Max Darkness Posted April 3, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 Well' date=' it is still a Synchro monster, should be, any how, because X-Saber Gottoms can be Synchro Summoned just by two tuner monsters, of course one has to be Earth.[/quote'] Konami has admitted that was a misprint. It was supposed to be a non-Tuner EARTH monster, but before they could errata it, it had been distributed. Hey everyone. What exactly is an Accel Synchro Max? I've heard thte term a lot' date=' but never understood it.[/quote'] It's a Synchro monster that requires a Synchro Tuner and a non-Tuner Synchro monster to summon it. It's the Synchro equivilent of a Fusion monster that fuses a Fusion Monster and a non-Fusion Monster, like "Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman" (in essence an 'Accel Fusion') Konami is bringing them out in a soon-to-be-released expansion, along with the required Synchro Tuner monsters. Basically, you Synchro Summon the Synchro Tuner and the non-Tuner Synchro then Accel Syncho Summon the finished monster. You can only Accel Synchro Summon once per turn and it is anticipated that Accel Synchros can negate the effects of cards that target Synchro Monster, but most brokenly of all, you can use your Accel Synchro Summon during your opponent's turn. However, because we on YCM are creative sorts, we've decided to make Accel Synchros that require Fusion and Ritual Tuners, making them Accel Fusion Synchros and Accel Ritual Synchros. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 Aah, Ok. Thank you. You learn something new everyday... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Ursus Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 Hey guys, I actually got the Pokérus on SS. :) So now I'm training my pokémon as to make myself ready for Red. Beat all 16 gyms, you see. Current team: Shade (Gengar) HypnosisFocus BlastShadow BallDestiny Bond Mephisto (Spiritomb) Dark PulseWill-O-WispCurseRest Nyx (Honchkrow) Dark PulseFlyProtectPerish Song Ares (Garchomp) Dragon RushEarthquakeStone EdgeDouble Team (Cheap, I know. At least I'm not using this one online. I don't plan on giving my game-play opponents much of a chance, and they really don't have that when you take into account Sandstorm + Sand Veil + Brightpowder + Double Team. :)) Grimjaw (Feraligatr) EarthquakeIce fangCrunchWaterfall TYRANITAR (Traded) CrunchStone EdgeEarthquakeRock Climb (Very dumb, I know, but it's only temporary. It hasn't really learnt something worth exchanging it with as of yet, and I don't like having to drag a HM slave around every time I want something done.) Opinions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted April 3, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 Aah' date=' Ok. Thank you. You learn something new everyday...[/quote'] In fact, my new "Candescence" archetype uses an Accel Synchro, but I'm not telling you which kind. @ Ursus: Opinions Shade: As good as a Gengar can be. I'd get a Dusknoir if possible. Mephisto: I don't like Spiritomb; it's slow and doesn't learn good moves. A Water Pulse or Shockwave might be useful; or just get an Umbreon with Payback. Nyx: Teach it Heat Wave. Ares: Oh you little dragon fan-boy! Might want to replace Dragon Rush with Dragon Claw (more accurate) and Stone Edge with Brick Break. Grimjaw: Epic. TYRANITAR: Aerial Ace? One of the elemental punches? And I'd replace Stone Edge with Rock Slide. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Ursus Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 Aah' date=' Ok. Thank you. You learn something new everyday...[/quote'] In fact, my new "Candescence" archetype uses an Accel Synchro, but I'm not telling you which kind. @ Ursus: Opinions Shade: As good as a Gengar can be. I'd get a Dusknoir if possible. Thank you. Never were much of a fan of Dusknoir, though Mephisto: I don't like Spiritomb; it's slow and doesn't learn good moves. A Water Pulse or Shockwave might be useful; or just get an Umbreon with Payback. I actually love this one. It's a really evil fiend and a force to be reckoned with if you're not ready for a burn plus a curse. Nyx: Teach it Heat Wave. It did have Heat Wave at a point, but as I mentioned before, I don't like having to drag a HM slave around all the time. At least Fly lets me stall yet another turn for a potential KO with Perish Song. Ares: Oh you little dragon fan-boy! Might want to replace Dragon Rush with Dragon Claw (more accurate) and Stone Edge with Brick Break. I'm a really big fan of big, powerful land-sharks that likes to chomp at people. I was concidering switching Stone Edge with Toxic, but Brick Break does also seem like a good idea. I prefer Dragon Rush before Dragon Claw, but I'll see if I'll switch it eventually. Grimjaw: Epic. Muy gracias, amigo TYRANITAR: Aerial Ace? One of the elemental punches? And I'd replace Stone Edge with Rock Slide. Seems like a good option. I'll replace Rock Climb after I've beat Red, as I need both it and Tyranitar there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 Well, we didnt go bowling, but we went to see a movie. And DarkMark, me and Sarah had "fun", we had a lot of "fun" (Dont make any wild assumptions though). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Zero Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 Necro, when you say something like that, wild assumptions are bound to take place. xD Oh, and did you see the newest thread link in my sig? You can talk about the type of real life stuff there that you do here. I am trying to get it moving at a mroe appreciable pace, so yeah. xD Anyway, Accel Synchros? I like the idea. However, they must now do with Synchros what they did for Fusions. That is, they must create Spell and Trap cards (perhaps even effect monsters) that allow you to Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck and have them treated as Synchro Summons, otherwise it will be to difficult, and provbably be widely considered as not worth all of the extra trouble. (kind of like the majestic archetype xD) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 I was sure that there would be wild assumptions, but that would be why I said not to make any. I'm checking the thread out now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Good for you Necro. Shadow, are you talking about that Relics thread, of the Breakfast club? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted April 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 @ Shadow: What a stupid thing to say. Making Synchro Summoning even more easy...why? It already has few boundries compared to its predessors Ritual and Fusion Summoning, so why remove more of them? The reason all that Fusion and Ritual Support came in was because Fusion and Ritual monsters are generally hard to summon. You need specific cards, and in Ritual monsters' cases, the monster itself. Synchros on the other hand, have no such qualms. Konami are currently obsessed with Synchro monsters, immortalised at the moment with the counterparts "Dischord" and "Non-Fusion Zone". Both are Continuous Traps that stop a specific type of Special Summon. However, while "N-F Z" has no time limit, "Dischord" self-destructs after three turns. How obvious does Konami want to make this fanboyishness? The anime also fawns over Synchros and the ease of their summoning, only relying on Fusions as a last resort or unexpected tactic. So far, only three Fusion monsters have been shown in the anime: "Multiple Piece Golem", used by Jack when he couldn't get his Tuners into his hand; a monster used by Sherry, which then got used as a Synchro material; and "Surging Knight Dragoquites", which was formed from two Synchro monsters. No Ritual monsters have been shown. Also, all the characters seem to have forgotten about non-Synchro Decks. For example, when Dark Glass tells Yusei he has a way to defeat the Synchro-killer "Infinity" archetype, he simply shows him another type of Synchro Summon. Then, Yusei attempts to defeat Jack's Deck with a non-Synchro version of his normal deck, which simply consists of a couple of slightly higher level monsters. Does no-one use the "Monarch", "Elemental Hero", "Gladiator Beast", "VWXYZ", "Cyber", "Silent", "Horus", "Relinquished", "Red-Eyes", "Counter Fairy", "Gravekeeper", "Archfiend" or "Umi" Archetypes any more? All don't rely on Synchros, all choosing their trumps as Effect, Ritual or Fusion monsters. Surely Yusei, being a children's-card-game-playing genius, could have worked out a decent Dragon or Level Deck could be an alternative to his current "Warrior" Deck. The degree to which Konami is forcing Synchro monsters is becoming ridiculous. At the moment, the only truely powerful combination to stop Synchro monsters is a high-ATK Ritual monster, equipped with "Mist Body", Ritual Summoned by RFPing one of the "Djinn" monsters, whose effect locks down your opponent's Special Summoning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necro Pheonix Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 He's talking about the Breakfast Club. How are you DarkMark? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 @Max: I agree with everything you said. That's why, since me and my friends don't really play with the ban list in mind (I do more then they do), I am creating a Yata-Garusu lock-down deck. Well, at least trying. I was finally able to get my hands on a Reliquished Ritual spell, so that's going in. That way, if they get a Synchro out before I get Yata, Reliquished can come to the rescue, simce any monster can be used to bring it out, and they take damage if the equiped monster is destroyed. Now if only I had my beloved Toons. Zombies and Toons, my two favorites. Necro, that's what I thought. I just wasn't sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted April 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 @ Dark: It is ridiculous and I'm glad you agree. It's the anime though that makes me cringe the most. For example, whenever the characters need a new powerful's a Synchro. Whenever the bad guy summons his most powerful's a Synchro. And every time that it's against Yusei, "Stardust Dragon" comes to the rescue by killing itself, since everyone has also forgotten about RFP strategies as well, since they don't involve Synchro Summoning. Yusei vs. RFP Deck Opponent activates "Lightning Vortex". "Stardust Dragon" activates and tributes itself. Opponent activates one of "D.D. Crow", "Disappear" or "Soul Release", RFPing "Stardust" and keeping it there. Yusei vs. Monarch Deck Yusei has "Stardust Dragon" in Attack Position and two face-down cards and 4000 Life Points. Opponent activates "Ultimate Offering" and pays 2000 Life Points total to summon, in turn: "Samsara Kaiser""Caius the Shadow Monarch" (RFPs "Stardust Dragon", whose effect cannot negate it)"Samsara Kaiser" (when it's Tributed, it returns to your hand)"Mobius the Frost Monarch" (Destroys both of Yusei's face-down cards) Both Monarchs attack directly. But for some reason, Konami decide that instead of having staple Decks and cards (I have yet to see a "Sangan", "Breaker the Magical Warrior", "Allure of Darkness", "Mystical Space Typhoon", "Heavy Storm", "Lightning Vortex" or "Mirror Force"), the villains must have made-up Decks that work, but not well enough so that lose against Yusei. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Max, that's why I prefer the original. At least Yugi lost from time to time. That's the reason I liked th Waking the Dragons arch. They always came close to losing. Yugi lost to Rafieal the first time! Joey's duel against Valon was one of the closet ones ever. Even in Duelist Kingdom didn't have that problem. I have felt complelled to write a Fic just becuase of Syncros. Sure, they would be used, BUT NOT FOCUSED ON! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Hey all, I'm on. I got to pull of the Awesome Quillbolt Loop combo and won on one person, but the was the third battle, I need to update it, a tad-bit more. Second, I got 10 Special Edition Packs for $99.99 and I gave half two a kid who will pay me back this tuesday. But we randomly split it up. Mine 5 Special Editon Packs:Dandylion's-Common *5Majestic Red Dragons-ultra *2Cards of Consonance-Common*2Dragon Queen of Tragic endings*2Offering to the Immortals*1Gravekeeprer's Visionary*1 His 5 Special Edition PacksRed-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon*4Dandylion*4Cactus Bouncer*1X-Saber Garsem*1 So, those are the only cards worth noting, So, who won? and who got Ripped? in your opinion. Half the cards I got can make up for the 100 dollar drain, easily. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted April 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Well Dark, Yusei has yet to reach his evil stage. If you think about it, the two pivotal duels in 'Duel Monsters' and 'GX' were when the protagonists were evil. Yami had activated the "Seal of Orichalcos" and had unleashed his inner darkness. Judai was possessed by the Supreme King and using the "Evil Hero" archetype. It'll probably be after the whole WRGP arc winds up, because both of those losses occured in the fourth seasons of their animes, but if Konami does what they always have, then an event will cause Yusei to turn evil and either a villain or an obsure friend will defeat him. [spoiler=My Version of Events]Yusei, now possessed by the irate Crimson Dragon, along with Jack, challenge Hiro to a Signer Duel. Hiro manages to perform a one turn kill using his "Schwartz Carrier" Dark Synchro and steals both "Stardust" and "Red Demon's". @ XzY: I'd prefer the 4 "Darkness Metals" since they're far more splashable and in Dragon decks, critical. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 I need to say this now. The only Yugioh anime I have seen in full is the original. I haven't finished the GX season where Zane starts using the Cyberdark monsters yet. You know, Sartorus. I like that guy, sort of reminds me of Dartz. I am looking forward to seeing the "Evil Hero" monsters, as that seems interesting. Maybe I'll give 5'Ds a try once I finish GX. Anyway, It's interesting, they have some weird obsession with the main character becoming evil, and then losing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 @ Max: Yeah, konami is getting obsessed with Synchro's. Funny, I think. So, whats up other than Synchros? I also agree, which if you think about, one of them is 5 dollars as i looked up and two of the Synchros are 10 bucks, so its actually about even i you ask me. lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted April 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Not much apart from Synchros actually, since they're such a huge topic. I just hope that Konami doesn't decide to make an RFP Tuner/Synchro pair, because then RFP would become meta, and it would be ruined. It is incredibly, in many ways the last remnant of the older YGO. A slow game, with monsters lying in wait for your opponent to attack, with numerous Spells and Traps to hinder your opponent, before unleashing the big finish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 I don't have a RFP deck, but would love to have one. They seem like fun. XzY, I don't know. There is only a few cards there I have heard of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Okay, I have to ask you Max, what is RFP and RFPing? seriously, I have no clue.Hmm...Yea, and thats I'm starting to actually wonder why people just dont simply look up cards they don't have for the fun of it. I think my buddy got the better deal, DarkMark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted April 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 Remove From Play and Removing From Play. It's a Deck type that focusses on the "D.D." Archetype, "Caius the Shadow" and "Macro Cosmos". By removing a large number of your opponent's cards from play, you destroy their strategy and assist your own. The big finish is usually "D.D. Dynamite", which deals 300 damage for each of your opponent's RFPed cards. Therefore, 30 removed cards can let "Dynamite" deal more than 8000 points of damage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Headmaster Monokuma Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 XzY, I don't do it because, well, I'm not likely to see those cards. I don't online duel anymore, and my friends don't change their decks a lot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 4, 2010 Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 I don't online duel at all. I'm trying to turn my Quillbolt Loop deck into an Quillbolt Lock deck. Oh, and Max, then your deck would do some damage until i brought out My Imperial Iron wall, Mwahahaha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted April 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2010 That's why it is also packed with Counter Traps and destruction Spells. Your wall would crumble quickly. And I also side "Cemetery Bomb" in case of such an event. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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