>Do you like pancakes?Lelouchvi|>Yeah we like Pancake!Lelouchvi|>Do you like french toast?Lelouchvi|>Yeah we like french toast!Lelouchvi|>Du du du du' date=' can wait to get a mouthfull!Lelouchvi|>WAFFLES!Lelouchvi|>WAFFLES!Lelouchvi|>WAFFLES!Lelouchvi|>Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhhLelouchvi|>Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhhLelouchvi|>Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhhLelouchvi|>Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhhLelouchvi|>I wanna duel em like they do in Yu-Gi-OhLelouchvi|>Face down face up trap cards spell cards then time roulette go! (I love it!)Lelouchvi|>All I do is just believe in the heart of the cardsLelouchvi|>And then I kick some butt when I use Swordsman of LandstarLelouchvi|>Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-ohLelouchvi|>Aint no surprise, check out my Red EyesLelouchvi|>Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-ohLelouchvi|>Aint no surprise, check out my Red EyesLelouchvi|>Cant beat my Cant beat myLelouchvi|>No they cant beat my Brooklyn RageLelouchvi|>(I dont wanna be a furry)Lelouchvi|>Cant beat my Cant beat myLelouchvi|>No they cant beat my Brooklyn RageLelouchvi|>(I dont wanna be a furry)Lelouchvi|>Bruh-bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage, bruh-bruh-Brooklyn RageLelouchvi|>BRB wait...Lelouchvi|>im back..Lelouchvi|>5, 5 dollar, 5 dollar foot long..Lelouchvi|>I lelouch vi britanna command you to pick up the phone !Lelouchvi|>spam in a canLelouchvi|>thriller, thriller night...Lelouchvi|>who lives in a takeout box under the sea...Lelouchvi|>where did i go wrong i lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness, and i would have stayed up with you all night if id know, how to save a life..Lelouchvi|>upLelouchvi|>downLelouchvi|>rightLelouchvi|>belive it!Lelouchvi|>llamma Lelouchvi|>subwayLelouchvi|>*i summon slifer the sky dragon*Lelouchvi|>HOly ****!striker8008|>wowLelouchvi|>histriker8008|>youve been busyLelouchvi|>yep striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.Lelouchvi|>rolled 5.striker8008|>rolled 4.striker8008|>you gostriker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.Lelouchvi|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.Lelouchvi|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>you go first..striker8008|>Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>you go firststriker8008|>move The Sanctuary in the Sky from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>striker8008|>move Field Barrier from hand to fieldstriker8008|>activated effect of Field Barrier.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>sorrystriker8008|>i usually expect the highest roller to go firststriker8008|>activated effect of Zeradias, Herald of Heaven.striker8008|>move Zeradias, Herald of Heaven from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>you go.Lelouchvi|>come to Stanby Phase.Lelouchvi|>come to Main Phase 1.striker8008|>Enjoy Lelouchvi|>move Heavy Storm from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>activated effect of Heavy Storm.striker8008|>move Black Horn of Heaven from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Field Barrier from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Heavy Storm from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move a card from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>come to Stanby Phase.Lelouchvi|>come to Main Phase 1.Lelouchvi|>move a card from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>move a card from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>turn a card into defend position.Lelouchvi|>sorry..Lelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>come to Stanby Phase.Lelouchvi|>come to Main Phase 1.Lelouchvi|>move Lonefire Blossom from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>activated effect of Lonefire Blossom.Lelouchvi|>move Lonefire Blossom from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>looking into their deck.Lelouchvi|>move Tytannial, Princess of Camellias from deck to fieldLelouchvi|>K?striker8008|>goLelouchvi|>do you wanna chain?striker8008|>noLelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>move Bird of Roses from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>I sence a Synchro Summonstriker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>???striker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>move Nettles from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>come to Main Phase 1.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>come to Main Phase 1.striker8008|>move Harvest Angel of Wisdom from hand to fieldstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Harvest Angel of Wisdom attacks their Nettles at #5.Lelouchvi|>flip Mirror Force faceup.Lelouchvi|>activated effect of Mirror Force.striker8008|>move Zeradias, Herald of Heaven from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Harvest Angel of Wisdom from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Mirror Force from field to graveyardstriker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>come to Stanby Phase.Lelouchvi|>come to Main Phase 1.Lelouchvi|>move Bird of Roses from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Nettles from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Splendid Rose from extra deck to fieldLelouchvi|>chain?striker8008|>noLelouchvi|>flip Spore faceup.Lelouchvi|>move Spore from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Splendid Rose from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Ancient Fairy Dragon from extra deck to fieldLelouchvi|>K?striker8008|>proceedLelouchvi|>activated effect of Ancient Fairy Dragon.Lelouchvi|>destroy field spellstriker8008|>move The Sanctuary in the Sky from field to graveyardstriker8008|>Im well aware of its effectstriker8008|>I reviewed it beforeLelouchvi|>changed their LP from 8000 to 9000.Lelouchvi|>looking into their deck.Lelouchvi|>move Black Garden from deck to handLelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>come to Stanby Phase.Lelouchvi|>come to Main Phase 1.Lelouchvi|>move a card from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>move Black Garden from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>come to Stanby Phase.Lelouchvi|>come to Main Phase 1.Lelouchvi|>activated effect of Ancient Fairy Dragon.Lelouchvi|>move Black Garden from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>changed their LP from 9000 to 8000.Lelouchvi|>sorry, i made a mistake its +1000Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7000.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 7000 to 8000.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 8000 to 9000.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 9000 to 10000.Lelouchvi|>K?Lelouchvi|>looking into their deck.Lelouchvi|>move Black Garden from deck to handstriker8008|>flip Drastic Drop Off faceup.striker8008|>activated effect of Drastic Drop Off.Lelouchvi|>so i discard a card from my hand?striker8008|>discard Black GardenLelouchvi|>move Black Garden from hand to graveyardstriker8008|>activated effect of Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord.striker8008|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from hand to fieldstriker8008|>meet my beat stickstriker8008|>move Drastic Drop Off from field to graveyardstriker8008|>activated effect of Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord.Lelouchvi|>flip Horseytail faceup.Lelouchvi|>witch effect?striker8008|>The Effect monster effectLelouchvi|>???striker8008|>move Harvest Angel of Wisdom from graveyard to fieldLelouchvi|>okay..Lelouchvi|>can i continue with my turn?striker8008|>yesLelouchvi|>activated effect of Spore.Lelouchvi|>move Bird of Roses from graveyard to RFPLelouchvi|>move Spore from graveyard to fieldLelouchvi|>spore is now level 5, k?striker8008|>oh no.striker8008|>Stardust?Lelouchvi|>maybe Lelouchvi|>it could be stardust, RAD, or black rose..striker8008|>Yea, but 5 + 2 = 7striker8008|>Stardust is 7Lelouchvi|>Stardust is 8Lelouchvi|>and i have a face down... card striker8008|>Im not bright todaystriker8008|>BRD!Lelouchvi|>flip Dandylion faceup.striker8008|>Im deadLelouchvi|>move Spore from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Horseytail from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Black Rose Dragon from extra deck to fieldstriker8008|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Marshmallon from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Harvest Angel of Wisdom from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Solidarity from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>did i normal summon this turn? i dont think i didstriker8008|>move Synthetic Seraphim from field to graveyardstriker8008|>BRD effectLelouchvi|>why are you sending your cards to the grave, lolstriker8008|>BRDs nuking effectLelouchvi|>its says YOU CAN!i dont want to..striker8008|>???Lelouchvi|>it dosnt say you have too.. LOLstriker8008|>People in their right mind will do the nukeLelouchvi|>bring your cards back...striker8008|>move a card from graveyard to fieldstriker8008|>move a card from graveyard to fieldstriker8008|>move Harvest Angel of Wisdom from graveyard to fieldstriker8008|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from graveyard to fieldstriker8008|>move a card from graveyard to fieldLelouchvi|>did i normal summon this turn?Lelouchvi|>i dont think i didstriker8008|>noLelouchvi|>did i ?striker8008|>noLelouchvi|>activated effect of Ancient Fairy Dragon.Lelouchvi|>move Revival Rose from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>move Dandylion from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Revival Rose from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>move Tytannial, Princess of Camellias from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>come to Main Phase 1.striker8008|>move Harvest Angel of Wisdom from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Marshmallon from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Splendid Venus from hand to fieldstriker8008|>All non-fairy cards lose 500 ATK and DEFLelouchvi|>kstriker8008|>flip Solidarity faceup.striker8008|>activated effect of Solidarity.striker8008|>Venus gains 800 ATKLelouchvi|>w.estriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Splendid Venus attacks their Black Rose Dragon at #4.Lelouchvi|>move Black Rose Dragon from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>minus how much?striker8008|>3600 - 1900striker8008|>1700 goneLelouchvi|>changed their LP from 10000 to 9000.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 9000 to 8500.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 8500 to 8300.Lelouchvi|>kstriker8008|>Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord attacks their Ancient Fairy Dragon at #2.striker8008|>2300 - 1600striker8008|>700 goneLelouchvi|>move Ancient Fairy Dragon from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>changed their LP from 8300 to 7800.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 7800 to 7600.striker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>is that all?Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>come to Stanby Phase.Lelouchvi|>come to Main Phase 1.Lelouchvi|>activated effect of Spore.Lelouchvi|>wait my mistake..Lelouchvi|>move a card from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>move a card from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>flip Black Garden faceup.Lelouchvi|>come to Battle Phase.Lelouchvi|>Tytannial, Princess of Camellias attacks their Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord at #2.striker8008|>move Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>both are destroyedLelouchvi|>move Tytannial, Princess of Camellias from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Splendid Venus attacks their Tytannial, Princess of Camellias at #3.striker8008|>500 goneLelouchvi|>move Tytannial, Princess of Camellias from field to graveyardLelouchvi|>changed their LP from 7600 to 7100.striker8008|>come to Main Phase 2.striker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>hey you need to destroy venusstriker8008|>???Lelouchvi|>you have a dragon type monster in your gravestriker8008|>so what?Lelouchvi|>solidaritys effect doesnt work anymoreLelouchvi|>equal atk Lelouchvi|>both destroyedstriker8008|>Venuss effect still appliesLelouchvi|>damn i forgot...striker8008|>I love my new beat stickstriker8008|> Lelouchvi|>move a card from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>come to End Phase.Lelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move Shining Angel from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>activated effect of Soul of Purity and Light.striker8008|>move Marshmallon from graveyard to RFPstriker8008|>move Shining Angel from graveyard to RFPstriker8008|>move Soul of Purity and Light from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>activated effect of Black Garden.striker8008|>Im going to destroy you nowLelouchvi|>created Sheep Token on the field.striker8008|>moved a sticky.Lelouchvi|>your soul of puritys atk is half now..Lelouchvi|>also the token on the field has 800 atkstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Splendid Venus attacks their Sheep Token at #3.Lelouchvi|>destroyed Sheep Token from the field.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 7100 to 6100.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 6100 to 5100.striker8008|>you enjoying the pain?Lelouchvi|>YES striker8008|>Soul of Purity and Light attacks their Face-down monster at #1.Lelouchvi|>the above post is a lie ^Lelouchvi|>flip Gigantic Cephalotus faceup.Lelouchvi|>move Gigantic Cephalotus from field to graveyardstriker8008|>I saw on YCM you dont like my beat stickLelouchvi|>striker8008|>end their turn.Lelouchvi|>come to Draw Phase.Lelouchvi|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>move a card from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>move a card from hand to fieldLelouchvi|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardLelouchvi|>l']Lelouchvi|>[]Lelouchvi|>[]Lelouchvi|>[]Lelouchvi|>[]Lelouchvi|>[][Lelouchvi|>][Lelouchvi|>[][Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>[][Lelouchvi|>[][]Lelouchvi|>]]]Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>[Lelouchvi|>][][]Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>][Lelouchvi|>]][]][]Lelouchvi|>][]Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>][]Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>[Lelouchvi|>]][Lelouchvi|>][[]]]Lelouchvi|>]]]Lelouchvi|>[][Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>][]Lelouchvi|>[Lelouchvi|>][[]Lelouchvi|>][[striker8008|>come to Main Phase 1.Lelouchvi|>][Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>]]Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>]]]]Lelouchvi|>]]Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>]]]Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>]Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>]]striker8008|>turn a card into attack position.Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>striker8008|>flip Airknight Parshath faceup.Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>helloLelouchvi|>[[][][][]][[]][Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>striker8008|>BUZZ!.Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>Lelouchvi|>helloLelouchvi|>holaLelouchvi|>created Sheep Token on the field.Lelouchvi|>activated effect of Black Garden.striker8008|>meet my DEF destroyerstriker8008|>Actually noLelouchvi|>half attackstriker8008|>Flip Sunnon doesnt activate attackLelouchvi|>yesstriker8008|>effectstriker8008|>It said Normal and Specialstriker8008|>not FlipLelouchvi|>fine.... belikeLelouchvi|>destroyed Sheep Token from the field.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 5100 to 4100.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 4100 to 3100.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 3100 to 2100.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 2100 to 1100.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 1100 to 100.Lelouchvi|>changed their LP from 100 to 0.striker8008|>Forfet?Lelouchvi|>hell yesstriker8008|>What, my beat sticks too strong for you?striker8008|>connection has been lost.striker8008|>Well a comeback in vain. Some great highlights were that I beat AFD and BFD in the same duel and brought out my two beat sticks in the same duel. I found it. Enjoy reading a great duel ruined by forfiet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhhLelouchvi|>Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhhLelouchvi|>Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhhLelouchvi|>Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeehhhLelouchvi|>I wanna duel em like they do in Yu-Gi-OhLelouchvi|>Face down face up trap cards spell cards then time roulette go! (I love it!)Lelouchvi|>All I do is just believe in the heart of the cardsLelouchvi|>And then I kick some butt when I use Swordsman of LandstarLelouchvi|>Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-ohLelouchvi|>Aint no surprise, check out my Red EyesLelouchvi|>Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-ohh-oh-ohLelouchvi|>Aint no surprise, check out my Red EyesLelouchvi|>Cant beat my Cant beat myLelouchvi|>No they cant beat my Brooklyn RageLelouchvi|>(I dont wanna be a furry)Lelouchvi|>Cant beat my Cant beat myLelouchvi|>No they cant beat my Brooklyn RageLelouchvi|>(I dont wanna be a furry)Lelouchvi|>Bruh-bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage, bruh-bruh-Brooklyn Rage I JUST CAN'T GET AWAY FROM THAT! That's what I have had stuck in my head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 I found that part funny as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathSDelano Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 me and striker just had an epic duelli won 1st round he won 2nd and i won last heres the duel [spoiler=epic duel]random2.Shunkai|>ready to duel.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>joined the duel.striker8008|>ready to duel.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>loaded their deck Strong and Dangerous.striker8008|>Quite a random extra deckstriker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>rolled 4.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>rolled 3.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>ill startShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardShunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Dark Grepher from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Dark Grepher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from hand to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from deck to graveyardShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>activated effect of Dark Grepher.Shunkai|>chain?Shunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from hand to graveyardstriker8008|>noShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to graveyardShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>chain?striker8008|>noShunkai|>flip Call Of The Haunted faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Call Of The Haunted.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>chain Nowstriker8008|>noShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Mirage.Shunkai|>chain nowShunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from field to graveyardstriker8008|>flip Divine Wrath faceup.Shunkai|>kstriker8008|>move Divine Wrath from field to graveyardShunkai|>pay the coststriker8008|>move Shrink from hand to graveyardShunkai|>kShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>synchstriker8008|>This deck is luck and skillShunkai|>wait change thatShunkai|>ill do this insteadShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Beetle.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>now synchShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>chain nowstriker8008|>noShunkai|>synch againShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Stardust Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Necromancer.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardstriker8008|>I dont think Venus can help me nowShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Mist Wurm from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Mist Wurm.Shunkai|>return you facedownsstriker8008|>move a card from field to handstriker8008|>move a card from field to handShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Dark Grepher attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>Mist Wurm attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>thats 6700striker8008|>sub/6700striker8008|>changed their LP from 8000 to 1300.Shunkai|>lolShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>I know thatstriker8008|>Im in Honors Geometrystriker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardShunkai|>i just finished algebra II doing pre-calc next yearstriker8008|>wowstriker8008|>Im a FreshmanShunkai|>junior going to be seniorstriker8008|>move Thunder King Rai-Oh from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move Brain Control from hand to fieldstriker8008|>activated effect of Brain Control.Shunkai|>trainShunkai|>targetstriker8008|>StardustShunkai|>gave away control of Stardust Dragon.Shunkai|>kkstriker8008|>changed their LP from 1300 to 500.striker8008|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Mist Wurm at #3.striker8008|>Thunder King Rai-Oh attacks their Dark Grepher at #1.Shunkai|>move Mist Wurm from field to graveyardShunkai|>flip Dimensional Prison faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Dimensional Prison.striker8008|>move Brain Control from field to graveyardShunkai|>stardust and mist both dieShunkai|>king gets removedstriker8008|>move Stardust Dragon from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Thunder King Rai-Oh from field to RFPShunkai|>move Dimensional Prison from field to graveyardstriker8008|>I triedstriker8008|>I had a bad hand from the startShunkai|>i think i won this roundstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>but well seestriker8008|>Yea, I couldnt get Venus outstriker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Allure of Darkness from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Allure of Darkness.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from hand to RFPShunkai|>move Allure of Darkness from field to graveyardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Dark Grepher attacks their Opponent LP.striker8008|>changed their LP from 500 to 0.striker8008|>ggShunkai|>R2?striker8008|>I had a bad handstriker8008|>sureShunkai|>has performed a soft reset.Shunkai|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.striker8008|>Maybe my combo will come outstriker8008|>has performed a soft reset.striker8008|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.Shunkai|>you get to choose who starts this timeShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardShunkai|>hmm... interesting handstriker8008|>Ill goShunkai|>kkstriker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Into the Void from hand to fieldstriker8008|>Almost had the cardsShunkai|>activated effect of Into the Void.Shunkai|>chain?striker8008|>noShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Into the Void from field to graveyardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>come to End Phase.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from hand to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from hand to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from hand to graveyardShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move Harvest Angel of Wisdom from hand to fieldstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Harvest Angel of Wisdom attacks their Face-down monster at #1.Shunkai|>flip Infernity Necromancer faceup.Shunkai|>-200striker8008|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7800.striker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>flip Reinforcement of the Army faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Reinforcement of the Army.Shunkai|>chain?striker8008|>noShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Dark Grepher from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Reinforcement of the Army from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Dark Grepher from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Necromancer.Shunkai|>chain?striker8008|>noShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>chain nowstriker8008|>flip Black Horn of Heaven faceup.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardstriker8008|>I negate the SS of ArchfiendShunkai|>i nowstriker8008|>move Black Horn of Heaven from field to graveyardShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Dark Grepher attacks their Face-down monster at #1.striker8008|>flip Honest faceup.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7800.striker8008|>wrong answerShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>ha ha hastriker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>come to Main Phase 1.striker8008|>move Honest from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Airknight Parshath from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move Lightning Vortex from hand to fieldstriker8008|>activated effect of Lightning Vortex.striker8008|>move Drastic Drop Off from hand to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Necromancer from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Dark Grepher from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Lightning Vortex from field to graveyardShunkai|>mirage would be nice about now striker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Harvest Angel of Wisdom attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 7800 to 6000.striker8008|>Airknight Parshath attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 6000 to 4100.Shunkai|>than u drawstriker8008|>I love when a plan comes togetherShunkai|>now lets see if it gets foiledstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move Bountiful Artemis from hand to fieldstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Bountiful Artemis attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>flip Mirror Force faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Mirror Force.Shunkai|>BOOMstriker8008|>move Airknight Parshath from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Harvest Angel of Wisdom from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Bountiful Artemis from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Mirror Force from field to graveyardShunkai|>my deck answers me wellstriker8008|>not suprisedstriker8008|>a cowards way outstriker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>you would of been deadstriker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardShunkai|>i know thats why i saved myself Shunkai|>soon my comrades will be rebornstriker8008|>activated effect of Zeradias, Herald of Heaven.striker8008|>move Zeradias, Herald of Heaven from hand to graveyardShunkai|>whats that do?striker8008|>looking into their deck.striker8008|>move The Sanctuary in the Sky from deck to handShunkai|>i see a terraformer for sanctuarystriker8008|>move Pot of Avarice from hand to fieldstriker8008|>activated effect of Pot of Avarice.Shunkai|>i see only 4striker8008|>move a card from graveyard to bottom of deckstriker8008|>move a card from graveyard to bottom of deckShunkai|>nvm i see honst now xDstriker8008|>move a card from graveyard to bottom of deckstriker8008|>move a card from graveyard to bottom of deckstriker8008|>move a card from graveyard to bottom of deckstriker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move Pot of Avarice from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen from hand to fieldstriker8008|>activated effect of Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen.Shunkai|>SS fairystriker8008|>move Tethys the Goddess of Light from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move The Sanctuary in the Sky from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move Field Barrier from hand to fieldstriker8008|>activated effect of Field Barrier.striker8008|>beat stick timestriker8008|>2400ATKstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Tethys the Goddess of Light attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>flip Dimensional Prison faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Dimensional Prison.Shunkai|>bye bye beatstickstriker8008|>move Tethys the Goddess of Light from field to graveyardShunkai|>its removedShunkai|>not destroyedstriker8008|>more like that will come soonstriker8008|>move Tethys the Goddess of Light from graveyard to RFPShunkai|>move Dimensional Prison from field to graveyardstriker8008|>I have more powerful beat sticksShunkai|>it all comes to my next drawShunkai|>u done yetstriker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move Gellenduo from hand to fieldstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Gellenduo attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 4100 to 2400.striker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Shunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>BUZZ!.Shunkai|>its ur turnstriker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Gellenduo attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 2400 to 700.striker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move Mystical Space Typhoon from hand to fieldShunkai|>targetstriker8008|>activated effect of Mystical Space Typhoon.striker8008|>The one you just put downShunkai|>move Dimensional Prison from field to graveyardstriker8008|>yesstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>should have LVed XDstriker8008|>Gellenduo attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>R3?Shunkai|>showed their hand: Lightning Vortex.striker8008|>I win!Shunkai|>flip Infernity Inferno faceup.Shunkai|>flip Infernity Barrier faceup.striker8008|>flip Synthetic Seraphim faceup.Shunkai|>flip Torrential Tribute faceup.striker8008|>move Shrink from hand to fieldShunkai|>Round 3 TimeShunkai|>has performed a soft reset.Shunkai|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.striker8008|>Were you waiting for my beat stickstriker8008|>???Shunkai|>i won 1st round you won 2nd round XDstriker8008|>has performed a soft reset.striker8008|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.Shunkai|>i was waiting for either you beatstick or launcher or miragestriker8008|>yea, I got lucky with MSTShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>Venus is a tough oneShunkai|>so it doom dragon striker8008|>2800 ATK on normal termsShunkai|>doom dragon 3000 on normal termsShunkai|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>Venus with a special spell can get 3600 ATKstriker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>doom dragon can use effect and blow it up than inflict half of venus atk as damageShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>shuffled their deck.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>drawn a cardShunkai|>ill startShunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>hm...Shunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Allure of Darkness from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Allure of Darkness.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move The Dark Creator from hand to RFPShunkai|>i believe i can use archfeinds effect striker8008|>in your hand?Shunkai|>yes i drew it w/ allure of darknessShunkai|>i think i can SS him nowstriker8008|>I dont think soShunkai|>most likely do to draw 2Shunkai|>move Allure of Darkness from field to graveyardShunkai|>but its all goodShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Beetle.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>scratch that cant do it XDShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>move Burden of the Mighty from hand to fieldstriker8008|>activated effect of Burden of the Mighty.striker8008|>move Honest from hand to fieldstriker8008|>come to Battle Phase.striker8008|>Honest attacks their Infernity Beetle at #1.Shunkai|>flip Dimensional Prison faceup.striker8008|>-100Shunkai|>activated effect of Dimensional Prison.Shunkai|>nopestriker8008|>move Honest from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Dimensional Prison from field to graveyardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from hand to fieldShunkai|>chain?striker8008|>noShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Beetle.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Iron Chain Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Iron Chain Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.striker8008|>changed their LP from 8000 to 6100.Shunkai|>activated effect of Iron Chain Dragon.Shunkai|>mill top 3 cards of deckstriker8008|>mill Harvest Angel of Wisdom from top of their deck.striker8008|>mill Mystical Space Typhoon from top of their deck.striker8008|>mill Hand Destruction from top of their deck.Shunkai|>Infernity Beetle attacks their Opponent LP.striker8008|>changed their LP from 6100 to 5100.Shunkai|>come to Main Phase 2.Shunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Iron Chain Dragon from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Doom Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Shunkai|>end their turn.Shunkai|>end their turn.Shunkai|>ur turnstriker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>move a card from hand to fieldstriker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Infernity Doom Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.striker8008|>flip Negate Attack faceup.Shunkai|>kstriker8008|>activated effect of Negate Attack.striker8008|>move Negate Attack from field to graveyardShunkai|>end their turn.striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.striker8008|>drawn a cardstriker8008|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>this worksShunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Mirage.Shunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.striker8008|>bad hand + bad draws = losingShunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>flip Infernity Avenger faceup.Shunkai|>turn Infernity Avenger into attack position.Shunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Avenger from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Magical Android from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>synchstriker8008|>flip Drastic Drop Off faceup.striker8008|>sorryShunkai|>flip Solemn Judgment faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Solemn Judgment.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 4000.Shunkai|>god says yesstriker8008|>I have that cardstriker8008|>move Drastic Drop Off from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Solemn Judgment from field to graveyardShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardstriker8008|>curse you for stealing itShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>synch againShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Stardust Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.striker8008|>curse you for using Synchros against meShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handstriker8008|>I lostShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>synch againShunkai|>move Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Black-Winged Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Infernity Doom Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>Magical Android attacks their Opponent LP.striker8008|>changed their LP from 5100 to 0. 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DeathSDelano Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 cant see old post ugh :/ anyways guy got royally pwnd by infernity deck the only LP i lost was from solemn judgement [spoiler=guy got pwned]Shunkai|>ready to duel.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.roy|>joined the duel.roy|>ready to duel.roy|>shuffled their deck.roy|>loaded their deck No1.roy|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>heyShunkai|>shuffled their deck.roy|>rolled 4.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>rolled 5.roy|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>ill start thanroy|>?roy|>okShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardroy|>drawn a cardroy|>drawn a cardroy|>drawn a cardroy|>drawn a cardroy|>drawn a cardShunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.roy|>drawn a cardroy|>move a card from hand to fieldroy|>move a card from hand to fieldroy|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from hand to fieldShunkai|>chain?roy|>noShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Beetle.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>synch again unless you have a chainroy|>okShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Doom Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Infernity Doom Dragon attacks their Face-down monster at #1.roy|>flip Widespread Ruin faceup.Shunkai|>flip Infernity Barrier faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Barrier.Shunkai|>negatedroy|>activated effect of Widespread Ruin.Shunkai|>infernity barrier negates Widespread ruinroy|>move Widespread Ruin from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Barrier from field to graveyardShunkai|>atk continuesroy|>flip Cannon Soldier faceup.roy|>move Cannon Soldier from field to graveyardShunkai|>end their turn.roy|>drawn a cardroy|>move Lightning Vortex from hand to fieldShunkai|>flip Solemn Judgment faceup.roy|>activated effect of Lightning Vortex.Shunkai|>activated effect of Solemn Judgment.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 4000.roy|>move Machine Duplication from hand to graveyardShunkai|>negatedroy|>move Lightning Vortex from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Solemn Judgment from field to graveyardroy|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Infernity Doom Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.roy|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7000.roy|>changed their LP from 7000 to 6000.roy|>changed their LP from 6000 to 5000.Shunkai|>end their turn.roy|>drawn a cardroy|>move a card from hand to fieldroy|>move a card from hand to fieldroy|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>prefectShunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Mirage.Shunkai|>chain?roy|>noShunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>synch crazy timeShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Iron Chain Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.roy|>hix im lostroy|>Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handroy|>flip Ancient Gear faceup.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>wanna go for round 2?roy|>okShunkai|>has performed a soft reset.Shunkai|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>u get to choose who startsroy|>has performed a soft reset.roy|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.roy|>u firstShunkai|>kkroy|>shuffled their deck.roy|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>drawn a cardroy|>shuffled their deck.roy|>drawn a cardroy|>drawn a cardroy|>drawn a cardroy|>drawn a cardroy|>drawn a cardShunkai|>ill start thanShunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldroy|>ok Shunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>end their turn.Shunkai|>ur turnroy|>drawn a cardroy|>move a card from hand to fieldShunkai|>just got an evil plan MWAHHHroy|>move a card from hand to fieldroy|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from hand to fieldShunkai|>flip Torrential Tribute faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Torrential Tribute.Shunkai|>flip Starlight Road faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Starlight Road.Shunkai|>instant stardust Shunkai|>move Stardust Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>move Torrential Tribute from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Starlight Road from field to graveyardShunkai|>flip Infernity Avenger faceup.Shunkai|>turn Infernity Avenger into attack position.Shunkai|>synchShunkai|>move Infernity Avenger from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Magical Android from extra deck to fieldroy|>flip Divine Wrath faceup.roy|>activated effect of Divine Wrath.Shunkai|>??roy|>negateShunkai|>no monster effect was activatedroy|>ohShunkai|>i did not use any monster effects Shunkai|>so put it facedown againroy|>okroy|>turn Divine Wrath into defend position.Shunkai|>come to Battle Phase.roy|>flip Divine Wrath facedown.Shunkai|>Magical Android attacks their Face-down monster at #1.Shunkai|>android atks facedown monsterroy|>flip Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive faceup.roy|>move Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive from field to graveyardShunkai|>ok so monster goes boom and you draw 1 cardroy|>drawn a cardShunkai|>u get to draw a card due to dekoichis effectShunkai|>Stardust Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>-2500roy|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7000.roy|>changed their LP from 7000 to 6000.roy|>changed their LP from 6000 to 5500.Shunkai|>come to End Phase.Shunkai|>activated effect of Magical Android.roy|>drawn a cardShunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 14000.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 14000 to 8000.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8000 to 8600.Shunkai|>ok betterShunkai|>andriods effect during each of my end phases i gain 600 LP for every psychic monster on the fieldShunkai|>or on my field that isroy|>okShunkai|>so continue with your turnroy|>move Mechanicalchaser from hand to fieldShunkai|>okroy|>move a card from hand to fieldroy|>turn a card into attack position.roy|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>?roy|>Mechanicalchaser attacks their Infernity Archfiend at #2.Shunkai|>1850 vs 2500 - 2400Shunkai|>archfiend is not on my fieldroy|>Shunkai|>it was used as material for synchroroy|>i have no monstre card at allShunkai|>i see a mechinalchaserroy|>cant attack Infernity Archfiend?Shunkai|>there is no infernity archfiend on my fieldShunkai|>i tuned it w/ my avenger to summon magical androidShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>now is it goneroy|>end their turn.Shunkai|>come to Draw Phase.Shunkai|>drawn a cardShunkai|>this is so effectShunkai|>i mean evil XDShunkai|>flip Infernity Inferno faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Inferno.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from hand to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from deck to graveyardShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Inferno from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Mirage.Shunkai|>chain?roy|>flip Divine Wrath faceup.Shunkai|>activated effect of Stardust Dragon.Shunkai|>move Stardust Dragon from field to graveyardroy|>activated effect of Divine Wrath.Shunkai|>stardust negates roy|>move Divine Wrath from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Mirage from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Beetle.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from deck to fieldShunkai|>shuffled their deck.Shunkai|>synchro crazy timeShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>move Flamvell Uruquizas from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Doom Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handShunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Iron Chain Dragon from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Archfiend.Shunkai|>looking into their deck.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from deck to handroy|>im lost again Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from hand to fieldShunkai|>move Infernity Archfiend from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Goyo Guardian from extra deck to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Launcher.Shunkai|>move Infernity Launcher from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Infernity Beetle from graveyard to fieldShunkai|>activated effect of Infernity Doom Dragon.Shunkai|>destroy chaser and you take 925Shunkai|>as damageShunkai|>than i murder your LP XDShunkai|>so yea you lostroy|>move My Body As A Shield from hand to fieldShunkai|>flip Solemn Judgment faceup.roy|>activated effect of My Body As A Shield.Shunkai|>activated effect of Solemn Judgment.Shunkai|>changed their LP from 8600 to 4300.Shunkai|>effect goes throughroy|>move My Body As A Shield from field to graveyardShunkai|>move Solemn Judgment from field to graveyardroy|>move Mechanicalchaser from field to graveyardShunkai|>come to Battle Phase.Shunkai|>Magical Android attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>Iron Chain Dragon attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>Goyo Guardian attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>Infernity Beetle attacks their Opponent LP.Shunkai|>Pwndroy|>changed their LP from 5500 to 4500.roy|>changed their LP from 4500 to 3500.roy|>changed their LP from 3500 to 2500.roy|>changed their LP from 2500 to 1500.roy|>changed their LP from 1500 to 500.roy|>changed their LP from 500 to 0. 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Lord Ursus Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Finally, the weekend! A nice opportunity to sleep for a long time. Everyone is doing fine, I hope? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted May 22, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 I still stick by my age-old tactic of RFP milling. If I can get rid of your cards before you can get hold of them, it's all good. Plus, "Stardust" and "Goyo Guardian"'s effects can't activate while "Macro Cosmos" is on the field or when a "Dark Core" happens to target it... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted May 22, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Since both my opponents seem adamant of my victory' date=' how about this? Me vs. The NDL.[/quote'] It would be simple. You all, via PM, create a card to try and beat me. How does that sound? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 I think its a great idea Max :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 I believe my champion card would want to come out again. Or, I may just make a Striker Excusive that only the N.D.L. gets to see before going against Max. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Since both my opponents seem adamant of my victory' date=' how about this? Me vs. The NDL.[/quote'] It would be simple. You all, via PM, create a card to try and beat me. How does that sound? Do you mean that each of us should make 1 card or that we should make 1 card together? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 I think everyone makes their own card. I have been waiting to get a shot against Max. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 I'll probebly get beat, but it's a good excuse for me to make a card. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 First off, I still need to win our current 1 on 1. Then I'll worry about the next challenge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Yea, however, my new set, that I still need to get images for, can beat Max. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 @o@ Can beat Max! @o@ I really need to see that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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