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Max Darkness

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ok Here is what i have for B.E.S. Drain what to neg/add would be helpful


[spoiler=B.E.S. Drain]




lv 1-4(2)


snipe hunter


lv 5-6

Cydra x2


Big core x2

Big core MK-2 x3

crytsal core x3

the tricky x2


lv 7+

Covered Core x3

fuiliser dragon x2



Boss rush x3

Machine Developer(assembly line) x2

magicial stone excavation

allure of darkness

Poa x2

lightning vortex

soul exchange x2

brain control

heavy storm



Skill drain x2

dark bribe x2

mirror force

the transmigration prophecy


extra deck(3)

fortess dragon x3


sidedeck (12)

B.E.S tetran

machine developer

fuiliser dragon

breaker x2

dark bribe

the tricky

threatening roar x3

magicial stone excavation



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personally, i would neg 1 Threatening roar and add one Draining Shield, but thats my opinion, because it only works with one attack and threatning roar does the whole turn, your better yet, add in Scrubbed raid in their and you can combo it with other effects, apparently b/cause of a tip card said you could.

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@DarkMark-Thats the truth, but I more focus in almost all my decks to attack and inflict effect damage as best I can. Thats also why he could use Scrubbed raid, too. Because it say's, " During the battle Phase, you can send 1 card you control to the graveyard, except this card, to end the battle phase." I love that card. I need two more. lol.

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I don't even think they release those any more...and threatening roar plus swords is fun to use...even better when you use giant trunade on swords and stop them from attacking for 8 turns. It makes yu lol...and don't even talk about using spell reclamation with giant or swords...ouch lol...and that scrubbing raid sounds useful..it can be spammed for Zombies, Sangan, the white stone of legend, hell even yubel...

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I don't even think they release those any more...and threatening roar plus swords is fun to use...even better when you use giant trunade on swords and stop them from attacking for 8 turns. It makes yu lol...and don't even talk about using spell reclamation with giant or swords...ouch lol...and that scrubbing raid sounds useful..it can be spammed for Zombies' date=' Sangan, the white stone of legend, hell even yubel...



@Mr.Wham and DarkMark. It comes in DP09, this one here, in english of course.




I hope they still make it, oh well, if they don't, that makes it trade worthy.


Oh, and don't buy the to pack Duelist geneis factory sealed packs, they stink. The only good thing I got was intercept.

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