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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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As for Gold and Silver' date=' now that I have them out, I've found that I transferred everything to Silver, resulting in this team (all Lv.100):


[b']Typhlosion:[/b] Flamethrower, Thunderpunch, Return, Dig


Dragonite: Wing Attack, Dragonbreath, Strength, Fire Punch


Tyranitar: Crunch, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Outrage


Blastoise: Surf, Confusion, Ice Beam, Earthquake


Ampharos: Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Headbutt, Iron Tail


Alakazam: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Ice Punch, Recover


lolalakazamwithphysicalmove. ^^


Looking good otherwise, Maximilian. ;D

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@ Clair: Remember, back in GSC, all Ice-Type moves were still classed as Special, so an Alakazam with the elemental punches was quite powerful.


@ Xazeon: It was either that or Strength (an overlooked move IMO, especially in Gens I-III) because I needed at least 1 Physical move.


And if you're interested, I cloned that Dragonite and sent it back to my Red version, albeit with Thunderbolt instead of Dragonbreath...

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As for "Stardust Accelerator"' date=' I've hit a barrier at the sixth opponent. He has a rather strong Normal Dragon Deck and my Deck just can't produce anything to counter it.


I think it's time to start worshipping Action Replay again...





Using AR to beat a game. A Yu-Gi-Oh! game, too. ^^'

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It's true Clair, can you think of a winning deck that has "Gaia, the Force of Earth" as it's highest-ATK card? The modifications I've made have done something, but it's still a terrible Deck.


Plus, once I get the Deck I want, I will go through the game as usual.



@ Necro: Well done!

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Necro had a good time,

Everyone wonders why,

He spills the beans,

He got his first kiss,

Now he has a chance to make a mistake.

Urgh, it didn't come out right. Well, I made it up on the spot, so I guess it's okay. Good for you Necro. While I'm here, "what do you think candy's made out of?" Guess who said that and get a rep.

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