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[Lock] Newb Defense League [Lock]

Max Darkness

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dark bribe!

and clair, there is no such thing as a no glomp zone unless it's irl. since this is the internetz, then by the power of the internetz, i glomp you!~ *glomps* =3 and SL knows me well enough to know that i don't cross certain lines. i even get a little overprotective at times. xD marisda kirisame-ze can attest to this as well. lol

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You do know yu can negate Bottomless with Stardust right guys and where Are Necro & Clair. Its time for them to post in Demensia the NDL's affiliate RP.


Yes, but an RFP Deck can take advantage of that by RFPing "Stardust" the moment it sends itself to the Graveyard.


And when did "Demensia" become the NDL's affiliate RP?



@ Shadow: What are you chaining "Dark Bribe" to?

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I still got my 4 monsters so hah.


I then tune my Road Warrior with Max Warrior to Synchro Summon.

Clustering hopes will evoke a new horizon. Become the path its light shines upon. Synchro Summon! Dash onward, Road Warrior!"


Then I activate both my Quilbolts in my graves effect to Special Summon them.


Now I have:

2 Quilbolts

Speed Warrior

Road Warrior

Hyper Synchron.

Next i tune my Quilbolt with Speed Warrior and Hyper Synchron to synchro



Clustering hopes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!


Now I have:


Road Warrior

Speed Warrior

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Max you said for me to be the representative in the RP section and well I made demensia and I'm openning up to NDL's newbs as a Starting RP for them to join. How ever if this displeases you then it's not added yet so I will remove it. Also Deept and I have made an Avatar RP! ((Sorreh Shadow)) You guys may want to look at it as I had inspired andsemi help make the story.


Anyways Clair PM me. Thats all i have to say about that. I think I take RPing a little too seriously at times...And you know whats I play Horus Lvl 8, Jinzo+Amplifier and Horus Level * and my Set cards are 3 Dark Bribes and Trap Stun & trap reclamtion


And you are right that was a win...And Ithink I'm going to have to have Judai lose a nail...

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*uses Polymerization to fuse The Emperor and The Empress to form The Overlord*


Now all your Synchro Monsters are useless. Mwahahahahahahahaha! If The Overlord became a real card it would be more broken then Stardust.


*activates Lightning Votex*


Say good bye to your Synchro Monsters chrid. Also, Stardust's effect is negated thanks to The Overlord.

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Summons Nayel. Rolls a 6. Goodbye Everyone hello lifepoints. chains with one of various cards that makes opponent lifepoints instead of gaining them. And its more than shortposting its that's shes not paying attention and following the plot. But You are right.

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