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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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AAAYYYYYYY!!!! Baslsdslsd jsjsjsdjjewmnSWEEEEEEEETTT!!!!! *drops dead* *revives 7 seconds later* Damn it I forgot to ask for his aim. And I can't wait to see the cards man.XD Just don't leave for too long kay? And How is school! Oh and speaking of which I got accepted into my first college guys! Yay! Wait I think I said that...*goes off into a tangent zone*

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I know...I miss my bufddies...I havent seen striker' date=' Necro, Clair or Chris. AndI stiill have yet to get Sweet's aim...


I want to get his aim as well, although I suppose I could check his profile for that?

Good' date=' Whamo.


I just wanted to see how things are holding up around here. ;)


I'm working on all your Farewell Cards.


.....SWEET LIGHTNIIIING! *enthusiastically bro-hugs* Where you been man, we never see you around anymore! xD How's life going for you? Are you treating Clair Bear nicely? Are you gone gone or just gone till the summer gone? What's up? What's down? What's around? What's apeg? xD lolrandomness

AAAYYYYYYY!!!! Baslsdslsd jsjsjsdjjewmnSWEEEEEEEETTT!!!!! *drops dead* *revives 7 seconds later* Damn it I forgot to ask for his aim. And I can't wait to see the cards man.XD Just don't leave for too long kay? And How is school! Oh and speaking of which I got accepted into my first college guys! Yay! Wait I think I said that...*goes off into a tangent zone*

*corny twilight zone music starts playing off in the background*

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And Max I really like the card! It would be fun to see in the game since Dark Strike is banned!


Thanks. I know. I have no idea why "Dark Strike Fighter" was banned when it is clearly less broken than some later Synchro monsters.



I'm making a warrior fan deck. Any idea's for fusion summonig with material monsters in the graveyard?




"X" + "Y"

This card can only be Special Summoned by Fusion Summon by removing from play the above cards in your Graveyard.

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Dark Strike was banned because its actually more Broken than Brionac. You can use its effect plus gottoms Effect to make your opponent lose their hand and then infintie loop them until they have no lifepoints or Use it with Incredibly High Level Monsters. It was used in Chimeratech OTK decks heavily especially with Ancient Gears. It really is powerful.

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Yea, kids here like to test decks that are forbidden in advanced format and so on. But I've versed all kind of bad decks, and Max Darkness, is that an real TCG card? I sure hope so, I would love it.


Decks I've versed:

Synchro Cat


Rainbows-Easy to kill if not made correctly

Dark Armed Blackwing

and so on.


Decks I made:

Proud of only two,

Flint lock Direct attack

Combo Star-Not tested-still proud

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