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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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@ Necro: Not as situational as you might think. In a "Monarch" Deck, you'll usually have one Monarch in your hand you can't (or don't want to) Summon at that point (like drawing "Granmarg" when your "Mobius" just cleared your opponent's Spells and Traps), and another one on the field (two in your hand if you're unlucky). Since you can Fusion Summon from the hand, a "Monarch" Deck's hand would be full of Fusion Materials for the Fusions.


@ XzY: Ursus lives in Norway, so he's a little east from me. I'll check out your cards.

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Yeah, I remember you used to be the only one that would give me actually useful advice.


UPDATE: Well, Brad's going out with a good frfiend of mine, Sam. Sam is one of the shyest guys you could ever meet. I feel sorry for Brad only because hes to nervous to even give her a hug. Which is why this weekend me Sarah Brad and Sam are going to do something, and I'm going to help Sam out a bit. Have him break out of his shell.

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1. I've modified my "Delta Drill Destroyer" card. Please comment: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-195243.html



2. Necro...last time something like this happened it became incredibly awkward, one of your friends thought she was bi, and then you stopped seeing the girl you liked to make out with her best friend...I think you should learn something from that. When you get involved in relationships, something strange will happen(!)

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Anyway, how are you Necro? It's been a while since I saw any cards from you.


Also, I've just checked my card thread and a newb (who I am bound to tolerate) has left a degrading comment without explaining. Can you see why people hate newbs? If they don't give a reason, they deserve to be hated... Now I'm moaning at you...

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@ Monarch Set: There are also cards like triggered summon, chained summon, and double summon. Monarchs for swarmage anybody? xD


Anyway, If the Monarch Fusions are no longer able to attack on the turn that they are Fusion Summoned, then they should be able to not be attacked/targeted by effects during your opponents turn after they are are Fusion Summoned. This way, you still have a chance to use them.


@ other: So Necro, care to discuss what happened to cause another jock fight to happen?

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@ Shadow: You've just nuked your opponent's field and/or hand, possibly burning them for it, and now have a 3600 ATK beatstick glaring at them. You can then set Traps for your opponent. And if it is destroyed, you can either Special Summon 1 of the Fusion Materials or re-summon it and activate one of its effects.


(And it's also possible you didn't use up your Normal Summon for that turn, and with "Ultimate Offering", you have a chance to bring out another Monarch which can attack).

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Exactly. You could also use "Kuraz the Light Monarch"'s effect to draw a card or two, then activate "Magical Stone Excavation", allowing you to gain both "Polymerization"/"Dark Fusion" and possibly fusion materials for another summon.


So, by the end of your Main Phase 1, you could have a total of 7200 ATK bearing down on your opponent, who now has an empty field. If you allow them to attack, it's just too powerful.

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Thanks Max, It was just an idea for using the fusion-tuner and Synchro-tuner monsters as set. But, I need to work out the kinks, I should probably go back and view my Accel set and make fixes. I got an 8.7 on it from ragnarock. I made more, but he got banned again. Also, what do you mean by Accel Synchro? I thought they were called Synchro's.

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@Max: I agree...even with such things...

@Shadow: I shuud be RPing more heavily,

@XzY: I will check out yur cards after I wash dishes

@Necro: PM me. Tonight Imma prolly end up calling you


@Everyone: WILL SOMEONE PLEASE LOOK AT MEH CARDS!!!!http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-196463.html IM begging you. Seriously


If you have any ideas for stories but need help I'm your man...


And a general question How do you guys focus when your busy and you know what you need and have to do, but you just can't seem to do it?

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@ XzY: It's a Synchro that requires a Tuner and Synchro non-Tuner, so it is a sub-class of Accel Synchro, one of three.


The first requires a Synchro Tuner, the second a Fusion Tuner, and the third type (the most powerful) requires a Ritual Tuner.



@ Everyone: I'm trying to reinvent the "Hunter" 'Archetype'. At the moment, I've made "BW Hunter", "LS Hunter", "DW Hunter" and "Royal Hunter". If you can guess which four Archtypes they are anti to...good for you.


And do you have any Archetypes you like to be added to the hit-list?

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@ Whamo: Are you referring to my User Title? If so, you're wrong on all three counts.


"X-Saber" monsters are too easy to summon and force hand advantage, when almost every other card that did that before has been banned.

"Stardust Dragon" is stupidly overpowered. It's a self-ressurecting "Dark Bribe". That and "Starlight Road"...

"Armory Arm" gives too much of a boost and then inflicts damage equal to the destroyed monster's ATK. One of the only other cards that does that is "E.I. Ccapac Apu", a two-tribute monster that requires a field spell.


All overpowered much?

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