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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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Chrid I never mind in helping people make stories...but my own card thread is dying...


okay.... So can you help me with the story?


I need to make a shirt that says S.S.D.D. ' date=' and then on the back, "If you dont know what it is, your not epic enough to know". It's an inside joke between me and my IRL friends.





@ Dark: You could try this image:



As for a topic: The fact I've posted over 4000 times and posted a thread that's only got 2 replies: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-197408.html


nice image


Thanks Max and Necro. ;)


School is ridiculous now. If I hadn't quit YCM' date=' I'd be in a deep slide. :(


So I'm passing the YCM torch to my still-girlfriend, Clair. ;)


[s']She's dumber than me.[/s]


lol, so are you coming on randomly now?



You are forgiven.


@Sweet- Why hasnt Clair been here recently?


exactly what i thought


She's on a spring break road trip with her friends. I had to stay at home. >_>





Hola guys,

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Hey guys need some help


this is for a guy im dueling


he uses magic drain than chains with marco cosmos to stop my allure.


He says i cant send a spell from play to negate magic drain that it has to be SEND to the graveyard to be negated when nowhere on magic drain does it say it has to send to the Graveyard.

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Well, I haven;t been on for a while b/cause the server went down here b/cause the power went out earlier in the morning and everything else has been acting up since.


SO BE WARNED-VIRUSES ARE COMING Well, who knows, they might be. My computer got a virus on it and so I have to use the schools computers, waaaaa[/] well, I've missed a whole nother page and half, what did I miss?

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The cards haven't been updated by me yet? and these are new cards i need pics for lol


And Demensia is the NDL's Rp, which isn't accepting at the moment due to the mass confusioioon that comes along with it! But you should read it at least its interesting!

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