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Max Darkness

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@ Serenade: That's Testchamber 08:


- What you need to do is shoot the blue portal (the orange one is fixed) at where the lightning ball is bouncing off the wall.

- Then, you need to shoot the blue portal so it is opposite the collector of the energy ball.

- When it goes in, it'll activate the moving platform.

- The orange portal is on a ledge. Use a portal to reach it.

- Then, shoot the blue portal so that it's just above the moving platform. When the platform is underneath the blue portal, go through it, ride the platform and the level's done.



@ Everyone: Kenta the Forbidden One has submitted an even more useless card than Dokugorider. Say hello to Yu-Gi-Oh's weakest monster: Larvae Moth!


(See sig for details)

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"As long as this card is face-up on the field, Plant-type monsters that you control are unaffected by spell cards."


I'm still trying to think of how to properly word the 'can't target other monsters' part of the card.

And I asked for you to post the effect in written format because it would've made it easier for me to help you fix it, silly Aqua. ^^'

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Hey there guys! Please comment on my new Set:




If you're too lazy I'll post just 2 cards.


[align=center][spoiler=Magical Gardener]


This card can only be Summoned while "Magical Garden" is face-up on the field. If there is no face-up "Magical Garden", destroy this card. While this card is face-up on the field, all face-up Plant and Insect-Type monsters on the field gain 700 ATK and cannot be selected as Attack Targets. Once per turn, you may Pay 700 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 8 or lower Plant or Insect-Type monster from your Extra Deck, ignoring all Summoning Conditions. After 4 turns, return the Special Summoned monster to the Extra Deck.



[spoiler=Petal Magician]


This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While "Magical Garden" and this card is face-up on the field, you may Normal Summon it to gain the following Effect:

-While this card and "Magical Garden" is face-up on the field, all face-up Plant-Type on the field monsters cannot be destroyed. All face-up Plant, Insect, Beast and Winged Beast-Type Gemini Monsters are treated as Effect Monsters and gain their Effects.


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@ Shadow: 'Portal' can be bought as a disc or downloaded (for PC) from the Steam Network.


@ Aqua:


Plant-Type monsters you control are unaffected by Spell Cards. While this card is face-up on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select a face-up monster as an attack target except "Lost Guardian-Forest".

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Anyone played counterstrike? I played it on the original xbox with my mates when we got drunk lol we started to piss off some 10 year olds


[The room]


[you + said friends]


[ten year olds]




I would be laughing' date=' watching drunk people screw with people is fun. XD[hr']

Ok thanks Max, Just figured mine was fine cince I jacked Doom fire ecsept the "Must" part.

Would Any one like to challeng me to a 1 v 1?

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Well, I kinda patched things up with the awkwardness with Sarah and all, the only way I knew how. I wrote her a poem. I will post it upon request. She loved it, and now, everythings cool. She's coming to me for advice on what to do, and she's trusting me. Things are starting to look better.

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