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Max Darkness

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[spoiler=Striker9211 (Counter Fairies) vs DarkMark (Zombies)]this is log window

striker8008|>joined the duel.

striker8008|>loaded their deck Strong and Dangerous.

striker8008|>ready to duel.

striker8008|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>joined the duel.

DarkMark|>ready to duel.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>loaded their deck Ultimate Zombie.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

DarkMark|>shuffled their deck.

striker8008|>Looks like my rant worked

striker8008|>shuffled their deck.

striker8008|>shuffled their deck.

striker8008|>shuffled their deck.

striker8008|>shuffled their deck.

striker8008|>shuffled their deck.


striker8008|>shuffled their deck.

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>Both sites were running slow for be. DONT BUZZ I was typing.

DarkMark|>About gave me heart attack.

striker8008|>*gives evil laugh*

DarkMark|>Are you ready?

DarkMark|>Roll the dice!

striker8008|>rolled 3.

DarkMark|>rolled 1.

striker8008|>Im multitasking

striker8008|>Im here and on YCM

striker8008|>I go

DarkMark|>Dang. I have bad luck.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>So am I. Except I have a thrid site on too.

striker8008|>I have SAW on as well, but that is barely active

striker8008|>move a card from hand to field

striker8008|>move a card from hand to field

striker8008|>move a card from hand to field

striker8008|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>come to Stanby Phase.

DarkMark|>come to Main Phase 1.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>Is SAW a forum?

striker8008|>yes, but is not as active as YCM

striker8008|>my turn?

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>move a card from hand to field

striker8008|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>Rush Recklessly is a Quick Play spell card that gives any monster onthe field an extra 700 ATK points.

striker8008|>I saw Maxs post

striker8008|>I havent heard of it until today

DarkMark|>Okay. I did not.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

striker8008|>bad hand?

DarkMark|>move Regenerating Mummy from hand to field

striker8008|>oh ah

striker8008|>Have 2 of those in real life

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>move Brain Control from hand to field

striker8008|>activated effect of Brain Control.

DarkMark|>So do I. I use Zombies in Real Life as well. My friends hate it when they duel them.

striker8008|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7200.

striker8008|>You monster please


DarkMark|>flip Magic Jammer faceup.

DarkMark|>activated effect of Magic Jammer.

striker8008|>activated effect of Brain Control.


striker8008|>move Brain Control from field to graveyard

striker8008|>I get my Life back

striker8008|>changed their LP from 7200 to 8000.

striker8008|>Now, I can still do my move

striker8008|>come to Main Phase 1.

striker8008|>move Honest from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>I think the cost still applies.

striker8008|>move Gellenduo from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>move Magic Jammer from field to graveyard

striker8008|>move Splendid Venus from hand to field

striker8008|>Prepare to die!

striker8008|>he he he he

striker8008|>Fairies are Zombies worst nighmare

striker8008|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>Dont feel cocky.

striker8008|>Splendid Venus attacks their Regenerating Mummy at #1.

DarkMark|>Soon, they will be there own.

striker8008|>you lose 1500

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 7000 to 6500.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7000.

DarkMark|>move Regenerating Mummy from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>My turn?


striker8008|>Your card had an attack of 1300

striker8008|>My fariy weakened it by 500

striker8008|>All non fairy-type monsters lose 500 ATK

striker8008|>he he he

striker8008|>you may now take away another 500

DarkMark|>I know. Thay had the same power, but the I lost 500 more becuase of it being weakened.

DarkMark|>You may want to look again.

striker8008|>It says 7000

DarkMark|>I already lost 1500. I dont lose 2000.

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 6500 to 7000.

striker8008|>8000 - 1500 = 6500

DarkMark|>Did it change?

striker8008|>its at 7000

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 7000 to 6500.

striker8008|>There you go

DarkMark|>It says 6500 on my side.

striker8008|>end their turn.

striker8008|>he he he

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>move Zombie World from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Zombie World.

striker8008|>tisk tisk tisk

DarkMark|>Yay. I should have activated it already.

striker8008|>Your monsters still lose 500 ATK

striker8008|>he he he

DarkMark|>I dont take unnessacary risks.

striker8008|>Let me guess

DarkMark|>But yours do to.

striker8008|>Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon

DarkMark|>move Book of Life from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Book of Life.

DarkMark|>move Regenerating Mummy from graveyard to field

DarkMark|>turn Regenerating Mummy into defend position.

striker8008|>which one?

DarkMark|>Remove Honest from play.

striker8008|>move Honest from graveyard to RFP

striker8008|>Zombie World will be gone





DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>move a card from hand to field

striker8008|>come to Battle Phase.

striker8008|>Splendid Venus attacks their Regenerating Mummy at #1.


DarkMark|>move Regenerating Mummy from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>Bad starting hand. AGAIN!


striker8008|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>I have 0 luck.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

striker8008|>Ive had horrible luck during duels before

striker8008|>and its not fun

DarkMark|>No, it is not. This doesnt happen to me in real life. So why now?

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>come to Battle Phase.

striker8008|>Splendid Venus attacks their Opponent LP.

striker8008|>you lose 2800

DarkMark|>No I dont.

DarkMark|>I have a monster.


striker8008|>I dont see it

striker8008|>and YGN didnt tell me

DarkMark|>A face-down one. It was there since my first turn.

striker8008|>well, my card attacks it then

DarkMark|>ARGH! This Network is starting to upset me.

DarkMark|>I should try YVD again.

DarkMark|>Its poisan mummy. You lose 500 LP.


striker8008|>changed their LP from 8000 to 7500.

DarkMark|>move Poison Mummy from field to graveyard

striker8008|>YVD is too big for my screen

striker8008|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>Hm. Well, it is free. What can you expect?

striker8008|>Im on a mini laptop Dark

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>come to Main Phase 1.

DarkMark|>Striker. You moster is gone now.

DarkMark|>move Soul Taker from hand to field

DarkMark|>activated effect of Soul Taker.

striker8008|>flip Destruction Jammer faceup.

DarkMark|>I knew I had that for a reason.

striker8008|>activated effect of Destruction Jammer.

striker8008|>move Hand Destruction from hand to graveyard


striker8008|>ha ha ha

DarkMark|>Dang, tough crowd.

DarkMark|>move Soul Taker from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>activated effect of Call of the Mummy.

striker8008|>move Destruction Jammer from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>flip Call of the Mummy faceup.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

striker8008|>i have 2 of those

DarkMark|>end their turn.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>Well, I still have that.

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

striker8008|>move Swords of Revealing Light from hand to field

striker8008|>activated effect of Swords of Revealing Light.

DarkMark|>I have no chance. Im not getting the cards I need.

striker8008|>Let the light shine

DarkMark|>flip Despair from the Dark faceup.

DarkMark|>Darky doesnt like this.

striker8008|>If I force it into ATK its dead

DarkMark|>Poor Despair.

DarkMark|>Yeah, but so is yours.


striker8008|>it lose 500 ATK

striker8008|>mine is safe

striker8008|>he he he

DarkMark|>So does yours.

DarkMark|>Zombie World makes it a Zombie.

striker8008|>move a card from hand to field

striker8008|>turn a card into defend position.

striker8008|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>There is 1 card in my deck that can win this for me

striker8008|>he he he

DarkMark|>Im looking.

striker8008|>for what


DarkMark|>Darn. Nope.

DarkMark|>My idea is dead.

DarkMark|>Or should I say UNdead?

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>added 1Counter counter on Swords of Revealing Light.

striker8008|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

striker8008|>I need my field spell

DarkMark|>Is it Valhalla Hall of the Fallen?

DarkMark|>move Fear from the Dark from hand to field

DarkMark|>I got mine.

DarkMark|>Um. MISTAKE!


striker8008|>lol lol lol

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>come to Battle Phase.

DarkMark|>I didnt think this through.

striker8008|>Splendid Venus attacks their Fear from the Dark at #2.


DarkMark|>Well, its over.

striker8008|>you lose 1100

DarkMark|>move Fear from the Dark from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>changed their LP from 5500 to 5400.

DarkMark|>I just needed a little time.

striker8008|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>One turn left.

DarkMark|>move a card from hand to field

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

striker8008|>added 1Counter counter on Swords of Revealing Light.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>move a card from hand to field

striker8008|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>come to Draw Phase.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>come to End Phase.

DarkMark|>end their turn.

striker8008|>move Swords of Revealing Light from field to graveyard

DarkMark|>Well, I think I lose.

striker8008|>come to Draw Phase.

striker8008|>drawn a card

striker8008|>move Mystical Space Typhoon from hand to field

striker8008|>activated effect of Mystical Space Typhoon.

striker8008|>DIE ZOMBIE WORLD!!!!

DarkMark|>Which card?


striker8008|>Zombie World


DarkMark|>move Zombie World from field to graveyard


striker8008|>Now, i have my advantage back

DarkMark|>I was so close. I had a chance.

striker8008|>move Mystical Space Typhoon from field to graveyard


striker8008|>Now, I need to force that monster in ATK

striker8008|>end their turn.

DarkMark|>So ******* close. Bleeped out for your pleasure.

DarkMark|>drawn a card

DarkMark|>activated effect of Terraforming.


DarkMark|>looking into their deck.

striker8008|>Im going to laugh if you dont

DarkMark|>move Zombie World from deck to hand

striker8008|>Also, Im going to laugh harder if you do

striker8008|>connection has been lost.

striker8008|>Dark, are you cheating?

striker8008|>I Win by default


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