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Max Darkness

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This cardn is useful for/against dark types because many of them are card zone nukes


But hey its all I have for now...But I need picture suggesstions...PM for the cards b/c I don't wanna repeat them. Mark thanks for tha image suggestion yesterday btw

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Thanks and I know the card can be stopped but the trap card counter part will be like dark bribe except that it will destroy up to the number of cards you roll besides the card...


So it just negates and detroys equal to rolling...so no stardust or starlight roll.

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Because Ursus, their biggest showing off was the Duelist Kingdom and Waking the Dragon Arcs of the second series anime. "Black Lustre Soldier" and "Magician of Black Chaos" were used by Yugi while "Knight of Dark Dragons" and "Lord of the Red" were both used by Joey. But that was it.


In GX, Fusions were the focus. And now, in 5D's, Konami's obsession with Synchros is really worrying. And because almost all the Ritual monsters in the game are underpowered normal monsters that don't warrent their cost, they haven't been seen in 5D's at all.


Yet, they can be a very easy way to get incredibly powerful monsters onto the field. For example, if in your first turn you have "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane", "Shinato's Ark", "Charcoal Inapachi" and 1 or more monsters whose total levels equalled 8 or more, by the end of your first turn, you could have a 2100 DEF wall and a 3300 ATK beatstick which recovers Life Points every time it destroys a monster.


Rituals were always for some reason, despite their higher difficulty in summoning, very weak cards. For example, "Javelin Beetle", a Level 8 Ritual, is a Normal monster with 2450 ATK. That's it! Even with "Gaia Power" it fails to break the 3000 barrier. I'm sorry, but I thought the whole point of Normal Monsters was that they had very high ATK/DEF for their Level, not lower-than-average stats.


Rituals have made a small comeback with a couple of new effect monsters with Ritual Spells that contain additional effects, but what Ritual monsters really need are a Ritual Archetype and an archetype that assists them. Like the "Synchron" and "Assault" monsters and the numerous fusion substitute cards, assisting Synchro, Assault Mode and Fusion monsters in that order.


All Ritual monsters have are "Ritual Raven" that counts for the whole tribute. Useful yes, but with only the "Djinn" archetype (which need to be in the Graveyard to activate); they have to rely on a number of Spell cards, which can be easily countered and take up space in a Deck. That's why I've created both the "Seven Sins" archetype: a Ritual monster archetype that can all be summoned by the same Ritual Spell that can recycle itself; and the first Level 10 Ritual monster, whose Ritual Spell grants different effects depending on the type of monster tributed for it.


Ritual monsters, because of their costs, need to be either tricky and hard to kill or high ATK beatsticks that can pound your opponent brutally. And since no Ritual (bar one, "Relinquished") at the moment fits that bill, none are used.

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Relenquished is awesome, and will always be one of my favorite cards. When I told my friend I got Relenquished's Ritual Card he was upset. He knows that I can use that card well. Ritual Ravin? That[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeXQBHLIPcw&NR=1]'s new to m[/url]e. Let me look it up.

Explain this please.
In a sense, Ritual Monsters are easier to summon than Normal or Effect Monsters of the same Level, since all you need is:

The Ritual Monster, its corresponding Ritual Spell Card in your hand
The required monsters needed for Tributes in your hand and/or on your side of the field
A free Monster Card Zone to Special Summon the Ritual Monster to.
A free Spell/Trap Card zone for the Ritual Spell Card. [/quote]
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The card is the counter part to the Spell I just made today. Its going in my set. Which I plan on updating if i get the proper pictures...


Also Here is the card



And max I agree with you completely...I believe rituals need to powered upmore so I appreciate your Seven Sins set. It is also the reason why the strongest monster in my current set is a ritual monster. If time permits, we should have a duel with the sets. I can arrange it easily and cheaply with a deck of regular cards. Not YGO playing. But it would only be possible after we are finished or have a working deck.

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