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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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What? I grabbed that one for deept. Did you need a picture like that too? Here's a random picture Wham.

[IMG]http://i825.photobucket.com/albums/zz178/JazinKay/ETC/fdnksas.jpg[/IMG] [/spoiler]
[IMG]http://i825.photobucket.com/albums/zz178/JazinKay/ETC/666.jpg[/IMG] [/spoiler]
Here's [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuGOL4x3SH4&feature=related] one more.[/url]
[IMG]http://i825.photobucket.com/albums/zz178/JazinKay/ETC/jfgdhgfdhdf.jpg[/IMG] [/spoiler]
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Explain this please.

In a sense' date=' Ritual Monsters are easier to summon than Normal or Effect Monsters of the same Level.



Gladly. Think of "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane". Level 8, 3300 ATK. If it weren't a Ritual monster, you'd have to tribute 2 monsters on the field for it. If you didn't have that, you'd be sunk.


However, because it's a Ritual monster, those Levels don't have to be on the field. You might have a second high-level monster (say a Monarch monster) and a lower level monster (a "Synchron" monster) in your hand. Since you can use the Ritual Spell to summon it, you can tribute from the hand instead of the field.


Of course, it is only better to Ritual Summon when you have an empty field, or a large number of (unsummonable) monsters in your hand.

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Sorry to interrupt anything but i would like to join


Club Username:悲哀黑暗谋杀 (Soon to be "Vampirzjah")

Why you want to join:I despise the bad treatment towards new members

Favorite Card:Don't really have one...

Do you play the game in real life: Of course...that is if anyone will face me...

How you were referred to the club:N/A


I also would like to affiliate...though we are a new club...


Username:悲哀黑暗谋杀 (Soon to be "Vampirzjah")

Name of Your Club:{☠]~Vampire Army~[☠}

Link to Club:http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-196700.html

Why do you want to affiliate with us:Our club is all about respect. Disrespect is not an option especially with new members

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Yo! Saw this club, looked cool, thought I should join.


Club Username: DigiMaster Ragnarok

Why you want to join: 1. No matter what happens to me in life, I'm always a noob in the end, and B. I like the whole look and feel of this club

Favorite Card: For real card? I'd say Wicked Avatar

Do you play the game in real life: Occasionally

How you were referred to the club: Just decided to check it out

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@ Dark (and Ursus): This is one of my examples of a potent Ritual monster:




Effect: This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card “Dark Malevolence”. When this card is Ritual Summoned, you can destroy a number of Spell, Trap or face-up Level 4 or lower Monster Cards your opponent controls equal to the number of monsters Tributed to Ritual Summon it. A monster that battles with this card cannot declare an attack during that card’s controller’s next Battle Phase. Each time you activate a “Dark Malevolence” or “Dark Ruler’s Amusement” Ritual Spell Card, put 1 Sins Counter on this card (Max. 3). Once per turn, you can remove 1 Sins Counter on this card to discard 1 random card from your opponent’s hand OR put 1 Sins Counter on a face-up monster your opponent controls. A monster with a Sins Counter placed by this card’s effect cannot declare an attack. When this card is destroyed remove all Sins Counters placed by this card's effect. You can discard 2 cards from your hand to add this card to your Deck instead.



Points to note:

- High ATK and DEF for its Level.

- Effect that slowly limits your opponent.

- A recycling effect.

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Hey guys i have a question what type of deck would my Red-eyes Deck classify in(just want to know)


[spoiler=red-eyes deck]



Lv 1-4(10)

RE wyvern x3

RE B. Chick x2


Blizzard dragon x3

morphing jar


Lv 7+(9)

Red-eyes x3







heavy storm


Giant Trunade

POA x2

Burial from a D.D.

Lightning Vortex

Future fusion

foolish burial

dragon's mirror



Mirror force


BTH x2

Threatening roar x2




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Hello Everyone I give you my newest Cards!!


[spoiler=the newest cards to go int Whammy's Set!]

[spoiler=[i]Eye's Role Reversal DES-0023[/i]]321244w.jpg


You can activate this card when a card effect is activated. Negate the effect and roll a die twice. You can destroy or remove from play cards on the field up to the sum of the numbers rolled. If you roll 1 n the first roll it is treated as 0. For each monster removed from play or destroyed that has the same attribute as one or more of your monsters, inflict 700 damage to your opponent. Your opponent gains half the Lifepoints you would lose this turn.


[spoiler=[i]Liquiueen, Desparate Disparager[/i] DES-0021]321244a.jpg



Once per turn, if this card would be destroyed by battle, it is not. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) When this card is destroyed by battle, during the End Phase, you can Special Summon this card in face-up ATK position OR select 2 Spell or Trap Cards in your Graveyard and Set them in your Spell & Trap Card Zones. If you do, the Set cards cannot be activated until after your next End Phase. If a monster attacks this Defense Position monster, that monster's controller gains Life Points equal to their monster's ATK, before damage calculation. During each of your End Phases, pay 600 Life Points. If you do not, destroy this card.



[spoiler=[i]Quain, Desperate Shield DES-0019[/i]] This one is special look at the attribute.]321244w.jpg


When your opponent Declares and attack, you can tribute this card or discard this and 1 other card from your hand to negate the attack and end the Battle Phase. If this card was on the field in face-up Attack position when tributed, you can destroy 1 card on the field. During the Endphase of a turn that this face-up card was not sent to the graveyard by its effect, you can pay lifepoints equal to the number of cards you control x200. If you do not, destroy this card.


[spoiler=[i]Sinister Selection DES-0020[/i]]



When this card is discarded, sent to the graveyard, or destroyed while set on the field, you can activate this effect. Select two cards on the field, one must be a monster card. Destroy one card and gain lifepoints equal to the monsters attack. If this card is activated from the hand or while set, or destroyed and there are no monsters on thef field, inflict damage to each player's lifepoints x100 for the number of cards in their respective Graveyards.


[spoiler=[i]Sinister Blanc Noir DES-0022[/i]The wording is a bit odd but the gist gets through, OCG help would be needed for such a card]321244i.jpg


When an effect is activated that would destroy all one or both Card Types on your side of the field, it is switched to your opponent's opposite Card Type. All cards of the opposite type are destroyed. You can then discard a card, destroy a card, or Set a Spell or Trap card, except this card from your Graveyard.


All cards are going to my set so please look at the whole thing!!! Clicking here will take you there straightaway



@ Death seeker:Make a hopeless if possible by adding Dark Horus & Van'Dalygon the Dark Dragon lords

side deck morphing jar...its too situation imo..,but then again you can always test it.

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