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Max Darkness

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No my BloodLust cards.(Even though I never finished the set) Mwahaha. Then we will devour you souls and take your blood and eat you alive :twisted:


Hi guys.


Well 4Kids is sponsoring a trip to compete in the YGO Nationals along with the prospect of winning EVERY CARD RELEASED IN 2010' date=' A CHANCE TO MAKE YOU OWN CARD THAT WIL APPEAR IN A LATER DECK!!(No one said you can't help design the deck too!!))


Yes...It has happened; 4kids finally did something Good!!!

Awesome. Wait do you have to duel? Do get the card made if so I'm scwered.


Unfortunately' date=' you have to be 17 or younger, live in the US (excluding Hawaii and Alaska), and only one person will win.


And given the calibre of some created cards you find on the internet, that new card could be a hugely wasted oppertunity.


I mean, the cards the Japanese fans created were alright, but not brilliant (plus they've only been used once on-screen). But Konami allowed 5 winners (one for each major character), while 4Kids is only granting 1 winner. Yes, it might be good, but at the same time, it'll probably be either meta support (something we all don't want) or completely unrelated to any existing archetype, making it un-useable.



4kids once had a contest that people can sumbit cards they made with there own drawings and only 3 will win. I remmber but not which cards one.

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@ Shadow: Thanks. And I would submit "Caius the Dark Emperor", because then they would have to add the other Emperors, because of completion's sake.


@ Whamo: As for Archetype-free useful cards, "Sangan" is one of the only one I can think of. Remember, 'Archetypes' can be very broad.


@ Ursus: If you check the 'Country' tab when completing the form, it goes "United States", "Canada", "Other"... yep, Afro-Euro-Asia has been grouped under 'Other'. And if you read the T&Cs, it does say only 48 of the US states.


@ Chrid: That wasn't 4Kids. That was Konami. And the cards that were made were "Splendid Rose", "Archfiend Chaos King" and "Morphtronic Cleanen". Followed by "Drill Synchron", "Drill Warrior" and "Rose Bird".


@ Lex: Because when I see something like this, the "Terms and Conditions" button looks like it's shouting 'Click me! And be disappointed!'... So I see how skewed the conditions were. Also, it seems that there are no runners-up. It's a winner-takes-all contest!

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Yeah, those types of contests tend to be kind of suckish, because there is almost no chance of anyone winning anythuing. >.<

Oh I thought you were referring to the other cards' date=' such as "The Overlord." Wait, was that yours or Strikers...


Necro...................................you really have the memory of a goldfish, don't you? I swear, if I was a different sort of person, I would have taken a very high degree of personal offense at that. I mean, seriously, since when was the last time that I made a card taht was not a Reploid Type>?

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4 Dark Synchro Monsters from me:







Effect: “Dark Ocean Sphere” + “Dark Ocean Bivalve”

This card can only be Summoned by Synchro Summon with the above Synchro Materials. If this card is Summoned ignoring the Summoning conditions, it is destroyed during the End Phase. This card is also treated as a DARK monster while face-up on the field. When this card is Synchro Summoned, destroy all cards on the field, except this card. During the End Phase of the turn this card was Synchro Summoned, you can remove from play the Synchro Material Monsters in your Graveyard to make this card un-targetable by Monster Card effects. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot activate or Set Field Spell Cards. If you control no other face-up monsters, this card’s original ATK is 2000. Once per turn, you can skip your Battle Phase to inflict an amount of damage to your opponent equal to the number of WATER monsters in your Graveyard x 100. You can treat this card as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a DARK or WATER monster. If you do, when this card is Tributed, it is removed from play. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, add 1 “Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua" to the top of your Deck.

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[quote='DarkMark' pid='3953622' dateline='1269298628']
Eh. I guess I am. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeyUb2uvOv8]This[/url] has been stuck in my head now. It replaced Santa Christ... I'm sad.

TLOZ = Win. ^^

Max, I will rate those later. ;D
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Awesome cards, Max. :9


I may see if I will care to submit my cards, then... Would be awesome if Jupiter Apson suddenly appeared on wide-screen. :D


Anyways, can you guys comment on this card that I might be submitting to the MR set?


As always, I made the image myself.




The effect should be readable.

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See that is why I said I wuud use Max's cards...lol and Necro we think alike so much its scary. I wuud intend for them to make my Desperation set because It's one of the few Se;f-Mutilating DARK archertypes that is actually good.


Examples: Yubel (Self-Destruction)

Dark Worlds(Hand)

Archfiend(Monsters & Lifepoint)

MY Despearation set = All 3 ^^ bu t mostly lifepoints. The greatest thing is that you can kill yourself with this set before you can kill your oppoentn which always makes for a good duel ^^

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