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Max Darkness

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True but you can do this with taht deck!

[spoiler=What you can do with this set] 321244k.jpg


Effect:1 "Desperate" or "Sinister" Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner "Desperate," "Mirror's Eye" or "Sinister" Monsters


While this card remains face-up on the field, you can pay 1000 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you do not, this card is destroyed. This card cannot be removed from the field, except by Spell or Trap Card effects. (Damage calculation is applied normally). Twice per turn, you can switch your Life Point value with your opponent's. When this card is attacked, before the Damage Step, you can switch the ATK of the attacking monster with this card's ATK OR return both monster's to their owner's hand or Extra Deck. When this card is returned to your Extra Deck by its own effect, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon this card during your End Phase. Your Lifepoints cannot be reduced to less than 1000 by this card's effects.



And demensia has popped OFF!!!! But Aqua why does Aqua wanna fight GrimmJow so bad...He would kill her...I mean not only is he stronger than he was when Ichigo fought him but he has both arms AND a segunda Resurreccion now...he really would kill her...I'm not being mean im just saying the Truth...

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The word overpowered springs to mind. Work your way down to 1000 LP (since your LP don't reduce once you're there), switch your totals with your opponent and then summon "Caius" possibly gaining a OTK.


It's stupid, to be frank. It can't be destroyed, and in many ways, it's an LP shield. Protect it from card effects and you can quickly set up a kill. Also, you can easily return your opponent's monsters to their hand while this thing constantly respawns, after a while for no cost.

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Exactly so your gunna like that lifpoint burn afetr awhile...But there are ways to simply burn thier ifepoints but Unless deperartion Dragon is on the field this card does have its weakness for examplde boko of moon or Bottomless or any number of cards to be rib of it... its a klevel 12 too so it does fit he OPd genre

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Plaguespreders effect: Send a Dark res thats on the field to top of the deck then Sychro Plague plus what ever yu can


Then have nothing in your hand or Darkworlds or effects that activate in the grave like Goblin Zombie


Then Activate this card call monster and bam switch yur lps with your opponents.


There is a way to make this card genuinelty OPed and that is by changing it to ssay when this card battles which is crazy powerful...

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@ Chrid: In fact, most cards that move from field to the top of the Deck are Limited, like "Raiza the Storm Monarch" (another way to abuse this card.) However, "A Cat of Ill Omen" is not, since it moves from Deck to the top of the Deck so could be used with "Reversal Quiz".


The pics are all from

Jazin Kay's archive.

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I dont know waht it is on the current banlist. Things are going amazingly with Sarah! I was expecting crap about going out with her form 2 people. One of them, who I now realized has changegd over the course of a couple weeks, congragulated me and told me he wouldnt tell the other guy because he knows he would give me crap. It's amazing how people can change.

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Plaguespreader is now restricted to a single copy per deck.


I'm only slightly annoyed that Brionac hasn't felt the wrath of the banhammer yet. :/


Restrict it to 1 all you want, Konami, but you just need a single copy of it to wreck your opponent's game completely. It's also incredibly easy to summon.


Night, guys.

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So should "Judgement Dragon", "Blackwing Armour Master", "Thought Ruler Archfiend", "Red Dragon Archfiend", "Ancient Fairy Dragon" and "Stardust Dragon" but what are you going to do?


*Sighs* Failnami have a distinct Meta and Synchro fanboyishness going on at the moment...



@ DarkMark: How have you never heard of the broken-ness that is "Brionac"?! Anyway, hello. And new card from me: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-195243.html

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Dark Mark you rule for likiing zombies...and not all those Synchros are Bad AF..is sorta balanced...Thought ruler is just offensive stall, Red dragon is a Best stick to the highest degreeand stardust is well deserving of limitage like the first two...and dont get me started on x sabers...

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