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Max Darkness

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In many ways, it's a battle between those who represent life and those who embody death; fighting to see which is dominant in the universe.


Consider it part of the eternal war between darkness and light.


"Aduros" effects focus more on RFP / Defense tactics, while the "Necron" are more Graveyard / Regen / Beatdown based.

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yes' date=' i called you a n00b, not to be confused with newb, that being which we are here to protect.

then use photobucket and stop whining for Ra's sake, or this will happen. :lol:


-.- Don't talk to me -.- and im not whining -.-

lol sorry, i guess i got a little carried away there. xD

Well Max' date=' I couldnt have said it better myself... no really, I couldnt have... That was really detailed...


But, all anger aside, hello everyone. Greetings, Salutations, Shalom. :)


shalom to you as well, my friend.

Well' date=' since you previously said you searched deivantart, I would go with [b']Photobucket[/b] or search through the archives here on YCM.

*facepalms@bold* that's exactly what I had said! XD

Couldn't agree more' date=' Max and Mr. Wham. ^^


I was a little harsh back on the previous page wasn't I?


I hope my ego won't be a hindrance to this club. ^^'


Clair has an ego??? I missed something important...& Chrid/Shadow I'm going to refer you to the posts Max & I Made since they seemed like ignored by the people they are sdirected at..Hello Necro...

didn't see it' date=' since i probably didn't have the time to read all of the posts that i had missed at the time. xD

Hello Whamo.


Well, me and Max are working on re-publishing our Mega Set, so, I will let you all know when the epicness is finished.

It's a conjoined set me and Max made a while back' date=' buit it didnt get much attention. The 2 sets of cards, the Aduros (Max) symbolizes Good, Justice, Purity, and the Necron (Me) smbolizes Evil, Crime, Sin.


lol that sounds very highly epic, and i know my brands of epic just like i know my brands of failure. can you say eternal battle? :D

Its is......

What are some things that looked like winged beast?

I'm so stupid ive been seacrching "Winged Beasts" this whole time when I should of tried some other stuff -.-

i could have told you that. necro already suggested griffin, i would say that phoenix and hawk would be another couple of god ones. you can also try variations on them, you'd be surprised what you would find.

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How about Eagle or bird of (insert Attribute Here) and nice to see you too Chaos & there was somerthing I wabnted to tell yu guys besides the fact that I might be having female issues...I cant remeber what is is...No worries it wuill cvome back to me...


Oh yea...I'm writing a research paper on an excerpt of Text from the Alchemist and I want to talk about how peiople's decisions reflect their true fate which can determine their mental status & heres the only real thing I have tyo show you all. Your opinions wuud be greatly appeciated!


And I just found out it didnt save it....great....FML...just FML

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Dude. I'm 16. O_o


I'm so happy right now. :)


PS: (To above posts) Clair has a really big ego. She's just really good at hiding it when she is trying to make friends. XD

to my eyes, you are still growing up sweet. :lol: and yeah, she sounds just like me. xD she and i would probably make a good couple if we weren't so far apart in mile and age range. XD

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There seems to be a mix-up, and it's hilarious.


Guys, Clair is my girlfriend. :lol:


And it's always good to have a little "child-like behavior" inside you. It refreshes people around you.


Hey' date=' Sweety and Clair. :D


Had fun?


Also, the next chapter of the fan-fic is up, Sweety.



I had fun. Except Clair forced me to go shopping with her... ^^'


I will read and comment. Since I'm the only one who does that sort of thing for fun. XD


My goodness That is...quite serious...

I do sympathisize with Max andI do have some suggestions:


1. Chrid' date=' for card errors & pics you and I are all in the same boat, so we can help each other out or have people who know what there doing help us. Gefhx is good with pics...


2. Striker, I didn't want to tell you but join Demensia OR go post on Otakuworld. You know as well as I do the Yuguioh Omega needs you and just look arund the View New Posts button is there for a reason.


3. Shadow: Unfortunately what Max said is true to some degree. I love as much as the next person the funny things you say, and I don't mind when they are directed at me personally, because I take it as fuel I need to become better. But everyone is different. You need to consider more so how this wil effect everyone when you make your dramatic wentrances


4. Max, yes I'm saying you too. We need better Topics. I mean it is wondeerful when we're talking about Where we are from, what we have done, how is everyone doing, but we need more things on how to make the site better and how to help Newbs. I'm not saying that we can't fun, but I am saying we need more business. I know I am not one to really talk with my recent inactiveness but I still feel I must say this. In addition, Max, the [i']reason why[/i] we come to you for OCG and card fixes is that you truly know what you are doing. Very few members have a talent for card making like you do, and don't even get me started on the images you use and how YOU MAKE CARDS FOR THE IMAGE. It is near perfect. The only other person who even comes close is meh best budds Sweet. I mean the NDL contest to determine the Winner is STILL happening.


5. This is to everyone. In this club moreso than many others, we act like a giant bunch of siblings, FAMILY. This is a good thing but it is also important to know that despite how nice & relaxed it is here, we must post correctly. Its not like we are on another site where I, Sweet Max, etc is a mod or such and can keep this thread unlocked permanently. We do have responsiblities AND we MUST live up to them.


~~Wham Out~~{Gone to Demensia}


Very deep, Whamo...you are one of my best best buds on this site as well! :D

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