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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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What game?

If Platinum I'll battle you. If shoddy I'll battle you. But I would need to re download it.


'Tis Shoddy, buddeh. ^^


And Dark is honestly not that bad.


Just don't do stupid things that he can see. Like start a flame war. -.-

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I think that the imposter had to be someone who posted on the hate thread about me last weekend. Larxene wouldn't waste the time so she it out. Dark is a suspect because he gave me the link and I think he was trying to set me up. Also, he wasn't on when I came along. Ice and VK could be suspects as well, but I'm not sure what they would get out if that incident. Oh, the suspect also had to like Naruto and Bleach. I'm not a fan of Naruto and Bleach and the fake Striker was.

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Spongebob is gay

Well' date=' it's settled Saturday I'm going with the girl, and 2 of my best friends, both of which know I love her. Good, very good. This is going to work out nice.


Did you ever play Crisis Core?

Going as a friend, I hope. ^^'

Yep. I'm not pushing it.



@Chrid- Epic series is epic.

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