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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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@ Clair: Dark's right. Plus, not many duelists at the moment use cards with more than about 2500 ATK, that's why "The Creator" is safe to Normal Summon at the moment and "Giant Soldier of Stone" is capable of stalling for a few turns.


However, I have just obtained "Swarm of Scarabs", "Zombrya the Dark", "Needle Worm" and "Command Knight" from a few boosters, so this Deck seems to becoming Warrior-based Field Destruction.

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Hm. The packs don't seem to like you Max. Or maybe they do, since you got your friend the Needle Worm. I have got to duel that monkey in 10 soon. The little ape is driving me mad. But not as much as the brown rabid tulips that ate away half of my face. [i made reference, guess who?{Darn, I made another one, guess who again.}]

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@ Clair: Dark's right. Plus' date=' not many duelists at the moment use cards with more than about 2500 ATK, that's why "The Creator" is safe to Normal Summon at the moment and "Giant Soldier of Stone" is capable of stalling for a few turns.


However, I have just obtained "Swarm of Scarabs", "Zombrya the Dark", "Needle Worm" and "Command Knight" from a few boosters, so this Deck seems to becoming Warrior-based Field Destruction.



Your Deck doesn't sound Meta in the least.


I like it. :D

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Thanks Clair :). This is my Deck at the moment. I realise it's Monster-heavy; but almost all the Spells I've been getting out of packs have been Dragon support...so I only have a small number I can use. As you can see, it's mainly DARK and EARTH Warrior and Insect monsters providing the bulk of the strength and effects.



Monsters (24):


Command Knight

Cosmo Queen

Dark Valkyria

Giant Soldier of Stone

Giant Cephalotus

Granmarg the Rock Monarch


Mad Dog of Darkness

Man-Eater Bug

Mataza the Zapper

Mecha Bunny x 2

Needle Worm

Prime Material Dragon

Psychic Commander

Swarm of Scarabs

The Calculator

The Creator

The Rock Spirit

Tune Warrior

Worm Apocalypse

X-Sabre Anapelera

X-Sabre Galahad

Zombrya the Dark



Spells (9):


Enemy Controller

Fairy Meteor Crush

Fusion Sword Murasame Blade

Goblin Thief

Heavy Storm


Share the Pain

Shield Crush

The Warrior Returning Alive



Traps (15):



Compulsory Evacuation Device

Counter Counter

Defense Draw

Destruction Jammer

Divine Wrath

Dust Tornado

Kunai with Chain

Magic Drain

Magic Jammer

Mirror Force


Raigeki Break

Security Orb

Trap Hole



Extra Deck (3):


Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

Magical Android

Psychic Lifetrancer



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09 was obviously set-up differently to 10.


To be honest though, Equip Decks can be killed easily once you get a powerful monster out (in my case, "Psychic Lifetrancer" equipped with "Kunai with Chain". 2900 ATK; pretty deadly I'm sure you'll agree) because they then have to Set their monsters since none of their non-Tribute monsters are strong enough, even with equip cards to take it down.


Plus, if they stall my "Lifetrancer", I currently have "Prime Material Dragon" that can tribute it for a similar amount of ATK points.

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Yeah, they aren't too hard. I use to use one a long time ago, it sucked. I moved to a random jumble of cards. I got my first Zombie deck (Good old Zombie Madness). Learned more, joined the site, got a Synchro deck, got a new Zombie deck (Zombie Madness). Combined it with my old Zombie deck, more World then Madness, and well, that's where I'm at today. A bad Synchro deck, and a pretty fun Zombie deck.

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I really like decks that tend to work with whatever cards you currently have in hand better than decks that focus on a set strategy.


My Memory Requiem deck in real life is built around the above structure, and is rather fun to use, actually. :)


My Memory Requiem set here on the forum hasn't gotten your comments as of yet.


Can I please ask you to take a look at it, as I asked you some days ago? Also, please leave a comment on the thread itself.


Here it is

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Well, I tend to split Decks into five kinds:


1. Strateged: The Deck focusses on a certain tactic, like burn, field destruction or RFP.

2. Purposed: The Deck races to summon or activate a specific card. (eg "Flying Fortress SKY FIRE" in a "Reactor" Deck)

3. Cookie: A selection of staple cards with neither real strategy or purpose.

4. Billy: A Deck for fun, usually themed.

5. None of the Above: A selection of cards that you have that sometimes win, but more often than not, are lacklustre.



BTW, Ursus your "Memory Requiem" set would fall into Deck Type 1, since it is based on hand and field control.

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@ Whamo: I don't think so. It can't be Dark Synchro Summoned (non-Tuner - Dark Tuner). It's Synchro Summoned with a Tuner and a non-Tuner' date=' who both have negative levels. So, yes it has a negative level, but it is Synchro Summoned. Therefore, I'm at a loss to what to call it.



@ Daily: I believe I said that.



@ Xazeon:

1. Hello.

2. I might start ranting about your HG team. This is a heads-up.

3. Any ideas on what to call a Synchro monster that has a negative level?


My HG team is just temporary until I beat the E4.


As for number 3, no, I can't think of one :/


@Ursus: Yeah, he's recovering better than I thought.

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Really good to hear (read). :D


Hope he'll be back on his feet in no time.


Your team looks fine, allthough you have a huge weakness to Rock-type attacks.


HG and SS comes out TOMORROW here in Europe, and I'm excited like a little kid!


Sad it couldn't come out sooner, though. :/

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