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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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It's set just after Hiro and Erika's duel against Placcido and Lucciano.


Akira is a young man (sixth form student in the Duel Academy) from Neo Domino who gets framed for a crime, and is thrown into the same detention centre that Yusei was. Unlike Yusei, he manages to smuggle his Deck into the centre and challenges the Warden like Yusei did.


However, he loses the duel (the game at this point would rake up the difficulty to make it almost impossible for the player to win and if they do, the outcome will be similar) and the electric shocks from the duel disk almost kill him. As he lies dying, Earthbound Immortal Uru offers the player a second chance by becoming a Dark Signer.


Agreeing, Akira is reborn and re-challenges the warden, turning it into a shadow duel. When the player wins (in the original story, he attacked directly with "Uru" to win), killing almost everyone in the facility, he is invited back to Old Momentum by Hiro, who was watching the fatal duels.


After that, the Crimson Dragon geoglyph appears in the sky and the Signer War begins, in which the empowered Signers seek the destruction of the Dark Signers, who in turn fight for their own survival since they are vital to the balance of light and darkness. During the first duel, the player will defeat Jack Atlas, awakening the king of the Earthbound Immortals.


Since both the gods of light and darkness are now flexing their power, both Dark Signers and Signers are continually reborn. So, the player faces all five Signers; Yusei (three times), Jack (twice), Aki (twice), Ruka (once) and Gareth [OC] (once). When the player wins against a Signer, they win their opponent's dragon (it's the only way to unlock the Five Dragons) and any cards that Signer has taken and if they lose, they lose a powerful card that's either to their strategy or just useful or the Signer dragon they took.


Eventually, the player faces Yusei and Aki in a tag duel with Hiro. The final turn of the duel ends with Hiro using his own Trap to wipe out all four players' Life Points. By this time however, the Crimson Dragon's power is fading and Aki is not reborn. Yusei's emotions allow him to survive. Hiro decides that his anger is no longer strong enough and passes "E.I. Ccapac Apu" onto the player (Who's saved by "E.I. Uru", who considers the man still useful).


The final duel, a turbo duel with a pseudo-possessed Yusei, is the game's hardest; with Yusei using a Stardust Deck, focussing on both the "/Assault Mode" and "Majestic" forms of his signature card. The player simply has to win. However, if the player can summon certain monsters or win in the same way as the original story, those cards will be unlocked. In this duel's case, if the player manages to summon the ultimate Earthbound Immortal, it'll unlock it for use.


At the end of it all, a emotion-driven Gemma (third new Dark Signer) and a powered-up "E.I. Chacu Challhua" subdue the Crimson Dragon. It is at this point the player is given the choice by Denique (remember that Archetype of mine? Well, it's a character based on their backstory) to either change history or stay in the current timeline.


Whichever outcome the player chooses, it simply changes some of the cards and other things that can be found in-game and the opponents.

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Glad you think so. In this game, the Story Mode is simply that. It's relatively restricted and events can't be manipulated. The World Championship Mode would be broader, allowing you to compete in Tournaments with various rules; such as Tag Duels, Traditional Format Duels, Mega-Banned Duels, and also duel various single duelists to win cards or certain other unlockables.

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Hey everyone. Sorry for not being on lately. The server was being mean last night, and I was at my friends all day today. Now I am going to be gone for most of the day tomorrow, and then again a large chunk of sunday as well. D: I'll be back on monday though, so no worries! ^^

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Well, I though I might ask, because I was going to make an Synchro that uses an Ritual-Tuner, Fusion-tuner and an Synchro-tuner. Then make a fusion that fuses with it and another one of the same Kind. I call it the Devestation Summoning. So, I will make them together and see how it works, ok, well, peace.

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Wow' date=' a lot of people got affected by the server being down. I wonder why? Thanks Mr.Wham for clearing things up. Also, what would you call it if Synchro required an ritual-tuner and an Synchro-tuner monster, or all 3, possibly?



Not a Synchro, since it requires two tuners. If it only required one of an R.T., S.T. or F.T. it would be an Accel Synchro.

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