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Max Darkness

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You could expect them to get the anime right...


However, they have started using their old plots again. This time, it was a tournament battle in which Yusei was down to his last card (think Yami in Season 4). However, he didn't win with this one.


His situation was so dire that the writers had to make his opponent break character completely and decide to attack when simply ending his turn would have caused him to win. Who would do that?! Apparently it was because he had never had a duel like that before... So? Duel Yusei again when there isn't everything on the line.


Now that that trope is out of the way, we have the joys of the main character turning evil to look forward to (Yami with Seal of Orichalcos and Judai with Yubel). It will also probably be the first time Yusei looses in the present, since that happened last time(s) as well.



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Oh, never been better. All I can say that I am in the biggest fight with Icyblue, you see. So that's also why I don't want people involved, or otherwise they will get the same punishment as me. Just be forewarned, don't ever post in the RC again unless you want to be banned, thats all.

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@ Clair: I need you to answer this one, since you still get the OCG. Are the Structure Decks sold in the OCG (so in Japan or Korea) usually illegal? As in, have 2 "Negate Attacks", "Pot of Greed" and other banned cards in them?


@ Everyone: Currently dispairing at "Stardust Accelerator"...

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I'm still at the guards. It's nigh-on impossible. And I've been doing the Structure Deck duels to earn Duel Points. That's why I've found out most of them are illegal in Advanced Format and most of them aren't very good.


In fact, the TCG-only Structure Decks (Spellcaster's Judgment and The Dark Emperor) are incredibly good compared to these.


As for the story, why am I reliving the anime? I thought the idea of making an original character was so that they could have an original story...not just Yusei's (although Yusei is still in the game...for some reason)

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So far, all Yusei's done that fits with the anime is possibly duel Jack before being thrown in the detention center. I've dueled all the people he should have dueled. And now, I'm breaking into the Sector Security HQ in order to get my Duel Runner back...and Yusei will probably leech of me to get his back. It's stupid.


Although what is stupid are the events surrounding your escape from Satellite via the pipeline. You use your Duel Runner to loose Ushio in the tunnel, but in the next scene, when you exit the pipeline, you're on foot for some reason. And then, you're not even allowed to challenge the Securities to a duel.


(At least if you're a Dark Signer or psychic, you can use your cards to kill people...which is what will happen again later in "Timeless Darkness", most likely in both the present and the possible future...I'm not sure yet. I know someone is going to be eaten by "Chacu Challhua".)

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Wonderful I can end this pages' posts. Yesterday I received an Electric Guitar with a small Amp as well as my first acceptance into a college! Yay! And Currently, I am pondering the question, w

"What happens when you cut something?" It is actually allowing me to come up with a new scientific law but it could be a general order of the universe thing as well. I'm calling it Chaos-Equillibrium theory. Its only an idea, so its just something I'm toying with for now, but I will be happy to share it with you all.


And sorry that the video game cheats Max


And XZY ur not banned yet and I hope you can survive this arguement.

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Well, thanks Mr.Wham. I survived for today, that is. Back at it tomorrow and so on. Thanks. All I can say is that got some people actually involved with this thread of Icy's. I think a few is on my side and others aren't on mine. I took a break because after my last post, he didn't respond so i figured he was done with me, had nothing to do with me. lol.

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My Brother is on this site lol he is quite young lolz but unfourtanatley he lost his account... so when he creates a new ill send him a link tho this site cause it gunna take a long time.... :P I think he is ten now... dunno tho - yeh im his bro and i dunno his age - tho i do think its ten....

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Club username: the everliving blaze or phoenixflare


You know I wanted to join so I can find my way around this site and try to fit in somewhere for god sakes I was never to good at fiting in


My favorite card would have to be double summon its always there when you need it

And I definately play the game in real life I love using spellcasters


I seen the post and didn't know much about joining up but hopefuly I can find my place in this club and share my crativity and love of the game

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