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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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Good Luck. And say what I wrote. And tell Sweet I said hi.


I will.


They said that they were disappointed in me, but due to the foul names he had been calling me, they said that my punishment would be less severe.


I can't go over to Sweet's for a week. It could have been worse. A lot worse. D;

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At least the worst of it has been averted. Next time, please be sure to go and tell them right at the start what that bratty little brother of sweets (Sorry Sweet!:() has been doing, okay?


Clair, I have to disagree with you on that last remark of yours. Try and cheer up, okay? :) *hugs*

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Okay. Btw I just thought of something for a story.

So there are these pills/drinks/injection/drugs that increases either you strenght, dexterity, intellgince etc by 10 fold. But there is one draw back. After a certain amount of time your cullar strutcure cannot hande it. And untimalely you die. But if you take a large dose the time peroid is shortened and you turn into a mummy or something.

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