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Max Darkness

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Hi all!!! I wonder if anyone is here and max, well I have to read your post first...But my question was supposed to be exactly what you said,...how can I put this...The reasons you gave seem to be the purpose of metaness. They are the games killers and we must find ways to be better than them with whatever we choose...And you all know how I feel on Blackwings and X-sabers, but Im off to read max's epic post.


EDIT: I read it. And Max, you do have some very reasonable points. And two of the synchros you mentioned, are two that I quite possibly hate the most but the other, well the other can be dealt with rather easily. (I might explain this later) But as for turbo warrior, this will not help my case but its first effect would halve goyo's attack and well that would get it destroyed...


And despite how powerful Konami has made meta decks, when a player has a good deck, well then they are prepared to handle any good strategy. The meta encourages them to think of strategies to destroy these decks, like a complete lock down of effects spells and traps, or the you can't have a turn lock or, I say a card name and you can't use it period lock or oh you wanna do something, well Im going to either negate it, use your monster against you or just let you get away with it so I can DESTROY YOU AND WIPE THE DUEL WITH YOUR REMAINS!! strategy...


I'll give you an example of how I dealt with the meta: a 60 card exodia deck


My friend had an absolutely abhorrent to duel against, X-saber deck. Literally, this deck made me want to burn his cards. So I made a deck specifaclly built to destroy his, while at the same time being useful in a regular duel. I put exodia in a dark world deck which was designed to drop my hand to swarm the field every turn i could, which might not have stopped once it started, While at the same time getting exodia. It worked like a charm, and I found its usefulness even better against fiends like judgment dragon b/c I would alway have a defensive card set so that when they nuke the field, my opponent won't attack.


Then I built a yubel deck that simply asked people to do me a favor and attack/destroy my monsters. I laughed when they did b/c I would benefitme more than them. And once my field was ready, PMD was there to help me whenever needed. And I had an anti meta Dark deck that used DAD and AGGDs to obliterate ppl


Basically what I'm saying is that yes meta is powerful, yes it irritates the hell out of duelists, but I'll be damn staright if it beats a well planned strategy. I can honestly say that Deept's bounce/stall deck would destroy metas. Heck he even managed to beat my dragons, in which I immediately redeemed myself...


Some decks themes just well need to be better strategized against to beat. Tell me the day you meet an exodia deck that swarms and you'll know what i mean.


And max who said I watched 4kids, the last time I watched ygo it was on the internet, and there was something about the heart of the cards there too


Oh and for drill warrior or anything annoying

Book of moon + nobleman of crossout

Mirrior Force

Torrential Tribute

Dimensional Prison

Threatening Roar,

Windstorm of etaqua/Zero Gravity & Dark MirrorForce(If stardust is on the field then use Dark Core to RFP him)

If you wanna get really pissy, use Starlight Road for lols then sac the stardust for REDMD or PMD...its kinda awesome

(There is a card that stops you from RFPing cards so if you have that you can abuse even more cards) I can make more lists...and the cost for hthe level 10 and that card are the same except that you can special summon when the levels are exact it b/c you can use any monsters to normal summon the other)


But do you get my point or am I gunna have to give up trying to make you hate them less...

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I am too lol ^^...Imma go on YGO network and duel...


possibly rebuild my exodia deck and an earthbound immortal and DEFINTELY A RENERWED MACHINE DECK B/C I DUELED ONE WITH AN INCREDIBLE STRATEGY, IT USED MY MONMSTERS AS FODDER FOR THEIRS...yeah every1 needs to build a theif deck...

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like the actual card...jhmmm brb


Here are some deviant arts:
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My latest poem is placed in my sig. Please do read it. :)


Not a fan of poetry' date=' but it does flow and rhyme, so it's better than that 'poetry' that does neither.





@ DSD:


OCG Fixes


DS-Delano the Dark Sword


Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can discard 1 Monster Card to destroy 1 card your opponent controls. If you do, this card cannot attack during your Battle Phase. When this card destroys a monster by battle, put 1 Death Counter on this card. Once, you can remove 3 Death Counters from this card and discard 2 cards from your hand to destroy all other cards on the field. In addition, your opponent discards 2 cards from their hand or the top of their Deck. If you do, you must skip your Battle Phase until your third turn after this effect was activated.


I have always been against field-nukers. If you control only the monster, you lose nothing and your opponent loses everything. You can summon this card with 1 monster and with 2800 ATK, it can beat a lot of monsters. So three counters will come quickly. Then clear the field. It's overpowered in it's own right, so I changed it to a one-off effect.



Fiend Lord, KQA


This card is also treated as a Fiend-Type monster. When this card is Normal Summoned from the hand, put 1 Fiend Lord Counter on this card for each face-up WATER monster you control (Max. 3). Once per turn, you can remove all Fiend Lord Counters on this card to destroy all other cards on the field. During the turn you activate this effect, you cannot conduct your Battle Phase or Special Summon.


Again with the field-nuke. The problem is that even if you summon this during mid-game, and you run a WATER Deck, you'll easily have 5 WATER monsters in your Graveyard, usually tributed to summon "Mobius" or "Daedalus". So you can summon this and instantly clear the field. Think about "Neo-Lord Daedalus". It's a Nomi monster and it has to sacrifice both itself and a specific card to blow up the field.


This can be Normal Summoned, in fact it can be Special Summoned as well, so it's easier to get onto the field and then just needs five generic monsters in the Graveyard. So, changes are a more specific activation requirement and monsters are needed on the field compared to being in the Graveyard.



Fiend Lord - RFA


This card is also treated as a Fiend-Type monster. If you control this face-up Attack Position monster, no other monsters you control can declare an attack. If this card attacks, Spell and Trap Cards cannot be activated, until the end of the Damage Step. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 face-up FIRE monster you control to increase this card's ATK by 300, until the End Phase.


Much better than the other two. Very balanced, although possibly slightly underpowered.





@DarkMark: I made a Toon Synchro and put it on' date=' but people didn't care too much.



My Level 1 Synchro gained some interest, but it seems most RC viewers just go on there to either praise their well-known friends or to tear up new members' cards.


The people in this club don't fall into either of those categories, so are mostly ignored.





Toons were not meant to be combined with Synchros. The thing I love about Toons is how they have NO relation with Synchros.


No' date=' they're just an early version of the "Earthbound Immortals". Both require a Spell Card to be active and can attack your opponent directly.





I am too lol ^^...Imma go on YGO network and duel...


possibly rebuild my exodia deck and an earthbound immortal and DEFINTELY A RENERWED MACHINE DECK B/C I DUELED ONE WITH AN INCREDIBLE STRATEGY' date=' IT USED MY MONMSTERS AS FODDER FOR THEIRS...yeah every1 needs to build a theif deck...



"Chimeratech Fortress Dragon" is quite an annoying character, except when it's on your side of the field. Believe me, a 7000 ATK beast that uses your opponent's monsters for material is quite nice to own.




Ok here is one' date=' a cool version of winged dragon of ra would be grateful for me, if you could find a picture. I only say that one b/c I got the rest and it would be tough for you to find the one I named.



I posted one a short while ago.




On a side note' date=' I've started reading the bible! >.>



Why? It's only a good story at the start. The second bit is rubbish. It has the same story four times for no reason!

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